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Lara_Fan1 11-05-13 17:08


Originally Posted by LarasFan (Post 6781072)
Well, if you mean online the versus, and the other competitive mode then yes, they are DLC, you must have actually got the Gold Edition and never notice it :p

Yeah I have the Gold one but I thought that only Lost in Nightmares, Last Escape (or whatever it's called) and the Outfits & Mercenaries Reunion where the add-ons.

LarasFan 11-05-13 17:09


Originally Posted by Lara_Fan1 (Post 6781079)
Yeah I have the Gold one but I thought that only Lost in Nightmares, Last Escape (or whatever it's called) and the Outfits & Mercenaries Reunion where the add-ons.

Nop :p Anywho, we're off topic...
Back on TR. The game is seriously dead these day :/ I hope CD does something about it.

Lara_Fan1 11-05-13 17:10


Originally Posted by LarasFan (Post 6781081)
Nop :p Anywho, we're off topic...
Back on TR. The game is seriously dead these day :/ I hope CD does something about it.

The game isn't dead. The forums are getting dead lol.
An not long for Reflections.

Spong 11-05-13 17:20


Originally Posted by Lara_Fan1 (Post 6781084)
The game isn't dead.

The single-player is.
There's undiscovered tribes living in caves who are bored with TR9's single-player. And they don't even know what electricity is.

LarasFan 11-05-13 17:20


Originally Posted by Lara_Fan1 (Post 6781084)
The game isn't dead. The forums are getting dead lol.
An not long for Reflections.

Well, I the game is dead for me :( No replayabilty what-so-ever :/ But that's about to change in the future :p Lara will be more free to visit different locations and stuff.

Lara_Fan1 11-05-13 17:22


Originally Posted by LarasFan (Post 6781096)
Well, I the game is dead for me :( No replayabilty what-so-ever :/ But that's about to change in the future :p Lara will be more free to visit different locations and stuff.

Hmm, I wonder what an Open-world Tomb Raider would be like.
Like GTA, having loads of Tombs to find, Easter Eggs of past TR games someone on the map.

Wonder if CD will ever do this or will Tomb Raider not suit having an open-world.

LarasFan 11-05-13 17:27


Originally Posted by Lara_Fan1 (Post 6781101)
Hmm, I wonder what an Open-world Tomb Raider would be like.
Like GTA, having loads of Tombs to find, Easter Eggs of past TR games someone on the map.

Wonder if CD will ever do this or will Tomb Raider not suit having an open-world.

I don't think it would actually suit it, cause TR is about Tombs. It wouldn't look much like a tomb if it's opern world in my opinion.

tomekkobialka 11-05-13 17:56

Not sure if this should go in the fan art section, I decided to show it here though.

Some TR fan music I wrote, put together with a few pictures from Lara's adventures (screenshots come from Katie's TR site). :) Hope you like it!

LarasFan 11-05-13 18:02


Originally Posted by tomekkobialka (Post 6781151)
Not sure if this should go in the fan art section, I decided to show it here though.

Some TR fan music I wrote, put together with a few pictures from Lara's adventures (screenshots come from Katie's TR site). :) Hope you like it!

If you made a thread then it should go in the Fan art section, however since it's just a post it's allowed I believe so.

Anywho, the song is amazing... D: Very beautiful. Did you mix it with different songs? or recreated it?

Richard_Croft 11-05-13 18:24


Originally Posted by LarasFan (Post 6781042)
Anywho, random question, has anyone platinumed TR? a.k.a all achievements and stuff?

I did, and not so long ago :D

Originally Posted by tomekkobialka (Post 6781151)
Not sure if this should go in the fan art section, I decided to show it here though.


Some TR fan music I wrote, put together with a few pictures from Lara's adventures (screenshots come from Katie's TR site). :) Hope you like it!

I loved it, it's so beautiful ;_;

LarasFan 11-05-13 18:25


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6781183)
I did, and not so long ago :D
Really? I did it with your help :p
I loved it, it's so beautiful ;_;

It truly is isn't it?

Richard_Croft 11-05-13 19:18


Originally Posted by LarasFan (Post 6781184)
Really? I did it with your help :p

You're welcome then :p
Yep, I got the Platinum and Shopaholic from a glitch :vlol:

LarasFan 11-05-13 19:20


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6781234)
Yep, I got the Platinum and Shopaholic from a glitch :vlol:

Well I got it normally, which was a pain, but I was glad when I did. :p

Richard_Croft 11-05-13 19:21


Originally Posted by LarasFan (Post 6781237)
Well I got it normally, which was a pain, but I was glad when I did. :p

It was a pain to me just to get the 'True Commitment' :o

LarasFan 11-05-13 19:26


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6781239)
It was a pain to me just to get the 'True Commitment' :o

I remember playing with you and I was 36 and you were 45. And the next day i got True commitment XD

Spong 11-05-13 19:27


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6781234)
Yep, I got the Platinum and Shopaholic from a glitch :vlol:

You massive cheat! I'm telling Crystal :pi:

LarasFan 11-05-13 19:30


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6781248)
You massive cheat! I'm telling Crystal :pi:

It's CD fault actually, XD No need to remind them :p

Richard_Croft 11-05-13 19:32


Originally Posted by LarasFan (Post 6781247)
I remember playing with you and I was 36 and you were 45. And the next day i got True commitment XD

Yeah, I remember playing with you x)

Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6781248)
You massive cheat! I'm telling Crystal :pi:

