anotherAODfan |
22-12-12 19:47 |
I just spoiled myself and watched all the IGN footage of last week and I am really impressed.
The night hub looked so alive with the wind , lightning and rain and was also aesthetically appealing with those Japanese style huts and the giant statue in the backdrop . Great art style . And the most impressive thing was that the place looked so open and explorable and we are actually inside the environment rather than glued to walls.
The bunker was also surprisingly great. The whole gas valves part reminds me more of tomb raider classics rather than uncharted. Similarities are there but honestly it is clear that the game wants to stand on its own rather than stay under uncharted's shadow. We are not just shooting our way through countries, we are exploring open hub spaces which we will visit multiple times with new gear and experience . How is this an uncharted wannabe?:confused:
The only downside I can think of is the frequency of combat. But then the first three hours of TR2 were also a gunfest with no tombs . So its not a big deal