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Tomb_of_Darkns 06-03-13 01:42

Just got the game on PSN and its currently downloading!!! I can't wait Also if you guys didn't know if you had bought it through PSN you get all the skins!!! and ShantyTown for Multiplayer AND hitman absolution weapons!!! All for 60 BUCKS!!! SO happy....Also got Quantum Conundrum with it so thats cool! lmao WOW so many benefits for getting it online!!!!

tombraiderxii 06-03-13 01:44


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6687228)
PS3 has sharper textures and better colors (IMO) but playing a little bit of it, the frame rate can drop sometimes. The characters also froze in one cutscene and I had to skip it. I'll be going back to PC. Got the CE for the collectibles mostly. :p

Mathius in the cutscene where you first meet him? Yeah. same thing happened to me, but overall it's running pretty smoothly. My brother can't hunt deer to save his life! :vlol:

frozen_star 06-03-13 01:57


Originally Posted by M1chae1a (Post 6687819)
Thanks and no i'm on xbox. Sorry can't help with that :(

No issues. Enjoy!

Caldwin 06-03-13 01:58


Originally Posted by Tomb_of_Darkns (Post 6687846)
Just got the game on PSN and its currently downloading!!! I can't wait Also if you guys didn't know if you had bought it through PSN you get all the skins!!! and ShantyTown for Multiplayer AND hitman absolution weapons!!! All for 60 BUCKS!!! SO happy....Also got Quantum Conundrum with it so thats cool! lmao WOW so many benefits for getting it online!!!!

Got the Collectors Edition. Also got quite a bit of an incredibly articulated toy, iron on patches, map, nice tin.

Oh, and the Gamestop I went to had a contest where we shot nerf darts at a promotional standee of Lara. Closes to a headshot took it home. I won! Barely able to get it in my trunk, but I made it home.

And I still have the storage space on my PS3 hard drive! :ton:

Linoshi Croft 06-03-13 01:59

Finished the main story :D

M1chae1a 06-03-13 02:03

Probably a silly question but I know the game saves automatically but is it still ok to switch it off or do you have to manually save it?

Linoshi Croft 06-03-13 02:04


Originally Posted by M1chae1a (Post 6687867)
Probably a silly question but I know the game saves automatically but is it still ok to switch it off or do you have to manually save it?

I just switch it off, the thing saves like every 10 steps :pi:

M1chae1a 06-03-13 02:06


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6687868)
I just switch it off, the thing saves like every 10 steps :pi:

Ok lol just wanted to double check :p

JayB18 06-03-13 05:43

9 hours in and just finished the river/parachute scene after impaling Lara about 5 times. About how far am I?

LNSNHGTDS 06-03-13 06:05


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 6687513)
Anyone else notice that the motion captures actors didn't actually play the game ones. Lauren Mary Kim supposedly motion captured Sam but she was voiced by another actress in the game infact she was voice by two actresses in the game neither of them were Lauren though! :p

Wow, I would have never noticed that :p (except maybe if I actually watched the credits... ) , nice find :tmb: !

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