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larafan25 09-05-12 00:31


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6157925)
If the combat is so unique according to them, I'd love to be able to use the pistol with one hand and the climbing axe as a weapon with the second one. Both at the same time...

I would enjoy dual wielding very much. Aiming the gun and holding the axe for close combat, but will we need the crosshair for the axe too?

Maybe dual wielding would be something you have to work towards in the skills system? If not in this game, totally in the next.

Lukass 09-05-12 00:34


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6157929)
I would enjoy dual wielding very much. Aiming the gun and holding the axe for close combat, but will we need the crosshair for the axe too?

Maybe dual wielding would be something you have to work towards in the skills system? If not in this game, totally in the next.

I wish really. It would be so cool if it was possible and the controlling wouldn't be frustrating, if you know what I mean.
I'm also wondering if we'll have to use different buttons to make different smashing moves with the axe or if she's still doing the same like Alice with her blade.

Weemanply109 09-05-12 00:43

The combat aspect better be amazing. ;_; I am soo excited for this.


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6157887)
Well, the game was far from finished back when those screens were taken, so a few bugs here and there is acceptable. ^_^

You know, that's something about this whole waiting that's going to be very interesting. We haven't seen anything in a whole year. I wonder how the game will look now. Small upgrades aren't so easy to spot when you get new screens on a regular basis, but after an entire year I bet there will a lot of visible changes. This is quite exciting.

Gurrl. You've got me on vibrate now. You've got me more excited about the game. It's so true. The game will feel so much more polished. Just think about how Lara will look.

larafan25 09-05-12 00:46


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6157934)
I wish really. It would be so cool if it was possible and the controlling wouldn't be frustrating, if you know what I mean.
I'm also wondering if we'll have to use different buttons to make different smashing moves with the axe or if she's still doing the same like Alice with her blade.

I feel like we'll have a button to attack with the axe and we'll have different attacks based on angles and how many times we tap the button, as well as stealth kills perhaps.

Weemanply109 09-05-12 00:53

^Not a huge fan of button combo's for attacks, tbh. This isn't Street Fighter.

larafan25 09-05-12 00:58


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6157946)
^Not a huge fan of button combo's for attacks, tbh. This isn't Street Fighter.




Weemanply109 09-05-12 01:06


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6157953)



That's what you were insinuating, right?

If not, then get off the meds you stupid hoe. loljk <3

larafan25 09-05-12 01:11


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6157967)
That's what you were insinuating, right?

If not, then get off the meds you stupid hoe. loljk <3

It's just incredibly annoying when people say "this isn't..." because we all know it's Tomb Raider.

Tomb Raider is really just defined by what people have come to expect and enjoy from the game, in my opinion.

I don't think having "combos" as you call them will make the game not Tomb Raider.

For example, Thor's Hammer, Excalibur, AOD.

Weemanply109 09-05-12 01:12

You make me cry. You do.


larafan25 09-05-12 01:13

I'm deeply sorry.

_Awestruck_ 09-05-12 02:10

I'm gonna assume that this has already been posted, but here it is anyways:

I appreciate that the writer (who happens to not be Daemon Hatfield for once) managed to bring up CD's silence more than once. :vlol: At least someone outside of the immediate fanbase has noticed.

Yunaīs Wish 09-05-12 02:24

I noticed their Genre interpretation: "Cave survival" :p Am I the only one who has never heard of a Cave survival game?

larafan25 09-05-12 02:31

lol I never noticed that before, that's bad-ass and quite uniquely afforded to Tomb Raider. :cool:

Pietras 09-05-12 02:31


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6158036)
At least someone outside of the immediate fanbase has noticed.

Look at comments below the article, look around GAF. Everyone sees it at this point. If CD doesn't bring the best thing ever for E3, the game may lose the momentum it had last year

skylark1121 09-05-12 02:47


Originally Posted by Pietras (Post 6158052)
Look at comments below the article, look around GAF. Everyone sees it at this point. If CD doesn't bring the best thing ever for E3, the game may lose the momentum it had last year

This. What they bring has to be INCREDIBLE. It has to be 100x better than last E3 to--as you said--keep the momentum.

Shark_Blade 09-05-12 02:52

E3 is next month 5th-7th June. Cautiously optimistic.

larafan25 09-05-12 02:55


Originally Posted by Shark_Blade (Post 6158065)
E3 is next month 5th-7th June. Cautiously optimistic.

Oh...what could go wrong? pfft!

_Awestruck_ 09-05-12 02:57


Originally Posted by Shark_Blade (Post 6158065)
E3 is next month 5th-7th June. Cautiously optimistic.

At this point - kind of everything. :p

TRexbait 09-05-12 03:07

There's no doubt in my mind that TR will be at E3... whether it will meet our expectations or come out to be complete crap, I have no idea... Let's be optimistic, shall we? O.O

Shark_Blade 09-05-12 03:10

I'm leaning towards TR being crap.

But yes, let's be cautiously optimistic.

larafan25 09-05-12 03:20

This isn't meant to sound like I'm "stanning" the game or trying to overshadow doubts with my own opinion, we're all obviously here sharing what we expect to happen and I'm just doing the same...

