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BlueCake 24-11-20 23:51


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 8255606)
That game where you get chased by a bolder was an action arcade game... I think.

I think by 'arcade' they are or are not referencing arcade machines of the past? Hmmm...

I wonder if it will feature their impossibly vague definition of Tomb Raider "exploration, combat and puzzle-solving" or whatever...

Yes, well, I did a quick search on Play Store and apparently most action arcade games are in the same style of Relic Run, quick-stepping while auto running. That leads me to believe the game will be similar to CB: On the Run, the difference is that the maps are not endless.

Persefone 25-11-20 00:43

I honestly dont even mind the style, it might've even been easier to do a cute classic lara with it but the model they made for this looks so off lmfao

edit u know what nvm she looks cute and physically strong, just hate the chibi proportions so much

larafan25 25-11-20 03:32

Game Modes: The mechanics of the vehicle are the same but the rules of the game in terms of objectives within the game world are re-defined... a rolling ball represents a game mode, a fixed camera during a platforming sequence represents a game mode, a time limit represents a game mode, etc...

Considering some of the creative modes that have been made up in the level editor, and how perfect those movements/ controls are for platforming, would have made much more sense to invest money into a mini-game focused on trap/ platforming segments with the actual classic jumps and movement-orientation... far more original and respectful and could feature an accurate contemporary rendering of the original classic Lara, maybe one day...

I mean the fans are doing it themselves anyways but still...

SoraSakai 25-11-20 04:27

That character model looks kinda scary.

VictorXD 25-11-20 05:16


Originally Posted by SoraSakai (Post 8255644)
That character model looks kinda scary.

It does, translating classic Lara to realistic textures while keeping the same proportions is just pure nightmare fuel. I really wish larafan25 would understand this at last and stop spamming those same artworks at every possible post every single time he gets the chance.

charmedangelin 25-11-20 05:51

I honestly believe Top Cow Lara is the best way to realize the character. The artist did an amazing job with her portions and her physic.

Soma Holiday 25-11-20 05:57


Originally Posted by charmedangelin (Post 8255649)
I honestly believe Top Cow Lara is the best way to realize the character. The artist did an amazing job with her portions and her physic.

Omg yes she is my ideal version of Lara I'd love to see her modelled for a video game.

Ellioft 25-11-20 07:00

I don't think this is scary It's really well done in my opinion. A faithfull version of the FMV Lara.

killchan 25-11-20 08:25

I'm not even sure it's worth mentioning this, but the announcement is getting no coverage and the buzz is non existent.
Every professional outlet ignored it completely, the most viewed video on yt is a GTA6 video by a french youtuber , the official trailer barely cracked the 90K mark , and the usual TR content creators ... they've never had big numbers, let's be frank.

Also, no coverage from news regurgitators (think yongyea, inside gaming, laymen gaming etc...) either. That's weird for a controversial topic such as mobile gaming. I wasn't hoping for that kind of unconstructive buzz but usually, when click-thirsty channels talk about something, that's an indication that that something (the news or the brand itself) is at least noteworthy. You'd think that'd be the case here to some degree.

What I'm trying to say is that, outside of our tiny little bubble, nothing moved and the conversations around "mainline games get Bow Lara, Mobile Games get Duals Lara", "RLara vs CLAra" or even the future of Tomb Raider, aren't even a thing.

SoraSakai 25-11-20 09:12

Meh cuz it’s a mobile game. Who cares lol

killchan 25-11-20 09:30


Originally Posted by SoraSakai (Post 8255667)
Meh cuz it’s a mobile game. Who cares lol

but you have to click on the thing to know it's a mobile game

SoraSakai 25-11-20 09:35


Originally Posted by killchan (Post 8255672)
but you have to click on the thing to know it's a mobile game

Exactly how much widespread games-media coverage do you expect there to be for a F2P mobile game though?

killchan 25-11-20 09:37

you're fantastic at missing the point

SoraSakai 25-11-20 09:45

There’s not much coverage because there just isn’t that much to talk about. I’m sure once the game is released, or it’s crappiness is more clearly revealed, there will be more people talking about it and how badly predatory it is.

But at the moment there’s nothing to talk about.

thabani33 25-11-20 10:01


Originally Posted by RAID (Post 8254904)
Mobile? Really? :confused: With the new consoles just out, they're going with MOBILE???

"Don't you guys have phones?" - (Blizzard guy, 2018)


New Dwight 25-11-20 10:59

The latter may not can see it, but it's quite clear, SE is only using, exploiting classic Lara in mobile platforms alone. That way, people can't claim classic Lara is forever gone.
It's their way of keeping both versions of Lara alive. Using Tomb Raider Reloaded as sort of a cushion for the later true reveal of either TR12 or (TRUE) per se, featuring never erasing reboot Lara and her traditionally handy bow. And only to come back with: "You have classic Lara in the new TR: Reloaded!".

