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LarasFan 03-05-13 13:03


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6772558)
Agree ~ I loved the fighting sequences. It kept it interesting. I like how the would always bring out the guys running up to you with a sword.

"You're gonna die!"

And then they get a shot in the face with a shotgun xD I mean CD said smart AI, not really smart are they?

motoleo 03-05-13 13:21


Originally Posted by LarasFan (Post 6772559)
And then they get a shot in the face with a shotgun xD I mean CD said smart AI, not really smart are they?

They try to avoid it, but they never do. I like how they like to act like they're dead. But then they're not.

Why do I seem to remember AI being so much smarter back in the day?

tomee 03-05-13 13:21


Originally Posted by LarasFan (Post 6772559)
And then they get a shot in the face with a shotgun xD I mean CD said smart AI, not really smart are they?

Umm you get shoot through their shields or what?

LarasFan 03-05-13 13:24


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6772569)
Umm you get shoot through their shields or what?

Hardly anyone with a shield comes close to me, they die from afar, however those with pickaxes, running towards me, she should better know that I have a shotgun, since I ****ing killed half of the islands inhabitants xD

Forcible 03-05-13 13:42

Tomb Raider 50% off on Steam in case someone's missed it. :)

Lara_C 03-05-13 13:48


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6772423)
I quite liked the coastal forest and summit forest too. Coastal forest is a nice and peaceful place, but summit forest is quite scary in comparison with all the stealth and having to hunt down the Scavengers. I wished they'd used those tree platforms some more, it was vaguely reminiscent of Assassin's Creed 3, I liked being up in the tree canopy :tmb:

Same here, I found the summit forest quite scary, what didn't help was that on my first play through something glitched out (possible bug) and a scavenger with wolves just appeared from nowhere from within the bush I was hiding near, he had white glowing eyes too similar to TRA's wolves.........I totally shat my self and went running for dear life to the hut in the coner like a pussy so they couldn't get me! Hahahah.

Spong 03-05-13 14:13


Originally Posted by LarasFan (Post 6772559)

Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6772558)
I like how the would always bring out the guys running up to you with a sword.

"You're gonna die!"

And then they get a shot in the face with a shotgun xD I mean CD said smart AI, not really smart are they?

If it was just the one guy running at you, I'd agree. But it's not like that. You're thinking in terms of just that one guy while, in the meantime, a load of other Scavengers are repositioning and shooting at you while you're distracted.

LarasFan 03-05-13 15:38


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6772604)
If it was just the one guy running at you, I'd agree. But it's not like that. You're thinking in terms of just that one guy while, in the meantime, a load of other Scavengers are repositioning and shooting at you while you're distracted.

But I'm not.... I head shot those bithces and they still think they stand a chance XD

SpyrosMonster 03-05-13 15:49


Originally Posted by LarasFan (Post 6772665)
But I'm not.... I head shot those bithces and they still think they stand a chance XD

It's a game... :p

LarasFan 03-05-13 15:57


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6772676)
It's a game... :p

Really? heh, I'm just saying that CD said that the AI would be very good..... Not that good apparently. :p

Linoshi Croft 03-05-13 15:58

AI in games in general is completely **** so I'm lost to why you expected anything more from Tomb Raider. :p

LarasFan 03-05-13 16:03


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6772685)
AI in games in general is completely **** so I'm lost to why you expected anything more from Tomb Raider. :p

I didn't, but I hope CD would improve it, when they said that the AI is quite intelligent. Sucks to be me :/

Lara_Fan1 03-05-13 17:51


Originally Posted by LarasFan (Post 6772682)
Really? heh, I'm just saying that CD said that the AI would be very good..... Not that good apparently. :p

It is good, compared to other TR games. An they do react differently. I agree though the way they just run at you when you're stood there with a shotgun or the machine gun.

But then again, its a game. They're not going to be that great lol.

LarasFan 03-05-13 17:54


Originally Posted by Lara_Fan1 (Post 6772780)
It is good, compared to other TR games. An they do react differently. I agree though the way they just run at you when you're stood there with a shotgun or the machine gun.

But then again, its a game. They're not going to be that great lol.

I guess so. But apparently the AI in The Last of Us is something TR should copy in the future :)

Lara_Fan1 03-05-13 17:59


Originally Posted by LarasFan (Post 6772786)
I guess so. But apparently the AI in The Last of Us is something TR should copy in the future :)

I know, looking forward to that game! So, I shall see how good the AI is in that.

I don't believe anything creators say about games anymore, i've learn they lie for publicity. Yano, Underworld was ment to be EPIC and in TR2013 there was ment to be a hub the size of Underworld.

LarasFan 03-05-13 18:01


Originally Posted by Lara_Fan1 (Post 6772791)
I know, looking forward to that game! So, I shall see how good the AI is in that.

I don't believe anything creators say about games anymore, i've learn they lie for publicity. Yano, Underworld was ment to be EPIC and in TR2013 there was ment to be a hub the size of Underworld.

Well the beach was pretty big wasn't it?

Lara_Fan1 03-05-13 18:04


Originally Posted by LarasFan (Post 6772795)
Well the beach was pretty big wasn't it?

Yeah it's pretty big, it's not as big as Underworld though lol.

LarasFan 03-05-13 18:05


Originally Posted by Lara_Fan1 (Post 6772801)
Yeah it's pretty big, it's not as big as Underworld though lol.

Well, of course it would be kinda impossible to be as big as an actual game, so they did their best.

Lara_Fan1 03-05-13 18:09


Originally Posted by LarasFan (Post 6772802)
Well, of course it would be kinda impossible to be as big as an actual game, so they did their best.

