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Sabi96 04-03-13 23:19

Why does steam hate us +1-s?

Dark_Messiah 04-03-13 23:22

I like the atmosphere on here before a game releases. Everyone is nice.. no haters around.. that's kind of cool.

But that'll be over soon :p When the crowd gets access to the game I am sure they'll find lots of things to complain about.

I really like Camillas voice acting btw.

Linoshi Croft 04-03-13 23:22


Originally Posted by Dark_Messiah (Post 6685517)
I like the atmosphere on here before a game releases. Everyone is nice.. no haters around.. that's kind of cool.

But that'll be over soon :p When the crowd gets access to the game I am sure they'll find lots of things to complain about.

I really like Camillas voice acting btw

That's something I know I'll love :D
I don't plan to nitpick :p so don't expect it from me!

Dark_Messiah 04-03-13 23:24

I already played.. 4 hours and I don't even have anything to nitpick about. And I am usually the kind of guy that gets pissed off by alot of stuff rather easily - until now it's an amazing game. Nothing more to add by myself, really. :D

Sabi96 04-03-13 23:27


Originally Posted by Dark_Messiah (Post 6685525)
I already played.. 4 hours and I don't even have anything to nitpick about. And I am usually the kind of guy that gets pissed off by alot of stuff rather easily - until now it's an amazing game. Nothing more to add by myself, really. :D

Came back to gloat, didn't ya?

Spong 04-03-13 23:28


Originally Posted by Dark_Messiah (Post 6685525)
I already played.. 4 hours and I don't even have anything to nitpick about.

I bet I will once I've done four hours :pi:
If I can tolerate the game for that long when I play it :p:ton:

italibabee 04-03-13 23:28

Tomorrow can't come fast enough.
I'm jealous of the ones who have TR.
I'm watching you guys.

Linoshi Croft 04-03-13 23:29


Originally Posted by Sabi96 (Post 6685531)
Came back to gloat, didn't ya?

Relax, you'll have it in half an hour :p

Stevo505 04-03-13 23:31


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6685532)
I bet I will once I've done four hours :pi:
If I can tolerate the game for that long when I play it :p:ton:

After everything you've said, you're still going to play it. Admirable. :p

Sabi96 04-03-13 23:35

Well i'm kind of tired, but i'll wait it out just to see if it runs on a playable framerate

Dark_Messiah 04-03-13 23:36


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6685532)
I bet I will once I've done four hours :pi:
If I can tolerate the game for that long when I play it :p:ton:

I am sure you will tolerate the game for that long. You may even actually... enjoy it. :D And even if you find TONS of stuff to complain about there is always the chance you experience something like fun.


Originally Posted by Sabi96 (Post 6685531)
Came back to gloat, didn't ya?

Yes. of course not

Billy959 04-03-13 23:39

today the mail arrived and I ran downstairs screming" OH MAH GAH TUMB RUDER"

I amost tripped and fell and died,and when I received the mail....

....still no TR!

It was very sad!

I had like 15 seconds of happiness!

TippingWater 04-03-13 23:46

I think she looks great! :D

Linoshi Croft 04-03-13 23:47

15 minutes ;_____________________________;

Sabi96 04-03-13 23:47

15 MORE MINUTES....... This will be the longest 15 minutes of my life! recommend me something to do plz.


I can just make it available for everyone in these 10 minutes

Linoshi Croft 04-03-13 23:48

I'm watching Come Dine With Me :pi:

Smegzilla 04-03-13 23:48


Originally Posted by Sabi96 (Post 6685579)
15 MORE MINUTES....... This will be the longest 15 minutes of my life! recommend me something to do plz

Go grab a coffee in case you end up playing all night :D

Spong 04-03-13 23:50


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6685543)
After everything you've said, you're still going to play it. Admirable. :p

I already played a bit today, only about twenty minutes though :pi:


Originally Posted by Dark_Messiah (Post 6685556)
I am sure you will tolerate the game for that long. You may even actually... enjoy it.

Pfft, not a chance :p


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6685582)
I'm watching Come Dine With Me :pi:

You're only hurting yourself. And your reputation here :tea:

Linoshi Croft 04-03-13 23:50


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6685586)
You're only hurting yourself. And your reputation here :tea:

That program is flawless :ohn:

Ravalessa 04-03-13 23:50

I hate all of you :( And by hate, I mean I am just seeping with jealousy. My Amazon order hasn't even shipped yet, so I have to wait for god knows how long tomorrow. (Usually gets here around 10 am.)

Sabi96 04-03-13 23:51


Originally Posted by Smegzilla (Post 6685584)
Go grab a coffee in case you end up playing all night :D

You mean all morning? At this rate my Gaming-system (Brain) will be all worn out, i had a tough day

Linoshi Croft 04-03-13 23:58

2 minutes ._.

Sabi96 05-03-13 00:00


Spong 05-03-13 00:00


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6685601)
2 minutes ._.

You waiting on the Steam unlock? Hope it's dead on midnight if you are, you're gonna be one disappointed and/or frustrated bunny if it isn't.

Richard_Croft 05-03-13 00:01

It's official, Lara's Back! :yah:

Sabi96 05-03-13 00:01

What?!? We're already waiting one hour in plus! That is sooo unfair, stupid steam, i'd go back to the good old hard copies without steam


Spong 05-03-13 00:03

It's officially TR9 day (in the UK anyway). So...yay and stuff...

M1chae1a 05-03-13 00:03


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6685608)
It's official, Lara's Back! :yah:

:jmp::jmp::jmp:GO Lara!!!

Linoshi Croft 05-03-13 00:03


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6685605)
You waiting on the Steam unlock? Hope it's dead on midnight if you are, you're gonna be one disappointed and/or frustrated bunny if it isn't.

It did! It's patching as we speak!

Spong 05-03-13 00:03


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6685617)
It did! It's patching as we speak!

I bet your chair is covered in wee :vlol:
Once you've mopped up, have fun :tmb::D

Dark_Messiah 05-03-13 00:04

Downloading 2.2GB of additional movies. No idea what that is - but I really hope that this means I am able to rewatch cutcenes. (Extras -> Videos)

Mikky 05-03-13 00:04

Happy Tomb Raider day, bitches. :D

So jelly of all you hos getting to play the game. :pi:

Sabi96 05-03-13 00:05

I was in TR day an hour ago :D

Why is it updating so slow?

JayB18 05-03-13 00:11

Brief look at the DLC tomb for those interested or those unable to play it. It doesn't spoil the solution but may contain spoilers regardless. Looks good.

Spong 05-03-13 00:11


Originally Posted by Sabi96 (Post 6685622)
Why is it updating so slow?

To annoy you >_<

KamilM_93 05-03-13 00:11

Yes! Finally! Welcome back Lady Loro Croft <3

Shark_Blade 05-03-13 00:12

This section has 200+views it's crazy. People are watching this place since last night in anticipation.

Spong 05-03-13 00:15


Originally Posted by Shark_Blade (Post 6685634)
This section has 200+views it's crazy. People are watching this place since last night in anticipation.

Over the last few days, whenever I've visited, the number's always been in the mid-to-high 100s. I guess people are bored :p

KamilM_93 05-03-13 00:27

Dat moment when you installing new TR screen.

Dark_Messiah 05-03-13 00:29

Still no one playing Multiplayer :pi:

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