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Richard_Croft 17-10-12 11:58


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6483972)

Great! Another interview :D
Thanks for sharing :tmb:

Rai 17-10-12 12:05

Thanks for sharing the video, TippingWater. Good interview from Brian again. :tmb:

Spong 17-10-12 12:10


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6483972)

Not exactly anything new, but at least he's more palatable to listen to than Karl, he didn't mention Batman or James Bond even once.

tomee 17-10-12 18:42

Lara, hungry?


Meh, I'm not that happy with the final outcome of the orange version (I wanted that to be the superior), but w/e. You can't do **** with mouse and keyboard only. :vlol:

Lukass 17-10-12 18:54

Ahahahaha :vlol:

larafan25 17-10-12 18:57

OMG That's brilliant! D:

PERFECT Halloween avatar too!

tomee 17-10-12 18:58

Yep, I'll make an avatar of it :D

LARA_geek 17-10-12 20:36

I have a question about the Tombraider tumblr blog.
I´m totally new to the tumblr stuff. Is it possible to add fanarts to the blog or does the site owner add/reblogg arts?

LNSNHGTDS 17-10-12 20:40


Originally Posted by LARA_geek (Post 6484876)
I have a question about the Tombraider tumblr blog.
I´m totally new to the tumblr stuff. Is it possible to add fanarts to the blog or does the site owner add/reblogg arts?

You can post artwork to your own dashboard on Tumblr, the Tomb Raider Blog is being maintained by... erm... someone from CD I imagine, which means they post whatever they want to post. You can ask them question though, or send them fan artwork but I haven't tried it so not sure if they're gonna respond/post or wahetever.

LARA_geek 17-10-12 21:17


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6484880)
You can post artwork to your own dashboard on Tumblr, the Tomb Raider Blog is being maintained by... erm... someone from CD I imagine, which means they post whatever they want to post. You can ask them question though, or send them fan artwork but I haven't tried it so not sure if they're gonna respond/post or wahetever.

Ok; thank you for the quick answer :)

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