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Richard_Croft 06-05-13 20:26

^Yep, it's on Steam :)

@Jami393: Not at the moment. They said they were focusing on the multiplayer DLCs.

Jami393 06-05-13 20:36


Originally Posted by Titak (Post 6775938)
Is that one for the PC?

Yeah it it, but I got it with my pre-order of TReboot on the 360.


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6775949)
@Jami393: Not at the moment. They said they were focusing on the multiplayer DLCs.

Why are Crystal mainly focusing on multiplayer?

Richard_Croft 06-05-13 20:46


Originally Posted by Jami393 (Post 6775957)
Why are Crystal mainly focusing on multiplayer?

Jami393 06-05-13 20:49


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6775970)

So basically to keep people playing the game.

Richard_Croft 06-05-13 20:51

^Exactly, but I wouldn't mind if they'd release a couple of tombs :o

Jami393 06-05-13 21:10


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6775981)
^Exactly, but I wouldn't mind if they'd release a couple of tombs :o

I wonder then how many people are actually playing TReboot's multiplayer mode. Also that's what I wouldn't mind at least is a couple more tombs for the island.

ivaneiroX 06-05-13 21:21


Originally Posted by Jami393 (Post 6776000)
I wonder then how many people are actually playing TReboot's multiplayer mode. Also that's what I wouldn't mind at least is a couple more tombs for the island.

on ps3 there is a lot of people playing you can find a casual team deathmatch game really fast

jajay119 06-05-13 21:53

I think it'd be kinda cool if they made a DLC piece, or even a completely separate smaller title released digitally only that focuses on Amelia and her time on the island after her crash. I think it could be a very good experience. Doesn't necessarily have to be officially linked to TR other than it were set in the same place but the different time and character could afford for a completely different play style to Lara.

Linoshi Croft 06-05-13 21:59


Originally Posted by jajay119 (Post 6776028)
I think it'd be kinda cool if they made a DLC piece, or even a completely separate smaller title released digitally only that focuses on Amelia and her time on the island after her crash. I think it could be a very good experience. Doesn't necessarily have to be officially linked to TR other than it were set in the same place but the different time and character could afford for a completely different play style to Lara.

This is actually a really awesome idea. It kinda reminds me of what they did with Enslaved and Pigsy's Perfect 10 where they took another character placed within the same game but with a completely unique play style making for a piece of DLC that was actually much more interesting to play than just adding more for the main playable character.

jajay119 06-05-13 22:12


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6776040)
This is actually a really awesome idea. It kinda reminds me of what they did with Enslaved and Pigsy's Perfect 10 where they took another character placed within the same game but with a completely unique play style making for a piece of DLC that was actually much more interesting to play than just adding more for the main playable character.

Thank you :D Tbh, I really love the island setting and the whole Himiko storyline as un-fleshed out as it was. They could make mini-campaigns as DLC for different key characters expanding the story of the island and characters on it more. Plus playing characters from different time periods would let us see the island in varying statuses of decay and structure depending on how, or if, well established the Solari are etc. Plus each character, like I said, could have a different play style. Like Amelia could be more puzzle and exploration based, they could have a soldier character who could be very combat orientated. There's actually so many places they could go with the setting and story, they don't have to be exclusive to Lara.

starstruck 06-05-13 23:29

The centaurs in Anniversary make me so mad to this day. :hea:

AimlessThunder 06-05-13 23:31


Originally Posted by starstruck (Post 6776122)
The centaurs in Anniversary make me so mad to this day. :hea:

I was just thinking about them, as Winamp skipped to their theme. What was wrong with them?

Mikky 06-05-13 23:40


Originally Posted by jajay119 (Post 6776028)
I think it'd be kinda cool if they made a DLC piece, or even a completely separate smaller title released digitally only that focuses on Amelia and her time on the island after her crash. I think it could be a very good experience. Doesn't necessarily have to be officially linked to TR other than it were set in the same place but the different time and character could afford for a completely different play style to Lara.

That's actually a brilliant idea. I would love that. Shame it's probably never gonna happen, though. :/

starstruck 06-05-13 23:44


Originally Posted by AimlessThunder (Post 6776123)
I was just thinking about them, as Winamp skipped to their theme. What was wrong with them?

