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LNSNHGTDS 20-05-13 16:37


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6791785)
No, they didn't like the story. Some Nintendo DS game is.

Come again?

Linoshi Croft 20-05-13 16:42

He's talking about Fire Emblem: Awakening. I personally, think it deserves it.

Valentino 20-05-13 17:47

Did anyone from Crystal go work at Naughty Dog? Or vise versa. Because TLoU has a bow, caught in a trap and hung upside down while shooting enemies, crafting weapons/upgrading them, survival game. Was TR a survival game? W/e but I just watched some new gameplay and was thinking "woah, reminds me a lot of TR2013". Just like when people were saying the new TR reminds people of Uncharted. I can't wait for the game though.

Linoshi Croft 20-05-13 17:51


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6791951)
Did anyone from Crystal go work at Naughty Dog? Or vise versa. Because TLoU has a bow, caught in a trap and hung upside down while shooting enemies, crafting weapons/upgrading them, survival game. Was TR a survival game? W/e but I just watched some new gameplay and was thinking "woah, reminds me a lot of TR2013". Just like when people were saying the new TR reminds people of Uncharted. I can't wait for the game though.

People who worked on Legend moved to Naughty Dog apparently. Though that's all we know. I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

The1andOnlyTR 20-05-13 17:57

Anyone wanna fanboy/girl with me for a bit?

Imagine if tomorrow, during the Xbox reveal, they announce a trailer that starts with: "The following is in game footage" or something to that affect, and they reveal a VoiceOver teaser trailer for the new TR with something simple like next gen Lara. :cln:
I'd die. :p

skylark1121 20-05-13 18:12


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6791951)
Did anyone from Crystal go work at Naughty Dog? Or vise versa. Because TLoU has a bow, caught in a trap and hung upside down while shooting enemies, crafting weapons/upgrading them, survival game. Was TR a survival game? W/e but I just watched some new gameplay and was thinking "woah, reminds me a lot of TR2013". Just like when people were saying the new TR reminds people of Uncharted. I can't wait for the game though.

I find it ironic that TR has been so compared to Uncharted, and now, The Last of Us is getting comparisons to TR. Here at least. Are people on other forums, etc. comparing Last of Us to TR? I would be interested to know. :p


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6791964)
Anyone wanna fanboy/girl with me for a bit?

Imagine if tomorrow, during the Xbox reveal, they announce a trailer that starts with: "The following is in game footage" or something to that affect, and they reveal a VoiceOver teaser trailer for the new TR with something simple like next gen Lara. :cln:
I'd die. :p

I would die, too. :cln: :D

spyrostr 20-05-13 19:06

i would love it if she could be a freerunner or if she could perform some parkour movements in the sequel

i already miss her acrobatics

Linoshi Croft 20-05-13 19:09

Meh, I have Mirrors Edge for that. Plus, a lot of that seems entirely impractical and just being flashy for the sake of it.

Mikky 20-05-13 19:25


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6792030)
Meh, I have Mirrors Edge for that. Plus, a lot of that seems entirely impractical and just being flashy for the sake of it.

Yeah, exactly.

Maybe chimney jumps can return, but full on parkour? Naaah. :p

spyrostr 20-05-13 19:31


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6792049)
Yeah, exactly.

Maybe chimney jumps can return, but full on parkour? Naaah. :p

i said that she could have some parkour movements.....not to be an entirely freerunner ;)

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