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klona 11-03-13 18:21

I remember it being in the dark in one of those creepy mini caves.
I used survival instincts and then it bulged out so I hit it.

tomee 11-03-13 18:26

Haven't completed the game yet, but I really sucked at these challenges. I was looking for literally for an hour for those hanging totems in the deer hub and the hub after the bunker and only found 3 of them.


Hope I'll be luckier next time.

pikolini 11-03-13 18:29

If the puzzles were like those challenges, the game would have been 3x more difficult.

lcroft_lc 11-03-13 18:43

Lukass 11-03-13 19:14


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6698409)
One of those is quite well hidden, I was searching for ages :tmb:

Know what you're talking about. Was searching for that well hidden over an hour.

**LARA LOVER** 11-03-13 20:00

Brady Games Multiplayer Code Issue!
Did anyone who bought the limited edition guide have problems downloading the two multiplayer characters?

My codes didn't work! :cen:

Evan C. 11-03-13 20:37


Originally Posted by **LARA LOVER** (Post 6698646)
Did anyone who bought the limited edition guide have problems downloading the two multiplayer characters?

My codes didn't work! :cen:

I gave it to a friend and he told me the code was already used, but I bought it and NEVER used neither of them :/

Lio123 11-03-13 21:07


Originally Posted by TRItheMaster (Post 6697939)
Everyone, meet Betty the Bottle!

[IMG]http://i50.************/2ryjczo.png[/IMG] :hug:

Lol! you guys!:D

Only TR lover 11-03-13 21:36

Just posted these to "report a bug" thread. :o

Weird textures on Lara appeared while approaching the Endurance.




Really? Yellow boots!? :vlol:


LNSNHGTDS 11-03-13 21:39

The rain boots and the samurai look like really bad mods but the first two look like a weird tribal ritualistic appearance :p !

Only TR lover 11-03-13 21:45

:vlol: The yellow boots are must for a next TR! XD
Seriously, I think that drivers or something stopped working correctly 'cause I turned on my TV which is wired to PC with HDMi cable... So that maybe caused the crash. Just had to quit the game :)

italibabee 11-03-13 22:44

I just stole my brothers Game Informers and saw that Tomb Raider was Game of The Month.

ItIsOkBro 12-03-13 00:34

Can someone make a video of the triple zipline she does to get from the near the Cliffside Bunker back to the beach? It's so friggin' sexy.

Linoshi Croft 12-03-13 00:42


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6699327)
Can someone make a video of the triple zipline she does to get from the near the Cliffside Bunker back to the beach? It's so friggin' sexy.

I'll see what I can :p

Lio123 12-03-13 04:37

Lara never actually cry when Grim,Roth and Alex die, seriously give that girl some feelings!
Poor Alex he went through so much trouble to impress Lara and at the end she just gave him a kiss on the cheek, on the lips would have been better, so basically Alex die been in the friend zone with Lara:Smoove

Shark_Blade 12-03-13 04:43

I should be getting my CE in the mail today. Well, at least that's what the estimated delivery says.

I'm anxious to play it. Been avoiding the spoilers, and seems everyone is excited and talking about it.

tombraiderxii 12-03-13 04:44


Originally Posted by Lio123 (Post 6699591)

I think it's safe to say she was going for the lips but he turned his head for some reason... bad timing perhaps (excluding the fact that he was dying, but still :p)

Lio123 12-03-13 04:57


Originally Posted by Shark_Blade (Post 6699601)
I should be getting my CE in the mail today. Well, at least that's what the estimated delivery says.

I'm anxious to play it. Been avoiding the spoilers, and seems everyone is excited and talking about it.

:hug: don't worry you'll get it!

Shark_Blade 12-03-13 04:58


Originally Posted by Lio123 (Post 6699616)
:hug: don't worry you'll get it!

Thanks. I hope so. :hug:

LNSNHGTDS 12-03-13 05:49

Eew, why would she kiss that abomination?!

Besides, she has Sam for all the kissin' :ohn: !

.:Tirivol:. 12-03-13 08:22

Guys what are the requirements to get the maxed out graphics (including tressfx)?

I have:
- Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3350P CPU @ 3.10GHz
- CPU 3.1 GHz
- RAM 8.2 GB
- AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series
- Windows 7


The1andOnlyTR 12-03-13 08:44

Did they choose winners for the Scavenger Hunt?!
They don't ever answer my tweets about it.. Haha.

Bomb Fighter 12-03-13 08:47


Originally Posted by **LARA LOVER** (Post 6698646)
Did anyone who bought the limited edition guide have problems downloading the two multiplayer characters?

