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Spong 16-09-13 16:09


Originally Posted by pirate1802 (Post 6903278)
Concept arts always look better than the actual game. I wonder why.

Because the only boundaries to concept art is the imagination.

Dug 17-09-13 16:14

This has probably been mentioned before, but there are thousands of pages on this thread, so excuse me for not reading them all. I just didn't want to start a thread simply to say...

Where were all the big exciting tombs?

I spent more time in the jungle than I did in a 'tomb'. And even they just felt like nests which the islanders had hung their bed sheets in.

One thing I DID like, was that you had to find the tombs, get in, find your gold, and then get out.

Other than that, what I DIDN'T like was that the tombs was purely to find stuff to help you upgrade, rather than interesting information about the lost civilisation, which is why the character of Lara is meant to be raiding tombs in the first place (Given she's not an official tomb raider in this story as of yet, but still).

Quick fixes to make the tombs more enjoyable would have been:
-Remove signs that the islanders had already found them, and link them to the past civilisation instead
-Make them longer
-And.. importantly.. place all those interesting artifacts like the masks inside them, rather than outside.

The last point would have made it really feel like exploring those tombs would allow you to learn more about what happened on the island.

In another interesting note, when I played through TR2013 for the first timb, I was also playing through Far Cry 3, which actually felt like it had a lot more tombs and freedom to explore. Haven't finished it, but so far it's the exact same story as TR2013... but with more exploration and tombs.. funny that.

Therefore, recommend Tomb Raider fans dissapointed in the new game to give Far Cry 3 a go.

OK, my 2p has been said :) Back to regular broadcast.

Alister's_Brain 18-09-13 04:29


Originally Posted by Dug (Post 6906047)
This has probably been mentioned before, but there are thousands of pages on this thread, so excuse me for not reading them all. I just didn't want to start a thread simply to say...

Where were all the big exciting tombs?

I spent more time in the jungle than I did in a 'tomb'. And even they just felt like nests which the islanders had hung their bed sheets in.

One thing I DID like, was that you had to find the tombs, get in, find your gold, and then get out.

Other than that, what I DIDN'T like was that the tombs was purely to find stuff to help you upgrade, rather than interesting information about the lost civilisation, which is why the character of Lara is meant to be raiding tombs in the first place (Given she's not an official tomb raider in this story as of yet, but still).

Quick fixes to make the tombs more enjoyable would have been:
-Remove signs that the islanders had already found them, and link them to the past civilisation instead
-Make them longer
-And.. importantly.. place all those interesting artifacts like the masks inside them, rather than outside.

The last point would have made it really feel like exploring those tombs would allow you to learn more about what happened on the island.

In another interesting note, when I played through TR2013 for the first timb, I was also playing through Far Cry 3, which actually felt like it had a lot more tombs and freedom to explore. Haven't finished it, but so far it's the exact same story as TR2013... but with more exploration and tombs.. funny that.

Therefore, recommend Tomb Raider fans dissapointed in the new game to give Far Cry 3 a go.

OK, my 2p has been said :) Back to regular broadcast.

I agree that the Tombs were really short and easy.

but there was interesting information in each tomb! Like the one on the beach, you find out was a fishing outpost. hence all the cages that Lara talks about. When you reach the chests in each tomb doesn't Lara talk about what the tomb was? I recall her examining the area about her opinions.

What the tombs were missing was the fear, and punishment that the old games had. TRAPS! The tomb needed a lot of these. Although, I do recall one part where you were walking in a tomb that was really dark, I believe in the shantytown area, and you slip and slide off the ledge if you didn't press that grab button. More of those!

And also make the tombs more grand! just like the old games. Trust me everyone on this forum would had loved the tombs if they were just as challenging.

Far cry is a bit different imo compared to Tomb Raider. Some people don't enjoy FPS games that are open world. I love the exploration and puzzles than visceral combat. Each his own I guess.

daventry 18-09-13 18:04

I want to go Buy Tomb Raider (PC) or should i wait for the GOTY and also for the Price to go down.

