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Carbonek_0051 07-01-13 15:31


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6593662)

It's true. There are members here who will put you on a stake and burn you if they think you are against TR.

Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6593667)
Nazi? Please... I asked a simple question.
If you can't understand what other people say or how they say something you shouldn't respond unless you are sure. :wve:

Take your own advice, smart guy.

Dark_Messiah 07-01-13 15:31


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6593662)

kinda true though.

Tomb Raider is not the best game in 2013.

(and now just wait for 'them')

Evan C. 07-01-13 15:34

But there's a big difference between being a moron and a nazi.

SpyrosMonster 07-01-13 15:34

I don't even care about the awards.
I just asked a simple question but is seems that here you can't ask or tell anything without being called names or being criticized... lol whatevs...

LNSNHGTDS 07-01-13 15:35

I can't believe I lost a fight! You guys should leave a reminder 1 minute prior to the beginning of the fight.

SpyrosMonster 07-01-13 15:36


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6593681)
I can't believe I lost a fight! You guys should leave a reminder 1 minute prior to the beginning of the fight.

What? Nobody is fighting... :confused:

Linoshi Croft 07-01-13 15:36


The whole discussion was over the games being more of a movie than a instantly saying...They are both 3RD Person Cinematic AA games. That was your argument about them being just as much as movies as eachother.

I was saying it's silly as that is not enough to say it is more like a movie, as I said how the game is executed is what's important. I don't know what you think we were talking about but spanning from my original point this was all about them being movie like nothing else.

You seem to think that just because a game is cinematic means it more like a movie, yes that is also important. However, breaking down TR and TLOU their execution both makes them different and either more movie like or not which I believe the TLOU is very movie like.

For example, take platforming for example.

TLOU (From what I've seen)

-Walking around, few linear paths leading in the same way. Pressing one button to get up and pull yourself up the item.

Literally all I've seen in that game.


-Normal ledge hop and climb, single button like the TLOU.
-Pick Axe. X to interact with, A to jump including X again to reattach.
-Being able to direct Lara within the air.
-Use ropes to platform further (with the bow)

There's probably other things I've missed but that's my point. They are both cinematic and heavily story based but in boths gameplay TLOU is always very simplified.

Even in combat which the TLOU seems more about is simplified. Enviroments are more linear to...meaning less interaction with the world. Puzzles...simplifed and none existent and more just about finding a way up to places or handling enemies (which TR does to though TR has many more interation of puzzles)

The game lacks substance and depth, and seems more movie like based on everything I've seen. Why? explained above.

Evan C. 07-01-13 15:36


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6593681)
I can't believe I lost a fight! You guys should leave a reminder 1 minute prior to the beginning of the fight.



Dark_Messiah 07-01-13 15:36


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6593681)
I can't believe I lost a fight! You guys should leave a reminder 1 minute prior to the beginning of the fight.

There are fights here every day, hard to miss :o Or at least, heavy discussions :p

LNSNHGTDS 07-01-13 15:41


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6593684)
What? Nobody is fighting... :confused:

Well it wasn't exactly a fight, but the whole "being called names" thing and the heated conversation fall under the "Fighting" category in my mind, lol :p . My post wasn't meant to be serious, of course, it's just that I like to see a funny side in... well... nearly EVERYTHING :p .


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6593686)



You pick a place to fight, I'll bring a cheering mob ;) .


Originally Posted by Dark_Messiah (Post 6593687)
There are fights here every day, hard to miss :o Or at least, heavy discussions :p

Yes, this place is rather... intresting xD .

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