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larafan25 28-04-12 20:24


Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6137787)
If everything goes well, on 31st I´ll have all my school exams done. So the trailer will be a very nice gift :D I´m sure I´ll put it on replay till I´m insane

I will replay the crap out of the trailer, I'm sure.

There's bound to be so many things to see in the footage. o>o

motoleo 28-04-12 20:26


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6137748)
Well doesn't that kind of contradict the first point you tried to make?

Well... um.. if they took out the last bit, (the full trailer date) it would have been a teaser trailer more or less. :o

Mikky 28-04-12 20:27

Even if we get nothing in May, E3 is just one month away. Ah, the waiting is almost over. :')

larafan25 28-04-12 20:28


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6137807)
Even if we get nothing in May, E3 is just one month away. Ah, the waiting is almost over. :')

You can damn-well bet TR will be the last thing at E3. :pi:

Mikky 28-04-12 20:30


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6137812)
You can damn-well bet TR will be the last thing at E3. :pi:

It will not.

larafan25 28-04-12 20:32


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6137820)

Brang it. :cool:

Lukass 28-04-12 20:33

I can't wait for the trailer and E3, but I'm less excited now than I was *for example* three months ago. It's probably because I'm so tired of all this. I just for some reason don't feel any hype :/

larafan25 28-04-12 20:34

I feel the hype, it's coming.

If I re-watch stuff, and if they start talking about the trailer, I'll flip out. :/

Mikky 28-04-12 20:35


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6137833)
I can't wait for the trailer and E3, but I'm less excited now than I was *for example* three months ago. It's probably because I'm so tired of all this. I just for some reason don't feel any hype :/

I believe all that hype will return as soon as you see the game in action. :D

Lukass 28-04-12 20:36

I was watching the gameplay today to build some hype, but it didn't happen. I feel like I don't care anymore :/

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