They give me trouble everytime. I play Anniversary on Wii, though. Maybe they're easier on the other platforms...?

Jami393 06-05-13 23:52


Originally Posted by starstruck (Post 6776144)
They give me trouble everytime. I play Anniversary on Wii, though. Maybe they're easier on the other platforms...?

The will be easier on another console, seeing that you don't have to swing the nunchuck to use the grapple. Tbh I found them more fun on Wii.

Mikky 06-05-13 23:54


Originally Posted by starstruck (Post 6776144)
They give me trouble everytime. I play Anniversary on Wii, though. Maybe they're easier on the other platforms...?

I've played the Wii version and they didn't seem any harder than any other version. I mean, you shoot, adrenaline dodge, throw grapple, use shield to reflect, shoot like crazy (preferably the shotgun if you're close enough or the Magnums if not) and then repeat process. Just make sure you're not aiming at them when they use the laser thingy and run around and you'll easily dodge it. It's reeeeally easy once you get the pattern down and you know what to do. Then again, I have finished Anniversary over 300 times, so maybe I'm more used to it than most. :p

starstruck 06-05-13 23:56


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6776167)
I've played the Wii version and they didn't seem any harder than any other version. I mean, you shoot, adrenaline dodge, throw grapple, use shield to reflect, shoot like crazy (preferably the shotgun if you're close enough or the Magnums if not) and then repeat process. Just make sure you're not aiming at them when they use the laser thingy and run around and you'll easily dodge it. It's reeeeally easy once you get the pattern down and you know what to do. Then again, I have finished Anniversary over 300 times, so maybe I'm more used to it than most. :p

300 times!? :cen:

I don't blame ya, though. The game is awesome. I can replay it over and over - unlike the latest installment. ;)


Originally Posted by Jami393 (Post 6776160)
The will be easier on another console, seeing that you don't have to swing the nunchuck to use the grapple. Tbh I found them more fun on Wii.

They're probably the funnest bosses ever, but they still make me so mad haha.

Azerutan 07-05-13 02:36


Originally Posted by jajay119 (Post 6776045)
Thank you :D Tbh, I really love the island setting and the whole Himiko storyline as un-fleshed out as it was. They could make mini-campaigns as DLC for different key characters expanding the story of the island and characters on it more. Plus playing characters from different time periods would let us see the island in varying statuses of decay and structure depending on how, or if, well established the Solari are etc. Plus each character, like I said, could have a different play style. Like Amelia could be more puzzle and exploration based, they could have a soldier character who could be very combat orientated. There's actually so many places they could go with the setting and story, they don't have to be exclusive to Lara.

I was actually shocked how much I liked diary characters waaay more than Lara's useless friends. Actually NONE of the side characters looked a bit interesting.

However, I was very intrigued by Hoshi, she had more bravery and more use than any of Lara's friends in the entire game. I loved the Ambassador too. The Japanese military were pretty good too. Mathias is another one who had fantastic diary entries, along with his various Sollarii fighters.

I would love to see Himiko in her prime to show her colours and her powers, she should have been the boss. TR ending was very underwhelming in that area. Mathias and Himiko should have been bosses too. Oh well...

Shark_Blade 07-05-13 02:42

Oh come on.

Gamd1011 07-05-13 03:25


Originally Posted by Shark_Blade (Post 6776330)

Oh come on.

That wasn't made by CD. A fan put that together.

Lara Thorn 07-05-13 19:54

I love that outfit lol

Valentino 07-05-13 20:22


Originally Posted by Shark_Blade (Post 6776330)

That bottom image, wonder what part that was in the game... Or was in an altered scene or just taken out?? And the model is really different, even different to model in the leaked wolf den demo from 2011

The1andOnlyTR 07-05-13 20:25


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6777031)
That bottom image, wonder what part that was in the game... Or was in an altered scene or just taken out?? And the model is really different, even different to model in the leaked wolf den demo from 2011

I think it's from the cave escape, although I don't remember seeing that exact image.

renspyro 07-05-13 21:04

Random News of the Day:

Our beloved Karl S. is now the Vice-President of the Occidental division at Square Enix! :eek:, as you can see at him Twitter Account: Vice President, Strategic Marketing, Square Enix, North America/Europe. BAFTA Member. All tweets belong to those who follow!

