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Tonyrobinson 18-01-12 12:55

People are forgetting that it's Karl's personal twitter so it's not going to be about Tomb Raider all the time, as much as we'd like to see Tomb Raider news it's @crystaldynamics or @tombraider that we need to follow. :p

I do think his tweets are 80% food and alcohol related, 15% Percent sport related, 10% family related and 5% Tomb Raider related. :)

To be honest I don't think he likes Tomb Raider forums because we are gonna judge the harshest either way, we are the TRUE official forums. :vlol:

Lukass 18-01-12 13:05


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 5924262)
I do think his tweets are 80% food and alcohol related

True dat! You're right :pi:

lcroft_lc 18-01-12 14:37


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 5924262)
People are forgetting that it's Karl's personal twitter so it's not going to be about Tomb Raider all the time, as much as we'd like to see Tomb Raider news it's @crystaldynamics or @tombraider that we need to follow. :p

I do think his tweets are 80% food and alcohol related, 15% Percent sport related, 10% family related and 5% Tomb Raider related. :)

To be honest I don't think he likes Tomb Raider forums because we are gonna judge the harshest either way, we are the TRUE official forums. :vlol:

I follow all those twitter accounts.

Love2Raid 18-01-12 16:04

Found this Q&A while I was browsing Eidos Forums, you might find it interesting:


Originally Posted by Karl Stewart
Thanks for the great questions, everyone. Below are the answers to the picked questions!

stevo505 asks: Will we ever see some behind the scenes content, such as motion-capture and voice-recording sessions?

Yes, we intend to show lots of behind the scenes content, but are working to ensure that it isn’t delivered in the same old vein as developer diaries. We’re going to do something very special in not-so-distant future, although I don’t want to give it away right now.

aragorn2 asks: The game will have any stealth system or it will be more action style?

We’re working very hard to ensure our combat system has a variety of different play paths and play styles. Melee, ranged, and stealth interactions all play a huge part in this world. We’re looking forward to showing you our combat system around E3, when we’ll be unveiling it.

LaraRocks2 asks: Can we expect to see a variety of enemies? or will it be exclusive to the islanders and animals? (ie no more mythological creatures?) and/or boss battles?

I don’t want to keep giving away spoilers. There is obviously an element of mystery to the island that you have to play to properly experience. I can say that there are plenty of people on the island, and lots of diversity in your encounters. I look forward to fans seeing the bow in action, and to hunting. That’s what you do on an island, right? Hunt.

adobeARTIST asks: Now that Lara is so much more humanized (bravo on that direction of character development) what's the potential to see her get involved in any relationships?

I’ve read and fed into the script now on many, many occasions, and I can tell you that there is no love interest in this game. She is trying to survive. She is busy. Surviving the situation is all she can cope with right now; surviving a relationship would be a bit tough. In one of the next releases we could possibly see this more human Lara meet someone, but that is way over the horizon.

Foundered asks: All the past games have had Lara search for an artifact. Will the goal of the game be an artifact, or survival?

Lara has landed on an island that is shrouded in mystery, so obviously we want her to uncover that mystery. First and foremost she has to survive. There is a core discovery to be made, and that core discovery will unlock the mystery of the entire island and answer a lot of questions for you. There are items and artifacts that you have to pick up and find around the island, but everything points to this big discovery.

larafan-25 asks: Will the axe interact with fixed climbing points, or will we be able to free climb with it?

We have a very wide range of fixed points, guaranteeing you’ll have freedom of movement. There are limitations, however, like not being able to jump off the side of a cliff and hook onto the side at random to free climb. The real world doesn’t work like that. Like real life you can’t just walk up to a cliff and assume you can climb it. It may be too steep, or too rocky, or jagged. But then there will be other areas perfect for climbing. It will feel organic and natural. The path won’t be screaming at you – no white ledges.

PS. Meagan accidentally picked 6 questions instead of 5, so you guys get a bonus one for this first Q&A session :)

Due to the wide range of different topics addressed, I think it would be best to just discuss it here, in the general discussion thread. But if you can't suppress your urge to create a new thread then by all means go right ahead. :)

NightWish 18-01-12 16:11

Hey guys I saw that someone has asked Karl questions.

I am wondering could someone ask him something about the overall direction of the franchise as a whole past this game. Like what would be the direction of the next? If the gameplay in this game is so focused on darkness, survival, horror, and gore many people might like those features. What would happen if poeple want more of that?

And does not having supernatural enemies in this game mean that the supernatural element is gone from the franchise replaced by complete realism and logic?

I think that they should talk more about that

Lukass 18-01-12 16:14

^ Thank you for posting this. Interesting....

NightWish: Do you think he would answer a question about TR10 when he can't even tell us million of things about TOMB RAIDER? That is not gonna happen. Don't be fool I guess.

lcroft_lc 18-01-12 16:33

Yaay. Karl said a new word instead of VERY SOON. Its "not-so-distant future". :jmp:

larafan25 18-01-12 17:03

**** me.

Holyu crap.

Karl you just made my life.



Hands down. I'm dead.

edit: Also, you can tell "The island has a whole lot of mystery" is one of those answers that goes either way.

Either "No, no supernatural enemies, but this is my way of getting around such a redundant question" or "uhmmm...I've been trying not to give the plot away, so stop asking, the island has mystery".

We've tangled ourselves up in a web. Don't spoil us CD, but do tell if there are supernatural enemies, so we know when and what to expect at the end of the game when we're greeted with a bunch of freaky ****ed up monsters ala Uncharted 1.

It makes me feel gross thinking back to how everything was just given to us in a constant traditional style of media, like non of it mattered in the game and was just for talking about.

edit: Oh fudge, my question was picked! <3

I understand what he means, and this is essentially what I've expected (not my dream of course). That we'll probably find some surfaces looking climbable (sort of like vines in the classic games) and some other parts of the rock not looking climbable. However I would have thought it would be different, like the climbable part would be more rough and crumbly looking like in Lara's Shadow. Man, they really went to town on these questions. Awesome!

Lukass 18-01-12 17:05

:yah: :jmp: :yah: :jmp: :yah: :jmp:


I look forward to fans seeing the bow in action, and to hunting. That’s what you do on an island, right? Hunt.

Love2Raid 18-01-12 17:09


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5924557)
**** me.

Holyu crap.

Karl you just made my life.



Hands down. I'm dead.

Creep close, press a button and a QTE will start. I bet it's going to be like that, lol. :p

I am surprised that he answered your question about the axe. They're slowly giving away more details about gameplay now. Unfortunately we will have to wait till E3 for combat. :(

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