But I truly don't have much doubt when it comes to this game, I just can't see it being crap no matter which way it turns out. I think it will be a great game for a certain group of people, we just don't really know what group of people that will be.

I think the game will have the quality of the real good AAA games of today, and I think it's going to follow a recipe which is common among action adventure games and will be successful without feeling like a sellout to the casual market and without losing the feeling of being TR.

I think we're going to see a lot more complexity (not necessarily difficulty) and depth in the game's mechanics, not the simple traditions we're used to getting with each Tomb Raider game.

I also think that the first people to find good in the game if it's not so blatant, will be those perhaps rare or maybe slightly distant or foreign-seeming members who suck the juice out of every TR game, including TRL and tell a different tale of reach replay.

_Awestruck_ 09-05-12 03:21

I sure hope it isn't crap. I feel like we're warranted at least one more good TR game. :p

To me, all of this time would have gone to waste if the game isn't even decent.

larafan25 09-05-12 03:28


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6158083)
I sure hope it isn't crap. I feel like we're warranted at least one more good TR game. :p

To me, all of this time would have gone to waste if the game isn't even decent.

It depends what we mean by crap.

The game could be everything the game is cracked-up to be, to every single detail, but just be a broken piece of poop.

Or the game could be Legend, which isn't technically bad but isn't in line for TR of the decade award either.

I think we have a strong enough image of where the gameplay and mechanics are headed to know how far it strays from what we enjoy in a Tomb Raider game, but people are just reluctant to believe for fear that they will be let down, which is understandable.

Weemanply109 09-05-12 03:32


Originally Posted by Pietras (Post 6158052)
look around GAF.



Originally Posted by TRexbait (Post 6158075)
There's no doubt in my mind that TR will be at E3...

Well, there's no doubt in anyone's mind, considering it's been confirmed. :/

TRexbait 09-05-12 03:50


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6158087)
It depends what we mean by crap.

The game could be everything the game is cracked-up to be, to every single detail, but just be a broken piece of poop.

Or the game could be Legend, which isn't technically bad but isn't in line for TR of the decade award either.

I think we have a strong enough image of where the gameplay and mechanics are headed to know how far it strays from what we enjoy in a Tomb Raider game, but people are just reluctant to believe for fear that they will be let down, which is understandable.

Basically, it has to be at least Anniversary standard for it to be worth it. If it's Legend... meh. If it's Underworld, it's slightly better. But yeah. It doesn't need to be phenomenal, it just needs to not suck.

motoleo 09-05-12 03:59

I say it's going to bomb.

Not to be the bearer of bad news, but did not TR6 already set an example? From my observations, I've concluded that every time someone tries to "Re-invent Tomb Raider" to make it dark and gritty, people appear not to take kindly to it.

Some would say that it's already done and over. Some would say the best thing they can do now is try to minimize their losses. I, personally, well I'm not in any way interested in this game at all whatsoever. But the main reason that it will indeed fail is because lack of exposure.

And I'm not trying to be harsh or anything, but I'm usually right. And that movie, I swear that movie they were talking about will never happen- I just don't see it. Look at all the other games coming out at E3, TR is not a threat.

Unless the game is extremely popular, which it's not right now, that would not be a wise business move to make an expensive movie out of it.

This place, I mean look around, it's dead. And this is me being realistic, not hopeful. Unless you believe in miracles!

danny.rex 09-05-12 04:09


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6158110)
I say it's going to bomb.

Did not Tomb Raider the Angel of Darkness already set an example? From my observations, every time they try to "Re-invent Tomb Raider" to make it dark and gritty, people appear not to take kindly to that.

It's already done and over. The best thing they can do now is try to minimize their losses. I, personally, I'm not in any way interested in this game at all whatsoever. But the main reason that it will indeed fail is because lack of exposure.

And I'm not trying to be harsh or anything, but I'm usually right. I swear that movie they were talking about will never happen- I just don't see it. Look at all the other games coming out at E3, TR is not a threat.

This place, I mean look around, it's dead. Not to say that I don't like TR, because I like all of the games, but this particular one, let's just say you don't build a character up by bringing them down.

The reason AOD "bombed" wasn't cause people weren't interested in a dark take on TR, it was because it was an unfinished mess filled with bugs.

And this won't fail for lack of exposure either, that's going to change in less that a month, and people still have TR in their minds even with a full year without any news.

motoleo 09-05-12 04:26


Originally Posted by danny.rex (Post 6158112)
The reason AOD "bombed" wasn't cause people weren't interested in a dark take on TR, it was because it was an unfinished mess filled with bugs.

And this won't fail for lack of exposure either, that's going to change in less that a month, and people still have TR in their minds even with a full year without any news.

My views expressed are strictly from an objective standpoint,

I would love to be humbled and proved wrong, but I'm actually surprised by my own level of disinterest;

I've read the archives: it's not just me, people have said this before, but of course they're long gone, as I will soon be..

