Originally Posted by Richard_Croft
(Post 6477551)
I wouldn't mind something like that tbh. It would be so awesome
CD could create a weight language using a reoccurring series of objects, some debris blocks, some fancy architecture pieces, and some symbolic relics and idols.
Then we can pick them up and learn the weight of each different object, and we will find these objects in most tombs, if they have physics puzzles. Because the game will probably be set in one location, that makes it easier to have a constant set of items that follow a similar visual theme. Then we can enter a tomb and find rubble and these items in corners, and if there is a weight mechanism we place them, on, and later in the same tomb we may need more weight in another puzzle, so we have to return, but be mindful of the things we've activated when removing the older weights, in case doors close or we're trapped, etc..
Speaking of that I want life or death situations, some fast, and some slow.
For example a slow one would be a decision we have to make, and if make the wrong one we wait as the ceiling slowly lowers with spikes, and we die.
A fast one would be when the trap is sprung on us without our choosing, and we have to make a live or die decisions n the heat of that moment.
Plus we need a journal back and symbols/ riddles to solve, like hieroglyphs.