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Vinkula 14-05-13 12:12

I like Camilla's voice, but I prefer playing TR2013 in Spanish :)

lcroft_lc 14-05-13 13:11


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6783503)
You are awful! XD

Thanks hun. :hug:

SpyrosMonster 14-05-13 15:00

Playing with the trainer is so much fun!

Carbonek_0051 14-05-13 15:07

Did anyone else notice the shotgun blockade to the side on the way down the sliding section before the beach? I tried for 30 minutes to find a way to get to it.

spyrostr 14-05-13 16:09


SpyrosMonster 14-05-13 16:14


Originally Posted by spyrostr (Post 6783771)

Square Enix is a ****ed up company to be honest.

spyrostr 14-05-13 16:19


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6783778)
Square Enix is a ****ed up company to be honest.

the only people they need to blame is themselves..... i hope this is not something worrying for TR

Melonie Tomb Raider 14-05-13 16:22


Originally Posted by spyrostr (Post 6783771)


Seems like Tomb Raider insists on being run by slave drivers.

Honestly though, the marketing campaign and overall budget was just ridiculous tbh. Way too much money wasted on fancy marketing instead of just focusing on a unique experience for the series. The PR and having the title "Tomb Raider" in the game's name is marketing enough for the most part.


_Ninja_ 14-05-13 16:24

We don't know how much they spent on marketing or development.

spyrostr 14-05-13 16:31


Originally Posted by _Ninja_ (Post 6783790)
We don't know how much they spent on marketing or development.

indeed but correct me if i'm wrong... was the promotion of the game that excessive?? for almost two years we hadnt any news at all....

more additional music

Final, in-game SOS Tower Climb music, plus all four unused variations now on SoundCloud.

Melonie Tomb Raider 14-05-13 16:34


Originally Posted by _Ninja_ (Post 6783790)
We don't know how much they spent on marketing or development.

Not an exact number, but we can see all the big-level marketing they did and use simple deduction skills to come to the conclusion that they spent a crap ton of money.

Honestly, TR2013 had one of the biggest marketing campaigns I've ever seen in gaming.

LarasFan 14-05-13 16:34


Originally Posted by hayden (Post 6783349)
Am I the only one who loved Camilla's voice?


Originally Posted by vinnyvis (Post 6783362)
Nope, I loved it tbh.


Originally Posted by _Ninja_ (Post 6783387)
I did. Plenty of people like her.


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6783488)
No, I loved her too.

She is the second best voice actor that got casted as Lara so far :tmb: !


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6783531)
Pretty much. The other people who agreed with you don't count, they're obviously a bit mental ;)

I loved her voice, she's did an amazing job. :pi: I really wonder who is a good VA for you Spong...
Camilla did really good. Far better than any other Lara out there. She had emotions, maybe that's why everyone thought Lara wasn't bad ass, cause unlike the previous one's she had emotions.

Melonie Tomb Raider 14-05-13 16:36


Originally Posted by LarasFan (Post 6783803)
I loved her voice, she's did an amazing job. :pi: I really wonder who is a good VA for you Spong...
Camilla did really good. Far better than any other Lara out there. She had emotions, maybe that's why everyone thought Lara wasn't bad ass, cause unlike the previous one's she had emotions.

I do think she did a good job, but far better than any other Lara?? Nooooo :p

LarasFan 14-05-13 16:37


Originally Posted by Melonie Tomb Raider (Post 6783806)
I do think she did a good job, but far better than any other Lara?? Nooooo :p

Well, Keeley was good, and so was AoD Lara, but the others just sounded un-emotional :(

_Ninja_ 14-05-13 16:38

Take-Two is apparently happy with Bioshock: Infinite selling 3.7 million copies. Which people have also said had a ridiculous marketing budget of $100 million. I doubt anything about TR cost more. IMO SE is just making excuses for their poor management in general.

TRItheMaster 14-05-13 16:44


Originally Posted by LarasFan (Post 6783809)
Well, Keeley was good, and so was AoD Lara, but the others just sounded un-emotional :(

Keeley was amazing but Camilla is my second fave... Keeley's voice was the BEST though!