My codes didn't work! :cen:


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6698719)
I gave it to a friend and he told me the code was already used, but I bought it and NEVER used neither of them :/

I doesn't work for me neither. What consol are u on ?

Rosaly 12-03-13 09:06


Originally Posted by Only TR lover (Post 6697981)
Short?! Did you explore enough? I definitely wouldn't call it short.


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6697987)
If you didn't explore it's your own fault, the game is meant to be played with exploration, its length is extremely good for today's standards.

I did, but I was talking only for the main missions... I wanted more. However I love the game. :)

brand.seph 12-03-13 11:02

Will I get any achievements when finishing the game in Hard Mode?

I finished the Campaign on 75% on Normal Mode. I want to do a second playthrough and hopefully get a 100% but I want the combat to be slightly easier this time.

LNSNHGTDS 12-03-13 12:29


Originally Posted by brand.seph (Post 6699884)
Will I get any achievements when finishing the game in Hard Mode?

I finished the Campaign on 75% on Normal Mode. I want to do a second playthrough and hopefully get a 100% but I want the combat to be slightly easier this time.

If I'm right some members said that there was no trophy/achievement for beating the game on hard.

MrGaga 12-03-13 12:32

So what was with the conversation between Alex and Reyes on the video cam? Y'know where they're talking about her daughter.

Is Alex joking around about her being a fox and cute, like he knows she's a 14 year old but Reyes doesn't find it funny "Pay know attention to him" and "She's smarter then you'll ever be"?

Or is it Alex does find her cute but doesn't realize she's 14 years old and hence Reyes saying the same as above?

Not sure how to 'take' the scene lol :o

Lara_Fan1 12-03-13 12:34


Originally Posted by MrGaga (Post 6699984)
So what was with the conversation between Alex and Reyes on the video cam? Y'know where they're talking about her daughter.

Is Alex joking around about her being a fox and cute, like he knows she's a 14 year old but Reyes doesn't find it funny "Pay know attention to him" and "She's smarter then you'll ever be"?

Or is it Alex does find her cute but doesn't realize she's 14 years old and hence Reyes saying the same as above?

Not sure how to 'take' the scene lol :o

I think you can take it anyway you want. I personally thought he was being serious and didn't realize she was 14. I mean when you look at the picture she doesn't look like a 14 year old girl.

LNSNHGTDS 12-03-13 12:36


Originally Posted by MrGaga (Post 6699984)
So what was with the conversation between Alex and Reyes on the video cam? Y'know where they're talking about her daughter.

Is Alex joking around about her being a fox and cute, like he knows she's a 14 year old but Reyes doesn't find it funny "Pay know attention to him" and "She's smarter then you'll ever be"?

Or is it Alex does find her cute but doesn't realize she's 14 years old and hence Reyes saying the same as above?

Not sure how to 'take' the scene lol :o

I'm sure he was joking ;) . These people propably didn't know each other before meeting on the ship (Sam was Lara's acquaintance and everyone else were Roth's acquaintances yet didn't know each other) but you can tell when a girl is 14, I mean no matter how slutty one dresses or how much make-up she puts on you can still tell she's not an adult :p !

JayB18 12-03-13 12:36


Originally Posted by .:Tirivol:. (Post 6699785)
Guys what are the requirements to get the maxed out graphics (including tressfx)?

I have:
- Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3350P CPU @ 3.10GHz
- CPU 3.1 GHz
- RAM 8.2 GB
- AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series
- Windows 7


I can't say for sure but Tressfx, super sampling anti aliasing, and tessellation are the performance hogs in this game. Turning tressfx and tessellation off and using fxaa instead of super sampling anti aliasing should allow most people to with decent rigs to max everything else. Tressfx doesn't look that good to be honest and it is glitchy at times (though when it works it works really well). The 7700 series won't be fast enough though. I have an ati hd5870 and it is faster than the 7700 series and can barely run tressfx with 30fps.

MrGaga 12-03-13 12:38


Originally Posted by Lara_Fan1 (Post 6699987)
I think you can take it anyway you want. I personally thought he was being serious and didn't realize she was 14. I mean when you look at the picture she doesn't look like a 14 year old girl.

Tbf I havn't seen the picture close up. In the scene I tried but couldn't.

Lara_Fan1 12-03-13 12:38


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6699991)
I'm sure he was joking ;) . These people propably didn't know each other before meeting on the ship (Sam was Lara's acquaintance and everyone else were Roth's acquaintances yet didn't know each other) but you can tell when a girl is 14, I mean no matter how slutty one dresses or how much make-up she puts on you can still tell she's not an adult :p !

