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Evan C. 28-11-12 17:56


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6539639)
^ No, she's trying to look like Angelina Jolie. And she's very good at it.


Underhoe 28-11-12 18:05


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6539634)
Personally, I love it. The only think that really irks me is her face. She literally has no facial expression. Is she sad, is she determined, is she angry? I mean, I can't tell at all because she just looks like she's looking at the floor, day dreaming. But still, she's very beautiful and detailed up close, so that's why I love it.

I think her face perfectly reflects determination - she's aware of what she'll go through, and she's willing to fight for it. so she can get off the island and get new implants

tampi 28-11-12 18:39


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6539634)
Personally, I love it. The only think that really irks me is her face. She literally has no facial expression. Is she sad, is she determined, is she angry? I mean, I can't tell at all because she just looks like she's looking at the floor, day dreaming. But still, she's very beautiful and detailed up close, so that's why I love it.

Perhaps this is why they decided to show her entire body. Her pose is also representative of what the character is thinking and if you see the whole image of her body, she has her hips in a more advanced apposition than her shoulders, indicating a tendency to stay at least a little more time where their shoulders seem to go (back) But again the position of the head relative to the whole figure is in forward position, with the chin tucked in signal protection and frowning slightly, indicating all that though she is hurt and rain and wind whips her body, she has her feet firmly on the ground, determined not to be cowed by the situation.

[Xmas] 28-11-12 19:09


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6539639)
^ No, she's trying to look like Angelina Jolie. And she's very good at it.

Or Kristen Stewart :pi: ....and she's very good at it :D

Stevo505 28-11-12 19:12

Ew, she looks nothing like Kristen Stewart.

TheRCroft 28-11-12 19:23


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6539709)
Ew, she looks nothing like Kristen Stewart.

I believe [Xmas] was referring to the expressionless bit.

LNSNHGTDS 28-11-12 19:56


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6539656)
I think her face perfectly reflects determination - she's aware of what she'll go through, and she's willing to fight for it. so she can get off the island and get new implants

Pretty much this. The White text too ;) !


Originally Posted by [Xmas] (Post 6539708)
Or Kristen Stewart :pi: ....and she's very good at it :D

:eek: That was too hursh [Xmas] D': !!!


Mikky 28-11-12 19:58


Originally Posted by tampi (Post 6539683)
Perhaps this is why they decided to show her entire body. Her pose is also representative of what the character is thinking and if you see the whole image of her body, she has her hips in a more advanced apposition than her shoulders, indicating a tendency to stay at least a little more time where their shoulders seem to go (back) But again the position of the head relative to the whole figure is in forward position, with the chin tucked in signal protection and frowning slightly, indicating all that though she is hurt and rain and wind whips her body, she has her feet firmly on the ground, determined not to be cowed by the situation.

Woah, okay. So... technical. xD Are you some kind of body language expert then? :p


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6539656)
I think her face perfectly reflects determination - she's aware of what she'll go through, and she's willing to fight for it. so she can get off the island and get new implants

Hmmm, I diagree, but to each his own, I guess. And lol.

Stevo505 28-11-12 20:42


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6539717)
I believe [Xmas] was referring to the expressionless bit.

Still, comparing Lara to that travesty...

italibabee 28-11-12 20:43


Originally Posted by [Xmas] (Post 6539708)
Or Kristen Stewart :pi: ....and she's very good at it :D


Rai 28-11-12 21:26


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6539656)
I think her face perfectly reflects determination - she's aware of what she'll go through, and she's willing to fight for it. so she can get off the island and get new implants

I see this too. Although...


Originally Posted by tampi (Post 6539683)
Perhaps this is why they decided to show her entire body. Her pose is also representative of what the character is thinking and if you see the whole image of her body, she has her hips in a more advanced apposition than her shoulders, indicating a tendency to stay at least a little more time where their shoulders seem to go (back) But again the position of the head relative to the whole figure is in forward position, with the chin tucked in signal protection and frowning slightly, indicating all that though she is hurt and rain and wind whips her body, she has her feet firmly on the ground, determined not to be cowed by the situation.