LNSNHGTDS 14-05-13 16:47


Originally Posted by LarasFan (Post 6783809)
Well, Keeley was good, and so was AoD Lara, but the others just sounded un-emotional :(

This, Keeley, Camilla and Jonell are the only decent voice actresses casted as Lara so far, the rest were pretty bad to be honest :o ...

SpyrosMonster 14-05-13 16:50


Originally Posted by spyrostr (Post 6783798)
indeed but correct me if i'm wrong... was the promotion of the game that excessive?? for almost two years we hadnt any news at all....

I think It kinda was...
All those posters on the stairs the huge posters on the buildings...
That thing they made in an event kinda like a tent that made you feel like you were in a jungle and you could shoot with a bow and an arrow...
And more which I can't remember right now...

Square has to realize that they can't have EPIC sales over a (Let's be honest) kinda average game (FOR A TOMB RAIDER)
but I guess It's because it was the origin story.
I can imagine the next games being so much better than this one with the upgraded engine and all that stuff...

LarasFan 14-05-13 16:51


Originally Posted by TRItheMaster (Post 6783819)
Keeley was amazing but Camilla is my second fave... Keeley's voice was the BEST though!

Keeley was really nice for that Lara :) She had a mesmerizing voice *_*

Melonie Tomb Raider 14-05-13 17:04


Originally Posted by LarasFan (Post 6783809)
Well, Keeley was good, and so was AoD Lara, but the others just sounded un-emotional :(

But Lara WAS unemotional. That's one thing that made her so appealing.


Originally Posted by _Ninja_ (Post 6783810)
Take-Two is apparently happy with Bioshock: Infinite selling 3.7 million copies. Which people have also said had a ridiculous marketing budget of $100 million. I doubt anything about TR cost more. IMO SE is just making excuses for their poor management in general.

I'm not saying SE didn't have unrealistic expectations (they did), but they undeniably had a massive marketing budget that I personally think was excessive.

LarasFan 14-05-13 17:07


Originally Posted by Melonie Tomb Raider (Post 6783854)
But Lara WAS unemotional. That's one thing that made her so appealing.

But I don't like characters with no emotion xD I have R2D2 for that - wait, he has emotions -.-

_Ninja_ 14-05-13 17:25


Originally Posted by Melonie Tomb Raider (Post 6783854)
I'm not saying SE didn't have unrealistic expectations (they did), but they undeniably had a massive marketing budget that I personally think was excessive.

"The publisher tells MCV Tomb Raider can repeat the success of last year’s Hitman and become one of 2013’s Top Five sellers."

SE seems to be contradicting themselves. Not only Hitman sold worse in the same timeframe than TR but it was also a "failure" according to SE.

So which one is it SE, failure or success? And why did their expectation then were 'like Hitman' but their expectations now are 7 million in one month. Kind of sounds like SE is bull****ting everyone.

I'll also throw in a quote by me from a while back:


Originally Posted by _Ninja_ (Post 6725355)
On the day that someone released those Bioshock $100m rumours.

@CrystalDKarl twitted:

"Let me tell you now. $100m!! I SERIOUSLY DON'T THINK SO!!!! That analyst is smokin something."

So I'm going to throw a wild guess and say based on his reaction then his own game didn't cost any ridiculous numbers either.

SpyrosMonster 14-05-13 17:37

Does SE thinks that every game that sells less than like 15 million copies is a failure?

Are they crazy?

Melonie Tomb Raider 14-05-13 19:04


Originally Posted by _Ninja_ (Post 6783906)
"The publisher tells MCV Tomb Raider can repeat the success of last year’s Hitman and become one of 2013’s Top Five sellers."

SE seems to be contradicting themselves. Not only Hitman sold worse in the same timeframe than TR but it was also a "failure" according to SE.

So which one is it SE, failure or success? And why did their expectation then were 'like Hitman' but their expectations now are 7 million in one month. Kind of sounds like SE is bull****ting everyone.