And he Twetted:

"Thank you all for the tweets of congrats on the new position today. Much appreciated. See most of you at E3 soon. Raise a glass."

Congrats Karl!! :jmp:

Cristina 07-05-13 21:08

Omg :jmp::jmp:

"see most of you at E3 soon" LC Reflections or new IP maybe, OR BOTH:cln:

Spong 07-05-13 21:10

Does that mean he's gone from Crystal and we never have to hear him drone on about Batman or James Bond ever again? Someone please say yes.

*crosses fingers*

Mikky 07-05-13 21:10

They must have been really impressed with how he lied about that hub that's "bigger than TRU" and all that rubbish he kept sprouting out about Batman and 007! It's only, like, the best skill EVAH!

Nah, but seriously, congrats to the guy. I'm sure he earned it. :D

_Ninja_ 07-05-13 21:17

And the usual suspects with something negative... ;)

Maybe this bodes well for Tomb Raider. SE wouldn't promote someone out of a failed project.

Spong 07-05-13 21:22


Originally Posted by _Ninja_ (Post 6777082)
And the usual suspects with something negative... ;)


LOL, not really :p
I can't be held to blame for the amount of hours Karl waffled on about things that had nothing to do with anything.


Originally Posted by _Ninja_ (Post 6777082)
Maybe this bodes well for Tomb Raider. SE wouldn't promote someone out of a failed project.

If you listen to SquEnix going on about the sales expectations, TR9 did apparently fail. SquEnix is obviously a bit crap at counting, let's hope that lack of skill hasn't spilled over into their HR :p

Stevo505 07-05-13 21:22

Congrats Karl! A well deserved promotion.

Spong 07-05-13 21:24

Seriously, does this mean he's no longer Creative Whatever It Is at Crystal? If he has gone, who's gonna replace him? :eek::pi:

Richard_Croft 07-05-13 21:27


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6777087)
Seriously, does this mean he's no longer Creative Whatever It Is at Crystal?

He was Global Brand Director :p
Anyway congrats to him! Vice president, that's huge :tmb:

Spong 07-05-13 21:29


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6777094)
He was Global Brand Director :p

That's the one I meant. Both titles had letters in them, so I wasn't too far off :D

Mikky 07-05-13 21:29


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6777085)
I can't be held to blame for the amount of hours Karl waffled on about things that had nothing to do with anything.

Exactly. :rolleyes:

Richard_Croft 07-05-13 21:38


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6777096)
That's the one I meant. Both titles had letters in them, so I wasn't too far off :D

OMG! :vlol:

TRItheMaster 07-05-13 21:56


Originally Posted by Shark_Blade (Post 6776330)

Oh come on.

Now I bet every hipster "Gamer Girl" will buy that and flaunt it around. Next thing you know when someone asks her about Lara Croft, she'll be damn clueless. :vlol:

motoleo 08-05-13 00:16

Was it stated that Lara was an only child in the new continually? Because Der could be a possibility that she has a sister. Hey, that could've been cool the child was in that Apocalypse TR game.

Lara_Fan1 08-05-13 09:48


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6777255)
Was it stated that Lara was an only child in the new continually?

Lara always has been an only child.


Because Der could be a possibility that she has a sister. Hey, that could've been cool the child was in that Apocalypse TR game.
Just, no.

Titak 08-05-13 13:25


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6775949)
[COLOR="DarkRed"]^Yep, it's on Steam :)

I might check it out then. :D


Originally Posted by Jami393 (Post 6775957)
Yeah it it, but I got it with my pre-order of TReboot on the 360.

I also preordered, for PC, and got the outfits included and the Hitman weapons which, as turned out are only for multiplayer? (I don't do multiplayer...)
Didn't get this tomb. :(

I'll have to check and see how the paying system works then... never done that before. :D

klona 08-05-13 14:09


Originally Posted by Titak (Post 6777705)
Didn't get this tomb. :(

The Tomb was really amazing, makes you wish there was more like it in the game itself. ;-;
Stupid CD has no plans for more SP DLC. :mad:
I really hope they change their minds soon. :(
Reading this makes me scream!

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