I know they did there best but they shouldn't have said that lol. Made me laugh when I heard it tbh.

AimlessThunder 03-05-13 18:10


Originally Posted by LarasFan (Post 6772795)
Well the beach was pretty big wasn't it?

Not as big and puzzle filled as TRU.


Originally Posted by Lara_Fan1 (Post 6772810)
I know they did there best but they shouldn't have said that lol. Made me laugh when I heard it tbh.

Ikr? :vlol: Oh Karl! :vlol:

LarasFan 03-05-13 18:12

Crystal must have been talking about Ascension then :p Having a hub as big as TRU. If you remember the vid of Ascension, my god it looked huge!!!

The1andOnlyTR 04-05-13 02:03


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6772406)
They used an incorrectly spelt name? It's Ascension, not Ascention :p

The least valuable reply one could hope for. :p

mizuno_suisei 04-05-13 04:20

this isnt new thread worthy but TR is still selling at original release date price at EB games which is one of Australia's only big game sellers. I'm assuming that's good news for sales it's been almost 2 months!!!

kevindatsun 04-05-13 04:38


Originally Posted by Lara_Fan1 (Post 6772791)
I don't believe anything creators say about games anymore, i've learn they lie for publicity. Yano, Underworld was ment to be EPIC and in TR2013 there was ment to be a hub the size of Underworld.

hahahaha, In Amy Lee's words. . "there's nothing better, than a good lie" hahaha. .

The1andOnlyTR 04-05-13 06:51

It's early May; Where are the outfits?! -sobs-

Lara_Fan1 04-05-13 07:52


Originally Posted by LarasFan (Post 6772816)
Crystal must have been talking about Ascension then :p Having a hub as big as TRU. If you remember the vid of Ascension, my god it looked huge!!!

Nope they weren't aha! They said this while promoting Tomb Raider. If I'm not mistaken they said the quote after they released the Night Hub part.


Originally Posted by kevindatsun (Post 6773255)
hahahaha, In Amy Lee's words. . "there's nothing better, than a good lie" hahaha. .


Ahah! True.

kevindatsun 04-05-13 12:06

I also remember them saying you need food, water, shelter to survive (wtf is this? Sims 2 Castaway? ) , did that happen also?? Or is it also a lie? Sorry for asking this cause I still hadn't played the game yet. . Karl starts to act like GlaDOS now. .

Ora Dagger 06-05-13 02:27

I'm at 99% and collected everything. What am I missing? :pi:

Richard_Croft 06-05-13 02:30


Originally Posted by Ora Dagger (Post 6775069)
I'm at 99% and collected everything. What am I missing? :pi:

Did you check the Cliffside Bunker near the beach? It doesn't show up in Fast Travel, you have to go there by foot ;)
Maybe you forgot the challenge by chance?

Alister's_Brain 06-05-13 03:26


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6775072)
Did you check the Cliffside Bunker near the beach? It doesn't show up in Fast Travel, you have to go there by foot ;)
Maybe you forgot the challenge by chance?

They should really make that day camp a base camp to clear all this confusion.

mizuno_suisei 06-05-13 07:08

For PC gamers

Did your disk version of TR2013 come with a decent game manual? explaining all the options, character profiles, controls on keyboard mouse etc..I don't recall mine doing so. Just asking as my JP version arrived today and it's got a really nice explanatory manual inside and I don't recall getting that in my english version.

tombraiderxii 06-05-13 09:01

So I caved and bought the TR Collection on Steam even though I already have disk versions of TR1-6 and LAU and TR2013, BUUUT since I'm moving to the other side of the country I won't be anywhere near my consoles, so now I can play my TRs on my laptop wherever. WOOHOO

I took some screens from TR. The game looks SO much better on PC. And this is on Low Mode with TressFX. :D


TheRCroft 06-05-13 19:10


Originally Posted by mizuno_suisei (Post 6775140)
For PC gamers

Did your disk version of TR2013 come with a decent game manual? explaining all the options, character profiles, controls on keyboard mouse etc..I don't recall mine doing so. Just asking as my JP version arrived today and it's got a really nice explanatory manual inside and I don't recall getting that in my english version.

That's really weird. All I got was a lousy 6-pages manual containing information about limited warranty and the support centre, as well as two ads, one for the Tomb Raider store and another one for AMD Radeon.

Ora Dagger 06-05-13 19:18


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6775072)
Did you check the Cliffside Bunker near the beach? It doesn't show up in Fast Travel, you have to go there by foot ;)
Maybe you forgot the challenge by chance?

The previous inhabitants? I did that one but it still says 99%. I looked up all the challenges and did all of them. I also have all documents, relics and whatever else there is. Hmmm weird. Oh well :p

Underhoe 06-05-13 19:18

The rumors were true, Lara failed as a Tomb Raider and sank to lower levels, where her success is evident.

klona 06-05-13 19:26

Nobody is throwing money at her face :p

The1andOnlyTR 06-05-13 19:53

Maybe I'm impatient, but...

It's early May and I want my DLC! D:


Richard_Croft 06-05-13 20:03

^Me too! I'm addicted to the multiplayer :D

Originally Posted by Ora Dagger (Post 6775835)
The previous inhabitants? I did that one but it still says 99%. I looked up all the challenges and did all of them. I also have all documents, relics and whatever else there is. Hmmm weird. Oh well :p

Hmm, that's weird. Did you check if there's other collectibles layin' around in Cliffside Bunker?

Jami393 06-05-13 20:15

So is there going to be any form of DLC for single player other than The Tomb of The Lost Adventurer?

Titak 06-05-13 20:19

Is that one for the PC?

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