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Mikky 06-09-13 19:10


Originally Posted by Patrick star (Post 6898164)
You'll have to tell her that it's her first adventure and it's a reboot etc etc :p
BTW , have you showed her the " run you bastards !! I'm coming for you all " or the " die you sun of a bitch " or the " you won't stop me you bastards ! get the hell out of my way ! " ....just asking :whi:
OMG OMG it's my post number 500 and I'm now an explorer :D :D :D

Yeah, I'm sure those things will make his mum recognize her, because the previous Lara was like that aaaaall the time. Mmmhmm. :p

spyrostr 06-09-13 20:56


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6898159)
This is kind of sad, actually. My mom also couldn't recognise this Lara when she first saw me playing...

my mom has finished all tomb raider games and she said that when legend came out but she enjoyed it and she still for the reboot she loved it and even cried with Roth's death but compared to the other tr games she has played the new one only one time till now

Patrick star 07-09-13 16:21


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6898182)
*son ;)

oops , fixed :p

tomee 07-09-13 16:23


Originally Posted by trin_303 (Post 6897991)
I have to say what my mother just said.

I am watching Tomb Raider walkthrough and she heard Lara talk and she said "wait, that's not Lara" and I told her that it is and she was all shocked. She said "what? Lara never sounded like that... She sounds now like oh no mommy I need help, constantly moaning like some sissy." She is still shocked how she sounds LOLOL

My mother watched me play Tomb Raider since I was 8.


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6898159)
This is kind of sad, actually. My mom also couldn't recognise this Lara when she first saw me playing...


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6898255)
Yeah, I'm sure those things will make his mum recognize her, because the previous Lara was like that aaaaall the time. Mmmhmm. :p


Originally Posted by spyrostr (Post 6898348)
my mom has finished all tomb raider games and she said that when legend came out but she enjoyed it and she still for the reboot she loved it and even cried with Roth's death but compared to the other tr games she has played the new one only one time till now

My mom thinks Lara is just a stupid bitch that I use to randomly and pointlessly jump around.

Actually whenever I play a game that has a heroine, it's automatically Lara Croft, according to her. :pi:

Valentino 07-09-13 17:11

My mom always thought Angie voiced Lara :o
Until I told her he other day when Keeley was on a program, I said thats Lara Croft, she was shocked, but she said she liked Keeley's voice

Vinkula 07-09-13 17:18

My dad's Tomb Raider knowledge: Lara has a sexy body and big boobs. If Lara doesn't have those, she isn't Lara :vlol:

Anja 07-09-13 17:25

Mum thinks Lara is an attractive dual pistol wielding archeologist anything less and it is not her :p.My dad thinks Lara is irrelevant and what made Tomb Raider what it was, was the game play.

_Ninja_ 07-09-13 17:32

My parents don't know who Lara is or anything about video games really.

LNSNHGTDS 07-09-13 18:23

Speaking of parents' reaction my mum did recognise her and she was happy that she looks like an actual human now.

As for my friends most of them didn't even recognise her, the one who more or less introduced me to Tomb Raider and Lara Croft was like "Who the f is that boy? " . She's not into video games anymore, not as much as she was before but she did like the game and she grew to apreciate the new Lara and care for her but the first reaction was priceless :p !

To be honest I would have reacted the same if I didn't knew who she was in the first place.

anotherAODfan 07-09-13 18:37

My father knew old lara pretty well sice we played classic TR's together .

I recently showed him new lara an he thought she was quite pretty :)

TheRCroft 07-09-13 19:01

My parents don't play videogames but they both know who Lara Croft is. Heck, even my grandmother probably knows who she is :p

Mikky 07-09-13 19:06

My parents know who she is, but I think they only know her through appearance (and name, obviously). I don't even think they know that she's an archaeologist. If they saw me play TR2013 and saw Lara, just the fact that I'm playing a game with a pony-tailed white woman who has guns, through that, they'd jump to the conclusion that she's Lara. :p

LNSNHGTDS 07-09-13 22:17


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6898972)
My parents don't play videogames but they both know who Lara Croft is. Heck, even my grandmother probably knows who she is :p

I remeber mine used to watch me play Tomb Raider: Legend, she loved her hair :p !

Steven_1379 08-09-13 03:19

my mom once said on a reunion if the Lara Croft games end or he stop playing them im gonna have to buy him condoms...:P

the games have not ended, i still play em and need em condoms anyways :P

pirate1802 08-09-13 04:42


Originally Posted by _Ninja_ (Post 6898917)
My parents don't know who Lara is or anything about video games really.

Same. Although, seeing me play recently.. she atleast have a vague idea about it. She pronounces it as "Tomb Rider" though. :confused:

tomee 08-09-13 07:48

Mine pronunce it as "Tom Braider" :pi:

The1andOnlyTR 09-09-13 19:06

My friends and family are extremely well aware who Lara Croft is. I made sure of that. :D

Just noticed Lara is on the IGN Games Newsletter subscription add. :p

Spong 10-09-13 13:50


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6899427)
Mine pronunce it as "Tom Braider" :pi:

That's the ghost name Lara uses when she writes & publishes books :p
As for my parents and their knowledge of Tomb Raider/Lara Croft, they know nothing. In fact, they're probably both dead by now.

lcroft_lc 10-09-13 20:31


Making of Tomb Raider

Concept Art: Early Ascension Environment Exploration
Artist: Brenoch Adams, Art Director

Rai 10-09-13 23:59

I love those ^ (I can't see them in your post, I assume you posted the images? I saw them earlier. I also love this:

Gorgeous. I so would have loved to be bale to explore the Palace before the fires/combat.

