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Tommy123 21-10-12 02:08

Uncharted 3 was so damn boring.

I wonder if Tomb Raider can stack up to Uncharted's storytelling

just*raidin*tomb 21-10-12 02:08


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6489478)
Right, in UC2 can't the mercenaries stomp on ur hand when you try to pull them off a ledge? I think there might have been prompts there.

But there were definitely some prompts in the cargo hatch of the plane during that boss fight thingy in UC3.

I believe you're right. But I think it depends on the setting. There little to no prompts on hard/crushing.

Billy959 21-10-12 02:10

this game better hava anon-stop replay value,like arkham city had

larafan25 21-10-12 02:10

^I feel like this game would be the Arkham Asylum, and the second would be more full like Arkham City.

But then again CD did say "game of their careers" didn't they?


Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 6489480)





what even. i am disappoint, larafan.


Or am eye toys R me?


Originally Posted by Tommy123 (Post 6489481)
Uncharted 3 was so damn boring.

I wonder if Tomb Raider can stack up to Uncharted's storytelling

It was very...on rails-ish. Plus the player wasn't given much to do I think. As well it was really scene-by-scene.

I want Tomb Raider to be hub-by-hub, if that makes sense.

Id' rather the game be treated like an environment/ playground than a scene in which specific actions can happen at certain times.


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6489482)
I believe you're right. But I think it depends on the setting. There little to no prompts on hard/crushing.


But I don't think button prompts will be disabled in TR depending on difficulty. ._.

Though it's not like the game is about finding hidden stuff.

lcroft_lc 21-10-12 05:22


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6488917)
*sigh* You guys are working yourselves up over nothing, right? This ad was for two years ago - something that CD may have been considering at the time (and I believe they said they did consider it), but since they've said no since then, this is what you listen to. It is not gonna happen for this game.

recent Meagan interview

  1. Meagan also said she didn't see many things yet. In the January Podcast with Brian Horton and someone else, she said she doesn't have access to many parts of the CrystalD office. :D
  2. Meagan said she is one of us. So he knows as much as we do. The Multiplayer demo she didn't see, so she says no. :p
  3. Karl said it pretty clear last month that there will be a new feature in Tomb Raider,

Karl Stewart: As we know now, we’re planning our next big PR drop, and we want to make sure that we maximize the amount of exposure as much as possible. As a result of that, we have to quadruple the amount of people who’ll be out there talking. You’ll start to hear from a lot of people, including Dan Bisson, who as people may remember stood up on stage there with Darrell and demo’d the game. Dan came in probably a little over a year ago or thereabouts from Montreal. He’s worked on a ton of games, from Assassin’s Creed to Rainbow Six. He’s working on one specific feature, which we’ll start talking about later on. He’s from back in the days on Assassin’s Creed. He’s brought a wealth of experience, and he’s the type of person I want to be out there now, talking and making sure that he communicates a lot of the features and a lot of the systems that we haven’t gotten under the hood on.

just*raidin*tomb 21-10-12 05:28

That line particularly is suspicious.

However, Meagan is one of us in the sense that she is tomb raider fan only...but she knows far more than we do. I mean she's probably played the entire game already tbh. She knows what the game is about because it's her job as community manager to... know about it.

I mean she works there. .__.

The1andOnlyTR 21-10-12 05:32


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6489582)
That line particularly is suspicious.

However, Meagan is one of us in the sense that she is tomb raider fan only...but she knows far more than we do. I mean she's probably played the entire game already tbh. She knows what the game is about because it's her job as community manager to... know about it.

I mean she works there. .__.

Oh, she has. She told us at NYCC. She's very good at not spoiling anything. :p :pi:

lcroft_lc 21-10-12 05:47


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6489006)
By the way guys, we've reached page 2012. :pi: (now 2014)

Yay! I started the page 2012. :yah:


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6489582)
That line particularly is suspicious.

However, Meagan is one of us in the sense that she is tomb raider fan only...but she knows far more than we do. I mean she's probably played the entire game already tbh. She knows what the game is about because it's her job as community manager to... know about it.

I mean she works there. .__.

Yeah I bet she played the entire SP campaign, might be multiplayer as well. ;)


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6489323)
Definition of Entirely:

From: Here

With regards to this:


What the definition of 'SOON' according to that site? :p


Originally Posted by Tommy123 (Post 6489346)
I wanna play Sam in multiplayer

Can you imagine how her eyes are moving with the camera and you almost see nothing because of her moving eyes? :p

Tommy123 21-10-12 06:15

Her eye should be a separate multiplayer character.

lcroft_lc 21-10-12 06:42


Originally Posted by Tommy123 (Post 6489600)
Her eye should be a separate multiplayer character.

No, it should be a separate DLC option. ;)

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