I can give it to you if you like. I mean... no I cant. YES I CAN JUST ASK ME :D :pi: |
hahahaha, i have my ways and means of getting stuff, thanks lol
LMAO, I can't believe you guys are still going. :vlol::D
What the hell is going on? :p
Other than that, just some pictures of Lara were distorted. |
I think it's better to have fun with a few images than making hundred of pointless threads just because we're bored.
I feel like we've funnied out 80% of the funniness in images.
We've found all the details in each screenshot and video. What next? |
IDK. We should start to discuss the Wolf's Den demo. Properly and with PrintScreen screenshots :p
What next?..
Now....We wait..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... Okay done waiting., eff this. |
Unfortunately we can't post anything from the video. :( Like that cool mosaic of Lara's facial expressions. It would be a gift if CD allowed us to post shots of and discuss it. |
But I bet we know what they lot don't. |
^Ur in.
:pi: Quote:
I thought we could discuss the area now because didn't someone see it (live) and post a thread about the area or somewhere along those lines...
YES. We can discuss it. But we can't take pictures to illustrate what we see. :/ Well I saw a bird! D: |
I saw flags that lara could have swung on. They were cool looking. ._.
And the wind was blowing really really hard and it was beautiful. |
^Some crates you can break open with the axe.
A hanging ladder leading seemingly nowhere. Quote:
The entire building behind the base camp is completely obstructed. GUYSG GUYS GUYS GALS AHHH What if we play a game? It's like a game you play at baby showers, and you can't say a word which would come up a lot. So like, we can't say a word that we use a lot when talking about TR in this section. |
What word? I don't understand the game. ._.
Lara's facial animation is amazing. The acting is great. The subtlety of her expressions and body language are very realistic. ._. |
Yeah, we choose a word that we say a lot, such as "Lara" and we can't say it or we have to do something...like where an ugly avatar for a week. |
I love especially the moment right before she grabs Roth's hands and to pull him. I love the way she's "walking" towards his hands, I can't describe it, but it looks very feminine. IDK how to describe it, but the acting is brilliant indeed.
I know what you mean. ^ The body language is very realistic. It's something that I've never seen Lara do. Especially when she seems frustrated with Roth and puts her hands up to her face.
I love when she puts her hands on her hips and gives him sas, then when she falls down in front of the wolf tracks, it's totally something a young mystery solver such as herself would do.
OH, and the moment she stares into the camera scared/ nervous (not when she turns her head in realization of her burden) is so amazing. Her face is so 3 dimensional and THOSE EYES will make your grandmother crai. I love her jump animation, can't get enough. I LOVE the idea of the scramble feature but I think it needs an animation, as of now she just freezes in mid air essentially, they should give her the TRA crawling up animation where she scratches at the wall. There is a rope attatched to a beam in the ground which goes way up by the cliff, I wonder what the rope mechanic is and if that rope does anything. THERE ARE NO LEDGES. So serious. Not a single ledge, it's amazingly great. The platforming is based on a world that is there, with flat roofs and things to run and jump from, the way a fun platformer should be. |
Did they give some sort of explanation for the fact that there's a wolf pointing us the way?
Isn't it like Day 3 or 4 though? Probably not the beginning of the game.
Yes yes to all of what larafan25 said. Her eyes are heartbreaking in that shot. She genuinely looks so terrified underneath. |
When the guy has her stopped and he's talking about the mission, am I the only one who loves her posture? It's so real and curious, it looks like it could be broken easily, yet her head is out and ready to experience what there is to find. It's interesting and I love it. I think this is day 3, day one is in the den, then a day passes and day 3 shows Lara finding Roth and stuff ensues (getting the medikit in the demo that leaked). |
How much more cinematic yet dynamic would it be to have a wolf just up there howling, you see it in the corner of the screen, and it pulls your curiosity. That's all it takes, truly. Yet they put a crappy camera there 2 times, two times and it's not so good at all. D: o.O Wai CEE DEE? D: |
It's terrible. I agree. I like having it up there howling is just enough to make you want to go up there. It's hint enough.
@Lukass - Totally. I like to find things for myself ._.
Btw, do you all know what makes me really happy? Knowing that the game was only in alpha stage and that they will be polishing everything, which will make the game even better. Quote:
Also, anyone notice this... Okay...well I do this in TRA, but it seems different here, or to have a different meaning, the guy actually stops Lara to aim the jumps. I think that's good. Oh, and that swinging crate has dynamic physics, something small which fits in so well you wouldn't think twice, but it's nice. I've been trying to imagine what animation would play when you fall from a big height which doesn't kill you, I think it should be that Legend animation. When she falls and smacks her hands against the ground, you can feel the impact. |
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