I'll also throw in a quote by me from a while back:

I'm not saying their marketing costed 100 million, but it definitely was a HUGE budget that wasn't necessary. No doubt all that marketing was extremely expensive. It's pretty naive to think otherwise.

_Ninja_ 14-05-13 21:29


Originally Posted by Melonie Tomb Raider (Post 6784054)
I'm not saying their marketing costed 100 million, but it definitely was a HUGE budget that wasn't necessary. No doubt all that marketing was extremely expensive. It's pretty naive to think otherwise.

I'm not saying it wasn't expensive. Although personally I'm weary of judging that based on personal experience, like how many adds I've seen, etc. I'm just saying I don't believe it's so expensive that 3.4 million in 3 weeks doesn't cut it.

If Batman Arkham Asylum can sell 2 million in a month and be a success and if Bioshock:Infinite can sell 3.7 million in 5 weeks and be fine. Then I don't believe TR spent so much more money that it needs nearly twice those numbers and in a ridiculously shorter time to succeed.

motoleo 14-05-13 21:31

Wasn't there a new thread here?

Billy959 14-05-13 22:29


Originally Posted by Melonie Tomb Raider (Post 6783854)
But Lara WAS unemotional. That's one thing that made her so appealing.

She had emotions! That just didn't stand out because it wasn't part of the game. The game was about exploring,shooting and saving the world. She was only more though and she wouldn't hesitate to kill who got in her way! Attitude I really hope they bring back in the next games!

AimlessThunder 15-05-13 05:20


Shark_Blade 15-05-13 05:54


Originally Posted by Melonie Tomb Raider (Post 6783854)
But Lara WAS unemotional. That's one thing that made her so appealing.

*sigh* Yep. She was so mysterious and hardened back then.

You don't see Batman crying or getting emotional over petty things.

lcroft_lc 15-05-13 07:28


Originally Posted by Shark_Blade (Post 6784639)
*sigh* Yep. She was so mysterious and hardened back then.

You don't see Batman crying or getting emotional over petty things.

Batman! :eek: Not again!! :(

Stevo505 15-05-13 08:16


Originally Posted by Shark_Blade (Post 6784639)
*sigh* Yep. She was so mysterious and hardened back then.

You don't see Batman crying or getting emotional over petty things.

Batman is a superhero. Lara is not.

_Ninja_ 15-05-13 08:37


Originally Posted by Shark_Blade (Post 6784639)
*sigh* Yep. She was so mysterious and hardened back then.

You don't see Batman crying or getting emotional over petty things.

Which 'petty thing' did Lara cry about?

Shark_Blade 15-05-13 08:39

Who cares about superhero stuff. Both are antisocial and badass, that's what matters.

Caesum 15-05-13 09:14

I just wanted to say I love TR2013 and because so I tried to draw my own version of it's cover(for Mikky but oh I hope he won't mind with his new ps3).

Hope you like it.

Lukass 15-05-13 09:36

^ That Himiko Sun :vlol:!

Shark_Blade 15-05-13 09:41

No wonder her ship crashed.

Lara_Fan1 15-05-13 14:41

Has anyone noticed when she is in the water up to her chin. (In the Den or when she is going to save Sam from Mathias.)

When you press the camera button, she turns to the camera and coughs? I don't know why but I find it funny :')

Spong 15-05-13 14:50


Originally Posted by Lara_Fan1 (Post 6784975)
Has anyone noticed when she is in the water up to her chin. (In the Den or when she is going to save Sam from Mathias.)

When you press the camera button, she turns to the camera and coughs? I don't know why but I find it funny :')

I'd never tried that. If I ever play the game again, and if I still remember by the time I do, I'll give it a try :tmb:
The only thing I recall about those sections is the fact you can't do anything but walk forwards :/

Lara_Fan1 15-05-13 14:52

I found it out last night while I was playing it, made me giggle.
The only thing that bothers me is that she can't go under the water and swim. The fact you can only move forwards doesn't bother me.

klona 15-05-13 14:58

I hope they put like some sort of 'go underwater' when the water level is to the hip.
Like there are some stealth sections that depend on that.

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