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jajay119 24-11-20 19:10


Originally Posted by Lara_Fan1 (Post 8255492)
Tomb Raider could be different; give them a chance at least. Judging an unreleased game based on an older game they’ve made isn’t quite plausible. I know people are just trying to get an idea of what the company is like and how their games play.

To be fair their previous games seem quite varied.

Tombraider95 24-11-20 19:12

Let's hope as Tomb Raider isn't theirs, they'll do something very different compared to their past titles. Maybe Crystal's "tips" were actually... a good thing? *shrug*.

Yuna´s Wish 24-11-20 19:17


Originally Posted by Tombraider95 (Post 8255497)
Maybe Crystal's "tips" were actually... a good thing? *shrug*.

Only if they were along the lines of "Do everything we wouldn't".

RAID 24-11-20 19:31


Originally Posted by Yuna´s Wish (Post 8255500)
Only if they were along the lines of "Do everything we wouldn't".

:vlol: This really cracked me up

I agree though :)

Grizzly Bear 24-11-20 19:44

Finally they're using the title "Tomb Raider" even for a title featuring Classic Lara Croft! I think they shouldn't divide the franchise in "Tomb Raider" and "Lara Croft", both Laras can coexist at the same time and their games can be called Tomb Raider equally

Mikky 24-11-20 20:25

Here's the wallpaper in HD

redfox45 24-11-20 20:33

Getting a strong
"This is all Classic Lara is worth these days let's face it" vibe from this. Or maybe it's a litmus test for what is the best direction moving forward. (Which is pretty self defeating if that is the case)

New Dwight 24-11-20 20:34

SE came hard on everyone with this bombshell.:vlol:

Bear in mind, this is the only classic Lara we'll get. Reboot Lara will be in the next mainline title announced. This is their routine.

Classic Lara = Mobile
Reboot Lara = Mainline


SoraSakai 24-11-20 21:19

You do not need to see gameplay in order to judge this. All of the devs previous work has been terrible garbage.

This game will be no different. Anyone expecting anything other than a lazy, exploitative light show will be severely disappointed.

Shirley_Manson 24-11-20 21:22

So, since it's an "action arcade game" will it be in 2D, will it possibly be a platform puzzle game like Curse of the Sword, or maybe something like Donkey Kong? :D

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