Zebra 11-09-13 02:06

^That goes for pretty much all of the ancient interior spaces IMO. The only interior spaces we actually got to explore were WWII bunkers and caves.

spyrostr 11-09-13 14:25

wow just woowwww

Lukass 11-09-13 15:28

^ It's so million times better than the original. The vocals...

Underhoe 11-09-13 16:03

It sounds even more like a mess...

Mikky 11-09-13 17:09


Originally Posted by spyrostr (Post 6901599)
wow just woowwww


I actually thought the vocals ruined it a bit. It almost sounded like she was screeching when she (tried to) hit the high notes. Then again, it could just be down to that recording. Would have liked to actually be there to judge properly. But apart from that though, instruments-wise, very well played.

King.Louie 11-09-13 19:23


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6900941)

Making of Tomb Raider

Concept Art: Early Ascension Environment Exploration
Artist: Brenoch Adams, Art Director

The Concept Art puts the entire game to shame. We got nothing like that in the final product. *sigh*

_Ninja_ 11-09-13 19:36

The final product has fantastic art direction and environments imo.

Blackmoor 11-09-13 19:48


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6898952)
the one who more or less introduced me to Tomb Raider and Lara Croft was like "Who the f is that boy? " . S

:vlol: She DOES look a bit boyish.

Patrick star 11-09-13 19:54


Originally Posted by _Ninja_ (Post 6901842)
The final product has fantastic art direction and environments imo.

and these concepts are paintings not ingame footage so everything tends to be amazing ....
TReboot has a lot of jaw-dropping environments both indoor and outdoor

Mr GaGa 12-09-13 20:03

Umm why does Square Enix repeatedly state that tomb raider failed to meet epectations?? I mean are they trying to make a point or something? To me the whole thing is just pointless, annoucing that the game failed over and over won't increase overall sales will it:confused:

I mean the game sold 1 million less than expected, do they take into account that tomb raider held her old against bioshock infinite and the incredible fact that she sold that many while being a female protagonist. Gosh:mad:

tomee 12-09-13 20:07

I bet this is digital sales not included :rolleyes:

GUMI 12-09-13 20:11

I fail to see how Lara looks boyish :confused:
She looks 100% female in my eyes.

tomee 12-09-13 20:17


Originally Posted by Mr GaGa (Post 6902533)
the incredible fact that she sold that many while being a female protagonist. Gosh:mad:

Yeah and?
It's an incredible feat, but it's the sales that matter. Just because Lara is female doesn't mean the costs of producing the game was less than it would have been had they had a male protagonist. And therefore are expecting just as much profit as they would with a man as the lead character.

larafan25 12-09-13 20:21


Originally Posted by GUMI (Post 6902540)
I fail to see how Lara looks boyish :confused:
She looks 100% female in my eyes.

In some art she has a nice touch of .... male human-ness to her. ie. She doesn't look like she's wearing makeup that somehow actually isn't there...

_Ninja_ 12-09-13 21:20


Originally Posted by Mr GaGa (Post 6902533)
Umm why does Square Enix repeatedly state that tomb raider failed to meet epectations?? I mean are they trying to make a point or something? To me the whole thing is just pointless, annoucing that the game failed over and over won't increase overall sales will it:confused:

I mean the game sold 1 million less than expected, do they take into account that tomb raider held her old against bioshock infinite and the incredible fact that she sold that many while being a female protagonist. Gosh:mad:

A while back there was news that Sleeping Dogs was able to make money even though they sold less than 2 million. It still didn't get an official sequel announcement and SE keeps blaming it too. But TR did get a sequel and rather quickly. So I wouldn't take SE's PR at face value.

daventry 13-09-13 19:48

Im looking for Youtube Videos or a Video with All the Death Scenes please

KayCroft 13-09-13 21:55

Try these...I believe they left out the one with when you go back into the room where you are hung and the Oni smashed you to bits....Pretty brutal!

darksoul 14-09-13 00:35


Originally Posted by King.Louie (Post 6901821)
The Concept Art puts the entire game to shame. We got nothing like that in the final product. *sigh*

That's because most of the concepts are from the Ascension idea i think (especially with the horse, clothes and the hair)

pirate1802 14-09-13 02:55

Concept arts always look better than the actual game. I wonder why.

larafan25 14-09-13 02:59

It's one image, from one angle that is meant to convey one feeling.

That being said, the reason those concepts look so good s because as soon as you see them you inhabit the island that never was. One, open island in which you stood along that shoreline as nightfall came, and you discovered that swamp on your own. These images convey isolation, discovery and exploration that felt a lil missing in the game itself due to all the interference of ... story I guess.

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