What Bugs and Patches should i expect

_Ninja_ 18-09-13 18:09

I have not encountered any bugs and it's hard to judge the likelihood that you will. And in terms of where you can or can't go it's exactly like the console version.

Patrick star 18-09-13 20:24

I didn't have bugs at all in the PC version (never played the console one )

daventry 18-09-13 20:32

Can you Explore the Island again after you Finish the Game and can you go to the Ending part of the Game again, i just dont want certain places to be blocked off because it was Only available during the Main Game.

_Ninja_ 18-09-13 21:21


Originally Posted by daventry (Post 6906868)
Can you Explore the Island again after you Finish the Game and can you go to the Ending part of the Game again, i just dont want certain places to be blocked off because it was Only available during the Main Game.

Have you not played the game? It's exactly the same as the console version.

You can only go to the end level in a limited capacity to get the collectibles. Some areas are locked out after the end.

daventry 19-09-13 13:18

I just bought TR today, who knew the Updates is 10 GB now i must wait till tomorrow morning to play :hea:

larafan25 20-09-13 03:11

If Classic Lara and Reboot Lara met:

daventry 20-09-13 07:32

Is there any way to Remove Secondary Map Button Keys, im Sick being Forced with Secondary Buttons when im trying to set the Buttons i want.

spyrostr 20-09-13 23:28

how awesome is this? :')

AimlessThunder 20-09-13 23:48


Originally Posted by spyrostr (Post 6908151)
how awesome is this? :')

This is one thing that CD got right with Underworld.

Mikky 21-09-13 11:24


Originally Posted by spyrostr (Post 6908151)
how awesome is this? :')


Really awesome! D: It would make for a really good credits tune.

pirate1802 21-09-13 11:28

Anyone else plays the game with post processing off? I found it takes away the "haziness" from distant objects but also makes the scenery a little darker. A fair tradeoiff in my opinion.

Matie 21-09-13 13:55

I have it turned on since I got to know that when it's off, the game lags horribly in MP at explosions, rockfalls and the storm effect in Chasm.

Patrick star 21-09-13 16:49

finished Underworld today , and I felt more sorry for the reboot's cutscenes facial expressions :(
in Underworld (despite its many flows ) there were really impressive facial expressions (the ones on Amanda's face in the final cutscene , the ones on Lara's face when she kills her Zombie mother and hears Natla's talk after that , the ones in the last cutscene of Andaman sea level , and many more .......) ...
in the reboot , there was just the sad or scared or angry expressions for Lara (I'm talking about cutscenes only ) and almost no expressions at all for the supporting cast .
I hope Crystal take care more for the cutscenes facial expressions in the sequel or make expressions like Underworld's if they wanted to stick to hand-animating facial emotions :o

daventry 22-09-13 16:17

i finished the Game with 70% and collected all the GPS Casches with 90% where i heard that Classic Secret Tune, but what happens afterwards, is there still anything else to do, is there some Secret Level or something suppose to happen.

Spong 22-09-13 17:14


Originally Posted by daventry (Post 6908853)
i finished the Game with 70% and collected all the GPS Casches with 90% where i heard that Classic Secret Tune, but what happens afterwards, is there still anything else to do, is there some Secret Level or something suppose to happen.

Check your completed percentage, if it's less than 100% (it sounds like you only have 90% overall) then there's things you've missed. You need to travel round the hub areas and check the stats on each map to see what it is you're missing.

daventry 22-09-13 17:47

The Hub and Map System only shows Important things and Locations, it doesent reveal Posters on the wall i need to burn where i usually tick on Toggle Location

LoveAmiga 22-09-13 21:17


Originally Posted by GUMI (Post 6902540)
I fail to see how Lara looks boyish :confused:
She looks 100% female in my eyes.


Mikky 22-09-13 21:39


Originally Posted by daventry (Post 6908915)
The Hub and Map System only shows Important things and Locations, it doesent reveal Posters on the wall i need to burn where i usually tick on Toggle Location

No, it doesn't. You're actually going to have to do something without any aid, *gasp*. God forbid, lol.

