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Valentino 24-02-13 23:30


Originally Posted by dantedmc (Post 6668363)
Where it says i can't post released stuff, like cavern gameplay? One must be banned is you with you negative attitude and constant complaining, bitching and whiting. Like someone owes you money here.

Why should the majority of the forums have to stay away? The majority of us don't want to see new stuff. You can go make a spoiler thread if you want but it will just get taken down. Posts have already been deleted earlier because people were talking about the leaked video gameplay.

DaNoNeMoKiId 24-02-13 23:31


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6668352)
I've been spoling myself too. I told myself I wouldn't, but it's hard to resist. :vlol: The game does look really amazing, though. I wanna play it. ;__;

IKR?! I'm so disappointed they took that out. :/

yeah :( it really makes no sense that they had to remove it. IT WAS CUTE.

Peep Show 24-02-13 23:33


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6668375)
Read his post, would you? He was not talking about gameplay from the leaked version. He was talking about official material.

I never complained about official stuff though, i'm just against leaks.

Zebra 24-02-13 23:37


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6668380)
I never complained about official stuff though, i'm just against leaks.

The discussion was about spoilers and his point was that hours of gameplay have been officially released and it has obviously been discussed and posted on here so people who don't want to see spoilers shouldn't be on the forums.

I don't agree with him on that. But that's what he meant.

TippingWater 24-02-13 23:41


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6668349)
Funny because I remember how you bitched about CD showing too much.

I bitched when they showed too much, like for example in the vignettes for Underworld. They spoiled entire levels.

dantedmc 24-02-13 23:44


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6668385)
The discussion was about spoilers and his point was that hours of gameplay have been officially released and it has obviously been discussed and posted on here so people who don't want to see spoilers shouldn't be on the forums.

I don't agree with him on that. But that's what he meant.

That's exactly what I meant. Those people could discuss past games at other sections of TR forums or stay without demanding removal of every single image/spoiler they see around here. For some of us it's perfectly fine viewing it all before release and It's pretty annoying when they complain too often.

egypt_gypsie 24-02-13 23:44

Off topic, but what happened to the thread where we got to ask Eric Lindstrom questions after he got fired. (he joined the forums)

Zebra 24-02-13 23:46


Originally Posted by egypt_gypsie (Post 6668396)
Off topic, but what happened to the thread where we got to ask Eric Lindstrom questions after he got fired. (he joined the forums)

What do you mean with what happened to it? It's still in the TRU section.

Dingaling 24-02-13 23:47

Har you go egypt_gypsie

Valentino 25-02-13 00:12

IGN review scores for

Crisis 3 - 8.5
MGR: Revengence- 8.5
Dead Space 3 - 7.8

If TR can get higher that would be tremendous as, i'm guessing, big games (I don't play any of these).

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