I don't think it's a bad thing to say that it's going to bomb. Don't get mad, don't be depressed, don't cry. Me and my friends have already discussed it. You throw something out there, and it either sinks or floats.


just*raidin*tomb 09-05-12 04:45

motoleo, you are a mess of contradictions, boy.

Luis Augusto 09-05-12 05:04

What makes me feel kind of sad is that we can't even be completely excited, because there's the shadow of the failure. :(

I wish we could be like other games' fans, they KNOW every game will be great, and they believe blindy on it (Batman, Assassin's Creed, Uncharted, GTA... etc.).

Let's hope this game will change everything and TR will be a BIG brand again. :)

just*raidin*tomb 09-05-12 05:16

No game is like that for me tbh. Assassin's Creed Revelations was a huge disappointment to some and Uncharted 3 disappointed me.

lcroft_lc 09-05-12 05:30


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6157250)
How are you going to watch the trailer then? :vlol:

I download them and then watch. Like it takes 40 minutes to download 50MB video. :o

aussie500 09-05-12 05:34


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6158116)
My views expressed are strictly from an objective standpoint,

I would love to be humbled and proved wrong, but I'm actually surprised by my own level of disinterest;

I've read the archives: it's not just me, people have said this before, but of course they're long gone, as I will soon be..

I don't think it's a bad thing to say that it's going to bomb. Don't get mad, don't be depressed, don't cry. Me and my friends have already discussed it. You throw something out there, and it either sinks or floats.


Objective? You?!!
Every Tomb Raider game ever created with the exception of AOD had a similar advertising campaign or an even shorter one since for most we saw nothing of the game till E3. Now considering AOD was the only one that was advertised more than than that and it failed, how is your view objective? You have 7 previous main games to prove this type of campaign works and even TRA never did that bad and it was a last gen remake released at a time everyone was interested in games with the latest cutting edge graphics.

Haters will hate no matter what, we have seen enough to know how reliable anything you say is motoleo. :mis:

lcroft_lc 09-05-12 05:43

Glad to see there are some really good positive comments about TR on IGN Road To E3. :)

Lukass 09-05-12 07:50


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6158121)
motoleo, you are a mess of contradictions, boy.


Originally Posted by aussie500 (Post 6158140)
Objective? You?!!
Every Tomb Raider game ever created with the exception of AOD had a similar advertising campaign or an even shorter one since for most we saw nothing of the game till E3. Now considering AOD was the only one that was advertised more than than that and it failed, how is your view objective? You have 7 previous main games to prove this type of campaign works and even TRA never did that bad and it was a last gen remake released at a time everyone was interested in games with the latest cutting edge graphics.

Haters will hate no matter what, we have seen enough to know how reliable anything you say is motoleo. :mis:

Completely agree with both of you.

motoleo, I'm not asking you to leave, but tell me honestly, what's the point of being here when you don't like them game and everything you do here is moaning and assuring us that Tomb Raider will turn out to be crap. Seriously? :/ Not to mention you've said you're leaving till September. Yet, you're still here and keep going your old song. If I were you, I would just leave. It's like I made an account on Lady GaGa's forum and kept making hating threads and bitching although I'm not interested in her work at all. Just completely pointless.

Bomb Fighter 09-05-12 10:25

Soooo, I was just browsing a certain magazine called Play (UK) Issue 217 when I found the preview for its next issue. Can you guess what game was on that page? With big line saying: World Exclusive, hm?

Lukass 09-05-12 10:26

^ Tomb Raider? D: ?

Bomb Fighter 09-05-12 10:31


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6158288)
^ Tomb Raider? D:

Yes! And itīs out May 10th. That means tomorrow. :jmp:
I am looking for a link, because I have only e-version on my iPod.
It says: Tomb Raider: World Exclusive
- The truth revealed on why the dramatic reboot was needed
- Why Lara Croft is vital to the future of PS3

Lukass 09-05-12 10:34


Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6158294)
Yes! And itīs out May 10th. That means tomorrow. :jmp:
I am looking for a link, because I have only e-version on my iPod.
It says: Tomb Raider: World Exclusive
- The truth revealed on why the dramatic reboot was needed
- Why Lara Croft is vital to the future of PS3

Sounds like the old info really, + they already previewed the game. Lara was on the cover. It doesn't make much sense to me to be honest. Are you sure they were talking about issue 218?


motoleo 09-05-12 10:37


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6158203)
Completely agree with both of you.

motoleo, I'm not asking you to leave, but tell me honestly, what's the point of being here when you don't like them game and everything you do here is moaning and assuring us that Tomb Raider will turn out to be crap. Seriously? :/ Not to mention you've said you're leaving till September. Yet, you're still here and keep going your old song. If I were you, I would just leave. It's like I made an account on Lady GaGa's forum and kept making hating threads and bitching although I'm not interested in her work at all. Just completely pointless.

I don't know why you are acting this way.'x

I've made both positive and negative predictions. I'm not biased or anything.

My outlook is just going to remain objective, I want what will be best for the developers, the consumers and the shareholders.

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