Tombraider95 25-11-20 11:09

I do like that there shouldn't be anymore comments from people saying nothing classic related will ever be made again because the market isn't big enough as that's "not how business works", but here we have Square producing a F2P mobile game to a even smaller market. :vlol:

larafan25 25-11-20 11:16


Originally Posted by Tombraider95 (Post 8255692)
I do like that there shouldn't be anymore comments from people saying nothing classic related will ever be made again because the market isn't big enough as that's "not how business works", but here we have Square producing a F2P mobile game to a even smaller market. :vlol:

Good point, good point

LNSNHGTDS 25-11-20 11:43

I got really excited that we're getting something finally. I hope if it's anything like GO that it does well enough to receive a PlayStation release like Go did.

I don't really care for the art style but I guess that since it's a spinoff it's okay.

I'm curious to see more.

Square Enix's mobile games are relatively okay I think so I hope Reloaded is no exception.

Costel 25-11-20 11:52


Originally Posted by Tombraider95 (Post 8255692)
I do like that there shouldn't be anymore comments from people saying nothing classic related will ever be made again because the market isn't big enough as that's "not how business works", but here we have Square producing a F2P mobile game to a even smaller market. :vlol:

Yea a free to play mobile game and not a AAA game for purchase.

Strayyy_ 25-11-20 12:23


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 8255701)
I got really excited that we're getting something finally. I hope if it's anything like GO that it does well enough to receive a PlayStation release like Go did.

I don't really care for the art style but I guess that since it's a spinoff it's okay.

I'm curious to see more.

Square Enix's mobile games are relatively okay I think so I hope Reloaded is no exception.

their mobile games are confusing, sometimes they can come up with the best mobile games/F2P friendly games, other times their games are just money hungry and boring.

LNSNHGTDS 25-11-20 12:27


Originally Posted by Strayyy_ (Post 8255708)
their mobile games are confusing, sometimes they can come up with the best mobile games/F2P friendly games, other times their games are just money hungry and boring.

Yeah. I think they started the money hungry way but have become better as time went on. FFRK, Lara Croft GO, Opera Omnia and Relic Run I think are my personal favourites.

SoraSakai 25-11-20 13:05


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 8255696)
Good point, good point

It’s a terrible point.

PallasAthene 25-11-20 13:26

This game shows that 'classic' style Tomb Raider and Lara are still the most recognisable mascots for the franchise, and so they are what SE use for the mass, casual market of mobile gaming. It keeps the name 'Tomb Raider' in people's minds in a recognisable form for a minimal effort/investment on SE's part. I don't really get why they can't put that recognition of how important original style Tomb Raider is in popular culture into their main games.

LNSNHGTDS 25-11-20 13:41

Classic Lara is marketable and profitable but that doesn't affect Survivor Lara's marketability. Obviously Classic Lara works a lot better for the spinoff and side games and the nostalgia helps a lot to sell those games or at least that's what Square Enix seems to hope and the more dramatic and "non perfect" Survivor Lara helps to sell a character that is human and grounded and not perfect in every single thing she does because that's what people seem to expect from media these days. They want realness and emotion from characters in movies, games books even pop idols. People don't seem to care to see a character or person that is always looking and acting flawless and prefer to see characters and people that have flaws and weaknesses and still succeed in spite of them.

Classic Lara is much closer to that always perfect always looking her best no one can touch her archetype whereas Survivor Lara, while still retaining Classic Lara's Core elements is a much more grounded heroine.

Tomb Raidering 25-11-20 13:47


Originally Posted by SoraSakai (Post 8255644)
That character model looks kinda scary.

It looks horrible lol, literally an exaggerated caricature of Classic Lara.

quetzalcoatl 25-11-20 13:48

Nice to see they're going with the classic theme, but not so keen on Lara's new look - kind of like a cartoon doll for kids. But then maybe their plan is to appeal to a younger generation for new games, keep the franchise going another while? If it's free, I might give it a whirl for nostalgia!

Tombraider95 25-11-20 14:12


Originally Posted by quetzalcoatl (Post 8255728)
But then maybe their plan is to appeal to a younger generation for new games, keep the franchise going another while?

I did think this. Maybe their plan is to come out with this first to appeal to a younger audience, so when more things hopefully get announced soon and into next year, they'll be even more of an audience for it, if it's classic related.

As the title "Tomb Raider" has been pushed into the 18+, gritty, realism and adult side of gaming for many years now. Maybe this free mobile game is to help transition back to something not so age restricted.

SnatchingEdges 25-11-20 14:28

Anyways, I'd give LCGO a 10/10. I see no mistakes in that game. I was listening to the ost in YT and it makes me so nostalgic even if I just played it this year.

Brendanlovesu1 25-11-20 15:39

Perhaps this is why the Lara croft fb and twitter pages announced they were merging with the main Tomb Raider account recently?

We should all be happy there's a new game no matter if it's console or mobile

This community is so toxic sometimes

LNSNHGTDS 25-11-20 15:57

I think Square Enix merged a bunch of their accounts in general. Square Enix Europe (that's what became of Eidos, right?) also merged with Square Enix's main account.

