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Love2Raid 09-12-12 17:58

That's how most women are projected in the movies. Men use violence, women spread their legs (to get what they want). Nothing new here. :rolleyes:

LNSNHGTDS 09-12-12 17:59


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6559475)
That's how most women are projected in the movies. Men use violence, women spread their legs. Nothing new here. :rolleyes:

Yes but that's not Lara, Bayonetta for example (totally not inspired by your avatar :p ) would do something like that, and that's who she is and I love her for that, but not Lara D: .

Phlip 09-12-12 18:01

I've just never interpreted it like that, and never will. =/

Anyway I love Lara's character in the films so I "trust" her decisions.

Tonyrobinson 09-12-12 18:13


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6559457)
As I say I think there was real affection in it, and I thought it was kinda cool how Lara suddenly handcuffed him.

Oh the images my mind has conjured for the outcome of that scene when those cuffs came into play. :cln:

Love2Raid 09-12-12 18:35


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6559476)
Yes but that's not Lara, Bayonetta for example (totally not inspired by your avatar :p ) would do something like that, and that's who she is and I love her for that, but not Lara D: .

I don't think either would, since there is no need for them to go that 'low'. But a Bayo movie, if it was ever made, would most certainly be 18+ and not just because of the violence. :vlol:
So it could have been a lot worse, we should be happy with how Hollywood portrayed her in these 2 movies. Remember that it was before the reboot, she was a huge sex symbol back then. :p

LNSNHGTDS 09-12-12 20:40


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6559533)
I don't think either would, since there is no need for them to go that 'low'. But a Bayo movie, if it was ever made, would most certainly be 18+ and not just because of the violence. :vlol:
So it could have been a lot worse, we should be happy with how Hollywood portrayed her in these 2 movies. Remember that it was before the reboot, she was a huge sex symbol back then. :p

Yes I guess you're right, and reboot or not her sex symbol title ain't going anywhere, she was, is and will be a sex symbol, such a title is not dropped that easily, besides, if they want to take off the title by giving her an even bigger cleavage they're doing something wrong :vlol: .

Hairhelmet12 10-12-12 00:14

Omfg someone had this anon on tumblr who said:


i imagine the end of the new tomb raider, lara gets her trademark dual pistols and hair braid. she also leaves the main bad guy alive and confused, walks away and turns to the camera saying "I only play for sport." BAM ONE LINER THEN CREDITS


italibabee 10-12-12 00:32

The crazy things LF25 makes.

lcroft_lc 10-12-12 05:00


Originally Posted by Hairhelmet12 (Post 6559958)
Omfg someone had this anon on tumblr who said:


Best possible ending. :tmb:

tampi 10-12-12 12:09

I keep reading articles making reference to the recent VGA awards extolling all the virtues of the new Tomb Raider. :tmb:

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