I think they knew each other before the expedition. As Alex really likes Lara and wants her to 'notice' him.


Originally Posted by MrGaga (Post 6699994)
Tbf I havn't seen the picture close up. In the scene I tried but couldn't.

Ahh right, well. Like I said you can take it anyway you want to. There is no right or wrong way to take it.

LNSNHGTDS 12-03-13 12:42


Originally Posted by Lara_Fan1 (Post 6699996)
I think they knew each other before the expedition. As Alex really likes Lara and wants her to 'notice' him.

In their bios Lara is only mentioned in Sam's and Roth's bios, I mean if they knew each other their bios would mention how they met, wouldn't they? They did mention how Lara knew all these people in Legend and Anniversary so I think that if Lara had met the others before their meeting would have been mentioned.

Besides, everyone except Lara and Sam were really good at their field; Whitman was an archaeologist, Alex was an A.V. geek, Reyes is a mechanic, Jonah is a chef and Grim was an expert in ships and... stuff. Therefore, I think that Roth just gathered all the people that would be useful for the expidition.

Lara_Fan1 12-03-13 12:45


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6700004)
In their bios Lara is only mentioned in Sam's and Roth's bios, I mean if they knew each other their bios would mention how they met, wouldn't they? They did mention how Lara knew all these people in Legend and Anniversary so I think that if Lara had met the others before their meeting would have been mentioned.

Besides, everyone except Lara and Sam were really good at their field; Whitman was an archaeologist, Alex was an A.V. geek, Reyes is a mechanic, Jonah is a chef and Grim was an expert in ships and... stuff. Therefore, I think that Roth just gathered all the people that would be useful for the expidition.

Ohh :') ..

I don't really read the bios. I just assumed that they knew each other. The way Reyes doesn't trust Lara an has something against her. The way, Alex likes her, the way Jonah always calls her butterfly or something.

MrGaga 12-03-13 12:45


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6699991)
I'm sure he was joking ;) . These people propably didn't know each other before meeting on the ship (Sam was Lara's acquaintance and everyone else were Roth's acquaintances yet didn't know each other) but you can tell when a girl is 14, I mean no matter how slutty one dresses or how much make-up she puts on you can still tell she's not an adult :p !

Yeah this is how I thought it was :) I did think the same thing and that's why I thought it was just an awkward joke gone wrong ;) PLUS he fancies Lara so I'm sure he's not into 14 year olds lmao :p

LNSNHGTDS 12-03-13 12:46


Originally Posted by Lara_Fan1 (Post 6700007)
Ohh :') ..

I don't really read the bios. I just assumed that they knew each other. The way Reyes doesn't trust Lara an has something against her. The way, Alex likes her, the way Jonah always calls her butterfly or something.

They were on the ship for more than 20 days so I assume they got to know each other well enough ;) .


Originally Posted by MrGaga (Post 6700008)
Yeah this is how I thought it was :) I did think the same thing and that's why I thought it was just an awkward joke gone wrong ;) PLUS he fancies Lara so I'm sure he's not into 14 year olds lmao :p

Let's hope that's the case :p !

Heckler 12-03-13 12:49

Quick question... I haven't read the comic yet but doesn't it state that Alisha meets Roth?
Reyes's journal said in the game that Alisha has never met him. Spoiler....And he's dead!

So plothole or am I misinformed?

ItIsOkBro 12-03-13 12:49


Originally Posted by MrGaga (Post 6699984)
So what was with the conversation between Alex and Reyes on the video cam? Y'know where they're talking about her daughter.

Is Alex joking around about her being a fox and cute, like he knows she's a 14 year old but Reyes doesn't find it funny "Pay know attention to him" and "She's smarter then you'll ever be"?

Or is it Alex does find her cute but doesn't realize she's 14 years old and hence Reyes saying the same as above?

Not sure how to 'take' the scene lol :o

Definitely did not know she's 14 lol

ItIsOkBro 12-03-13 12:54


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6699991)
I'm sure he was joking ;) . These people propably didn't know each other before meeting on the ship (Sam was Lara's acquaintance and everyone else were Roth's acquaintances yet didn't know each other) but you can tell when a girl is 14, I mean no matter how slutty one dresses or how much make-up she puts on you can still tell she's not an adult :p !

You can't tell if a girl is 14 lol some of them are well beyond puberty at that point..

Lara_Fan1 12-03-13 12:56


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6700009)
They were on the ship for more than 20 days so I assume they got to know each other well enough ;) !

Ahh right, my mistake lol.

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