Go, do it! Lol :p
It wasn't my fault, I was supposed to buy every upgrade but I didn't have enough fragments for the last upgrade. I turned off my PS3. The next day, I started the game and they popped up :vlol:

Phlip 11-05-13 20:35

I just put together a HUD I'd love to see in future TR's. If the health bar comes back, it can be in a circle around a compass (which has two notches which move closer together as you go to your objective which the arrow points in the direction of, possibly to replace survival vision), with a simple white gun icon and the ammo amount. :)

It's a bit cheap, but you get me. What do you think? :o

Mikky 11-05-13 20:45

Just as long as it's not always on the screen, then yeah, sounds good.

trfanX34 11-05-13 20:48

No HUDs in TR, please :X
I like the idea of a compass instead of SI a lot, though :D It would be cool as an inventory item, like in TR4 but marking your goal instead of the north.

Phlip 11-05-13 20:49


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6781368)
No HUDs in TR, please :X

Well there's a medium, filled black circle with white ammo icons encircling around it (which with most guns doesn't even circle all the way around, OCD-enducingly enough), so.. :p

trfanX34 11-05-13 20:52


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6781372)
Well there's a medium, filled black circle with white ammo icons encircling around it (which with most guns doesn't even circle all the way around, OCD-enducingly enough), so.. :p

No HUDs in TR during gameplay*, please. :p
I don't mind TR's a lot. It's simple and it doesn't stand out too much.

The1andOnlyTR 11-05-13 21:38

Boooooop. Pointless question: why didn't Lara try to wipe off any of the blood after she fell into the pool of it? At least off of her face. Dramatic effect? Not complaining. :)

Also, speaking of HUDs, I like the idea in the picture. And, by replacing Survial Insticnt (which NEEDS to go), we could toggle the HUD off and on with the RB/R1(R2?)/PC controls.

motoleo 11-05-13 21:44


Mikky 11-05-13 21:44


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6781464)
Boooooop. Pointless question: why didn't Lara try to wipe off any of the blood after she fell into the pool of it? At least off of her face. Dramatic effect? Not complaining. :)

Why ask us? All we can do is speculate. :p But yeah, you're probably right, it was probably just for dramatic/cinematic effect. You know how CD is. :p

The1andOnlyTR 11-05-13 21:46


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6781471)
What good would that to do? She was completely covered in blood deathly trying to wipe off water on your on your face when you're underwater

I'm not saying she should've rushed to a sink and soaped herself clean. :rolleyes:
But she could've smeared the blood away from her mouth and eyes..

JsotoTRSaga 11-05-13 21:47

I don't want a HUD and i for sure don't want a health bar again... unless it auto regenerates like in TOMB RAIDER, no need to move back.

motoleo 11-05-13 21:50

Oh yeah no more health bars or health packs.

Phlip 11-05-13 21:59


Spong 11-05-13 22:01


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 6781479)
I don't want a HUD and i for sure don't want a health bar again... unless it auto regenerates like in TOMB RAIDER, no need to move back.


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6781484)
Oh yeah no more health bars or health packs.

You both make the baby Jesus cry :(

The1andOnlyTR 11-05-13 22:02

The new TR will be a "next-gen" game. Why not have multiple health systems? Regenerative and health packs?

Melonie Tomb Raider 11-05-13 22:02


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6781348)
I just put together a HUD I'd love to see in future TR's. If the health bar comes back, it can be in a circle around a compass (which has two notches which move closer together as you go to your objective which the arrow points in the direction of, possibly to replace survival vision), with a simple white gun icon and the ammo amount. :)

It's a bit cheap, but you get me. What do you think? :o

I freaking love this!!

Spong 11-05-13 22:05


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6781505)
The new TR will be a "next-gen" game. Why not have multiple health systems? Regenerative and health packs?

I don't want regenerative anything. You should have a finite amount of health, as any human being would, and you have to cure it if you get hurt, not squat behind a cover spot for ten seconds and everything suddenly better.

Phlip 11-05-13 22:06


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6781505)
The new TR will be a "next-gen" game. Why not have multiple health systems? Regenerative and health packs?

How could that possibly work?

Originally Posted by Melonie Tomb Raider (Post 6781506)
I freaking love this!!

Thanks. :D

Mikky 11-05-13 22:08


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6781509)
I don't want regenerative anything. You should have a finite amount of health, as any human being would, and you have to cure it if you get hurt, not squat behind a cover spot for ten seconds and everything suddenly better.


_Ninja_ 11-05-13 22:08

I like having as little hud and bars as possible. So regen health works for me. And, no, it doesn't make anything inherently easier.


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6781509)
I don't want regenerative anything. You should have a finite amount of health, as any human being would, and you have to cure it if you get hurt, not squat behind a cover spot for ten seconds and everything suddenly better.

You should be locked out from playing the game for a month or two until your character recovers in a hospital "as any human being would".

Mikky 11-05-13 22:10

Tomb Raider's ever-lasting white knight is vigilant as always, I see.

JsotoTRSaga 11-05-13 22:11

If anything it should be an option in the options menu for those who desire medi packs, but auto regenerate for us who liked it more. No need to return to the ''Roots'' not IMO at least.

_Ninja_ 11-05-13 22:12


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 6781519)
If anything it should be an option in the options menu for those who desire medi packs, but auto regenerate for us who liked it more. No need to return to the ''Roots'' not IMO at least.

That would require twice the work for balancing gameplay.

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