...the full body pose certainly adds to this. It's a stance of determined reflection.

Bomb Fighter 28-11-12 22:14

Sooo I donīt see this report anywhere here...itīs coming from french fan group called TR Univers:

We've just passed two wonderful days with Meagan Marie and Square Enix France !
Yesterday we had exclusive opportunity to play the first 3 hours of the game and our detailed report is ready.
Unfortunately we can't release it before the 4th of december because we signed a confidentiality clause.
We can just said to you that we are reassured and we can't wait to see the rest !!!!
This means new info is coming before Dec. 4th.

Hairhelmet12 28-11-12 22:16

First 3 hours!? Holy butts! O:

_Awestruck_ 28-11-12 22:58

Lucky bastards.

Spong 28-11-12 23:17


Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6539969)
Sooo I donīt see this report anywhere here...itīs coming from french fan group called TR Univers:

This means new info is coming before Dec. 4th.

Finally some info that goes beyond what we've already seen a million times? Cool :cool:

Thanks for posting :tmb:

Weemanply109 28-11-12 23:31


Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6539969)
Sooo I donīt see this report anywhere here...itīs coming from french fan group called TR Univers:

This means new info is coming before Dec. 4th.

Thanks for updating us, I guess this means that December 4th is the date we get more media. :jmp:

Valentino 28-11-12 23:37

I dont know when I should stop looking at media. I feel like i've seen loads but if its a long game and there is more to see I might sneak a peek at a few more things coming up. But like I said I keep forgeting how much i've seen. Den gameplay, leaked night hub gameplay, parachute gameplay, cliff side gameplay, deer gameplay, cabin gameplay, wolf gameplay, and Lara being captured with Whitman and escaping gameplay. Thats quite a list :/

Weemanply109 28-11-12 23:43


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6540044)
I dont know when I should stop looking at media. I feel like i've seen loads but if its a long game and there is more to see I might sneak a peek at a few more things coming up. But like I said I keep forgeting how much i've seen. Den gameplay, leaked night hub gameplay, parachute gameplay, cliff side gameplay, deer gameplay, cabin gameplay, wolf gameplay, and Lara being captured with Whitman and escaping gameplay. Thats quite a list :/

We've had gameplay from the first hour of the game, it seems a bit too much and bordering too spoiler-ish, but at the same time, I still want to see combat. :cln: That's all I need, tbh an emphasis on combat and one last trailer.

leglion 28-11-12 23:54


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6540045)
We've had gameplay from the first hour of the game, it seems a bit too much and bordering too spoiler-ish, but at the same time, I still want to see combat. :cln: That's all I need, tbh an emphasis on combat and one last trailer.

I think the thing we really need to see is traversal. It's one of two things we haven't seen much of.

Underhoe 28-11-12 23:54

What if those 'first 3 hours' are nothing but all the demos we've seen combined? ._.

supasaba 28-11-12 23:55


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6540044)
I dont know when I should stop looking at media. I feel like i've seen loads but if its a long game and there is more to see I might sneak a peek at a few more things coming up. But like I said I keep forgeting how much i've seen. Den gameplay, leaked night hub gameplay, parachute gameplay, cliff side gameplay, deer gameplay, cabin gameplay, wolf gameplay, and Lara being captured with Whitman and escaping gameplay. Thats quite a list :/

I was thinking this too :s but then again at the same time most of the media we have seen is from the first hour of the game. And considering the game is supposedly 12-15 hours long I think we will have plenty surprises in store :cln:

Weemanply109 28-11-12 23:59


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6540061)
I think the thing we really need to see is traversal. It's one of two things we haven't seen much of.

Yes, Combat and traversal, I forgot that.


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6540062)
What if those 'first 3 hours' are nothing but all the demos we've seen combined? ._.

All the demo's combined all add upto an hour, AFAIK.

Bomb Fighter 29-11-12 10:30


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6540062)
What if those 'first 3 hours' are nothing but all the demos we've seen combined? ._.

They arenīt. The report says world exclusive opportunity (I forgot to add it in the translation) to play the first three hours of the game.

