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Deboda3 25-02-13 05:14


Originally Posted by T0MBraider (Post 6668689)
Definitely both, IGN always post a video review for AAA games


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6668690)
A written review, I'd think. But GameTrailers is probably gonna have a video review, as well. I'd imagine they've also gotten a review copy so it should probably be up this week, as well.

EDIT: Ah, T0MBraider has already given a better answer :p.

Thanks :tmb:

Steven_1379 25-02-13 05:16

[Spoiler]so TR has its own Smoke Monster?[/cpoiler]

Zebra 25-02-13 05:19


Originally Posted by Steven_1379 (Post 6668696)
so TR has its own ?

Firstly: I have no idea what you'Re talking about.
Secondly: THAT'S A SPOILER!!!!

sanromano 25-02-13 06:01

Sites like Gamespot and IGN always do video reviews.

T0MBraider 25-02-13 06:07


Originally Posted by Steven_1379 (Post 6668696)


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6668700)
Firstly: I have no idea what you'Re talking about.
Secondly: THAT'S A SPOILER!!!!

Have I just read something I shouldn't have? :o

Zebra 25-02-13 06:09


Originally Posted by T0MBraider (Post 6668717)
Have I just read something I shouldn't have? :o

I don't know. But it's very possible that he heard about that from someone who played the leaked game or saw it in a leaked video. So it's probably a spoiler.

TRItheMaster 25-02-13 06:11


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6668723)
I don't know. But it's very possible that he heard about that from someone who played the leaked game or saw it in a leaked video. So it's probably a spoiler.

Oh god why. ;-;

DaNoNeMoKiId 25-02-13 06:12

i came back after taking a shower and when the site didn't load i freaked the **** out. i thought the whole game's plot leaked on here or something lmfaoooo.

T0MBraider 25-02-13 06:14


Originally Posted by TRItheMaster (Post 6668727)
Oh god why. ;-;

The worst part is if you have seen the movie "Men and Black", then you know exactly what he is talking about. :'(

dantedmc 25-02-13 06:16


Originally Posted by DaNoNeMoKiId (Post 6668728)
i came back after taking a shower and when the site didn't load i freaked the **** out. i thought the whole game's plot leaked on here or something lmfaoooo.

Good morning. The game itself leaked and ppl keep uploading gameplay vids on youtube. What are you talking about?

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