No, but really, challange objects such as the flags aren't revealed on your map, but if you really need some help (and trust me, you most likely will on one or two) you can either look up a guide online or use Survival Instinct. You'll still have to look for them slightly and be near them, I guess, but the objects will glow and be much easier to spot.

pirate1802 23-09-13 02:51

I wish in the next game they'd include a post-game system whereby you'd be able to set the weather from rainy to sunny to snowing even, or time of the day, or the windiness, or to respawn the killed enemy soldiers and set their numbers. It would make the world 9000% more fun to explore imo.

(Think of the cheat mode in AC games after you finish the story.)

larafan25 23-09-13 03:08

I like that idea.

Spong 23-09-13 04:25


Originally Posted by daventry (Post 6908915)
The Hub and Map System only shows Important things and Locations, it doesent reveal Posters on the wall i need to burn where i usually tick on Toggle Location

That's the idea with the challenges, none of things you need to do are marked on the maps, you have to hunt down the totems, lanterns, birds nests, posters, mushrooms, mines etc. yourself. Like Mikky said, the only way to get any help is by using the Survival Instinct to highlight nearby objects (so long as you have the skill).

daventry 23-09-13 06:44

I just realized something, there are Dead Bodies and Blood and Moths and Rats and Crabs and Filth and Animals, yet theres not a single Cobweb or Spiderweb or Spider on this Island :eek:

Shark_Blade 23-09-13 08:51

I'm actually astounded that GTA V sold $800 millions yet TR only got like $4 millions...

Is TR even relevant anymore?

MyRaider4Life 23-09-13 09:03


Originally Posted by Shark_Blade (Post 6909246)
I'm actually astounded that GTA V sold $800 millions yet TR only got like $4 millions...

Is TR even relevant anymore?

Yeah, I forgot Tomb Raider was $1 a copy.

Shark_Blade 23-09-13 09:17

TR9 silly. TR1 is legendary and made history. :ohn:

This is why they should never reuse same title name.

_Ninja_ 23-09-13 09:24

4 million is a great number. GTA is a silly comparison. It's an abnormality very far from the average.

PS. 4 million copies not "$".

AimlessThunder 23-09-13 09:56


Originally Posted by daventry (Post 6909216)
I just realized something, there are Dead Bodies and Blood and Moths and Rats and Crabs and Filth and Animals, yet theres not a single Cobweb or Spiderweb or Spider on this Island :eek:

There are spider webs in the passage that leads to the Hall of Ascension.

pirate1802 23-09-13 10:11

Well if we are going by sale numbers let's not forget the next best game after GTA V.. the almighty Call of Duty; the second best game evar!

TR-Freak 23-09-13 18:55

Got this game through Steam and played it now 5 hrs.

Lara Croft in a Nutshell:

Mikky 23-09-13 18:58

LMAO!!! Oh, my god! You're so right! It's perfect! :vlol:!!!

darksoul 24-09-13 01:21


Originally Posted by pirate1802 (Post 6909262)
Well if we are going by sale numbers let's not forget the next best game after GTA V.. the almighty Call of Duty; the second best game evar!

LMAAAAO, loved the sarcasm (i hope is sarcasm) and 4 million of copies is amazing, i loved GTA V, BUT i had to say, that is a overrated game, and people buy it because is a openworld game that you can have everything, etc.

Only TR lover 24-09-13 13:10

Anybody? :D

pirate1802 24-09-13 14:13

Dear Diary, today I introduced my mum to Miss Lara Croft She was very impressed.

larafan25 24-09-13 14:35

^:vlol: That's a perfect caption.

Zebra 24-09-13 14:36


Originally Posted by Shark_Blade (Post 6909250)
TR9 silly. TR1 is legendary and made history. :ohn:

This is why they should never reuse same title name.

GTAV has made 800 million dollars so far. Tomb Raider has sold 4 million units. Whether you're talking about money made or units sold is a huge difference.

tomee 24-09-13 15:14


Originally Posted by Shark_Blade (Post 6909250)
TR9 silly. TR1 is legendary and made history. :ohn:

This is why they should never reuse same title name.

The GTA name hasn't been just as frequently used as TR. Uh no no.. :pi:

Also, :vlol: @ 4M$

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