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ivaneiroX 10-12-20 09:58

I've been playing some and it's honestly not horrible but not what I was hoping for :/

charmedangelin 10-12-20 10:16

2020 wishes she could abort this travesty.

ThirteenCroft 10-12-20 10:33

Is that a joke? I just woke up and it looks like I should go back to sleep :confused:

TR FAN 18 10-12-20 10:38

That is not Tomb Raider at all! It's just a generic top-down shooter with Lara Croft stamped on it.
Not to mention all the usual microtransactions and lootbox crap!

bekim 10-12-20 10:51

That looks completly treacherous. Im kinda hurt.

But that will be my only 'hate' comment hopefully. I will not bother playing or ever elaborating on this over the forums.

VictorXD 10-12-20 11:16

^ That's such a healthy reply for TRF. I don't like it. jk love <3

Yuki Senoue 10-12-20 11:34

Oh my, we got super powerful phones nowadays and that's the best they come with? Oh my.

I had no expectations and I'm still disappointed.

Maaaaaybe I'll play it in bluestacks to get some screens of the Scion, that's my favorite artifact ever.

RAID 10-12-20 11:41

Is this a joke? Are they now mocking the classics?

ESCachuli 10-12-20 12:04

I liked the art style in the trailer but the gameplay is atrocious.

Strayyy_ 10-12-20 12:07


Originally Posted by chamayoo (Post 8259310)
well here some footage already. :o


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