And as Weemanply said above, all the stuff weīve seen is about 1 hour long.

Stevo505 29-11-12 11:27

Are we going to get to watch those 3 hours..?

TippingWater 29-11-12 11:33


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6540479)
Are we going to get to watch those 3 hours..?

I doubt it.

Bomb Fighter 29-11-12 11:56


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6540479)
Are we going to get to watch those 3 hours..?

Yeah, I doubt it too. And I dont mind, it would show to much from the game, at least for me.
We may get magazine articles, screens, trailer or short sneakpeak showing combat or traversal like we did for TRU.

Lukass 29-11-12 12:03

I want the trailer Dec 7th. Holy hell it has to happen.

Underhoe 29-11-12 12:11

If I'm completely honest I'd rather see screenshots shown than videos. Simply because when I see a screenshot, I try to create my own gameplay around it, and it gives some sort of excitement - which may be either good or bad of course, but in the end it's a surprise anyway. This is a good way not to spoil anything (or at least not as much). Also I find it more pleasuring to see a HQ screenshot than a very bad quality video. ._.
All in all it looks like Crystal is thinking in a different way, as they seem to give no damn about screenshots or whatsoever.

LNSNHGTDS 29-11-12 12:13

^ Screenshots are really boring so I wouldn't blame them, and their videos are not that crappy, therefore I'd definately prefer a video.

klona 29-11-12 12:43


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6540530)
If I'm completely honest I'd rather see screenshots shown than videos. Simply because when I see a screenshot, I try to create my own gameplay around it, and it gives some sort of excitement - which may be either good or bad of course, but in the end it's a surprise anyway. This is a good way not to spoil anything (or at least not as much). Also I find it more pleasuring to see a HQ screenshot than a very bad quality video. ._.
All in all it looks like Crystal is thinking in a different way, as they seem to give no damn about screenshots or whatsoever.

I wholeheartedly agree with you.

Underhoe 29-11-12 12:56

^Glad to see I'm not alone. :p

Are these guys playing the Den demo? :confused: Note that she has no bow, so it can't be the deer one.

TippingWater 29-11-12 13:01


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6540565)
^Glad to see I'm not alone. :p

Are these guys playing the Den demo? :confused: Note that she has no bow, so it can't be the deer one.

From where is that :D?

Underhoe 29-11-12 13:03

From the french community event with Meagan, they just posted it on facebook. D:

SpyrosMonster 29-11-12 13:03

Look at her haaaaaaaaaaaair! Amazing.

klona 29-11-12 13:11

I want to play.

_Tomb_Raider 29-11-12 13:15

omg :cln::cln: I need some videos or at least more photos NOOOW!:jmp:

just*raidin*tomb 29-11-12 19:06

That's definitely the den. They played the first 3 hours of the game apparently. Or something like that.

It's been ages since I watched this. Remember when...

Valentino 29-11-12 19:14


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6540972)
That's definitely the den. They played the first 3 hours of the game apparently. Or something like that.

It's been ages since I watched this. Remember when. :3

I hope to GOD they keep that scream when she gets impailed. Its amazing. But have you heard what they changed it to in the crossroads trailer!? D:
And that demo made me smile so much when I first watched it. I was so happy with the look of it. But then again I love everythink Crystal does (apart from exclusives)

klona 29-11-12 19:20


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6540985)
I hope to GOD they keep that scream when she gets impailed. Its amazing. But have you heard what they changed it to in the crossroads trailer!? D:
And that demo made me smile so much when I first watched it. I was so happy with the look of it. But then again I love everythink Crystal does (apart from exclusives)
That scream is an XBOX360 Exclusive! :smk:

tomee 29-11-12 19:23


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6540985)
I hope to GOD they keep that scream when she gets impailed. Its amazing. But have you heard what they changed it to in the crossroads trailer!? D:
And that demo made me smile so much when I first watched it. I was so happy with the look of it. But then again I love everythink Crystal does (apart from exclusives)

Both sucked TBH.
In the first demo she didn't really scream at all.
And in the newer builds it's too... soft. I don't know. It's more like shrieking.

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