Kubsy 25-11-20 16:40


Originally Posted by Brendanlovesu1 (Post 8255756)
We should all be happy there's a new game no matter if it's console or mobile

This community is so toxic sometimes

I agree

Tombraider95 25-11-20 17:04


Originally Posted by Brendanlovesu1 (Post 8255756)
This community is so toxic sometimes


Look outside this community, the reaction is the exact same. Maybe once we see gameplay it'll change some people's mind.

noonbob 25-11-20 17:13


Originally Posted by SnatchingEdges (Post 8255735)
Anyways, I'd give LCGO a 10/10. I see no mistakes in that game. I was listening to the ost in YT and it makes me so nostalgic even if I just played it this year.

I agree, it gives so many classic vibes and Lara is Lara.

It's a shame that they only choose to show the real Lara Croft and classic elements in these low budget IOS games.
Just put all of this in the main titles for consoles.

lance6439 25-11-20 17:28


Originally Posted by Tombraider95 (Post 8255774)
Maybe once we see gameplay it'll change some people's mind.

Avalon SARL 25-11-20 19:55


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 8255725)
Classic Lara is marketable and profitable but that doesn't affect Survivor Lara's marketability. Obviously Classic Lara works a lot better for the spinoff and side games and the nostalgia helps a lot to sell those games or at least that's what Square Enix seems to hope and the more dramatic and "non perfect" Survivor Lara helps to sell a character that is human and grounded and not perfect in every single thing she does because that's what people seem to expect from media these days. They want realness and emotion from characters in movies, games books even pop idols. People don't seem to care to see a character or person that is always looking and acting flawless and prefer to see characters and people that have flaws and weaknesses and still succeed in spite of them.

Classic Lara is much closer to that always perfect always looking her best no one can touch her archetype whereas Survivor Lara, while still retaining Classic Lara's Core elements is a much more grounded heroine.

To be clear, Classic Lara has never existed in a major title when video games began to become more cinematic and characters started to have such depth.

So judging classic Lara as such is not accurate.
Drake from Uncharted is written in much depth, although he seems to be the one who knows it all, but because he was well written, the writers were able to show different sides to his character.

When did Classic Lara get such a treatment?

So it is unfair to judge it this way.
Classic Lara can be written with much depth and complexity and it will need a sophisticated, very talented writer to do so because her character is not the ordinary kind of person you meet anywhere around.

And since SE/CD failed to write Lara's character in the reboot which is so simple as they made her, I doubt they can ever be able to understand the reality and true depth and characterization to the classic Lara.

All they could come up with is a smart, yet still dumb and stupid at the same time Science girl who might very soon be called the Nerdy one among her classmates.

LNSNHGTDS 25-11-20 20:21


Originally Posted by Avalon SARL (Post 8255800)
To be clear, Classic Lara has never existed in a major title when video games began to become more cinematic and characters started to have such depth.

So judging classic Lara as such is not accurate.
Drake from Uncharted is written in much depth, although he seems to be the one who knows it all, but because he was well written, the writers were able to show different sides to his character.

When did Classic Lara get such a treatment?

So it is unfair to judge it this way.
Classic Lara can be written with much depth and complexity and it will need a sophisticated, very talented writer to do so because her character is not the ordinary kind of person you meet anywhere around.

And since SE/CD failed to write Lara's character in the reboot which is so simple as they made her, I doubt they can ever be able to understand the reality and true depth and characterization to the classic Lara.

All they could come up with is a smart, yet still dumb and stupid at the same time Science girl who might very soon be called the Nerdy one among her classmates.

Attempts to give depth to Classic Lara's loosely-defined personality were made ever since as early as Last Revelation with the updated biography and a much more fleshed out story compared to previous entries. Then they went a step further in Angel of Darkness though as far as I can tell fans don't necessarily agree if it was an improvement or not. What we got in Crystal's original trilogy is the closest to a more fleshed variation of Classic Lara so far. She's literally the perfect middle ground between Core's version of Classic Lara and Survivor Lara and I'd say she fits in the modern definition of what a #deep™ character is. If the family drama is too distractive for some people then we have Guardian of Light and Temple of Osiris where Lara is on an adventure for the sake of being on an adventure and even though the story isn't really the focus here, Lara's characteristic personality shines through. Even Relic Run and GO could fall into this category.

So yeah, we did have a fleshed out Lara by 1999 with more clear goals, motives, a more defined personality and a backstory as well as flashbacks to earlier events in her life that shaped her up into becoming who we know her as.

My point is, the current trend and interest is towards more grounded and emotional characters and that's why casuals and critics and really anyone other than the vocal minority of Core-only fanatics actually like Survivor Lara and the more grounded approach in her characterization. And to be clear no, for most people that doesn't necessarily mean that they prefer her over Classic Lara or that if they do they automatically hate Classic Lara.

Unless the trend shifts back to people being interested in more flawless characters with fewer uncertain or emotional moments I don't see Classic Lara permanently replacing Survivor Lara because the later's games still sell and even though I'm positive we will see more Classic Lara elements being reintroduced for the rebooted games I don't think we'll get very far past the LAU level of sassyess and campiness.

DVDSpike 25-11-20 20:29

I don't get the "you should be happy that a new classic Lara game is coming out. The fandom is so toxic wah wah".

No, we should not be forced to be happy about something that is as half-arsed as a F2P mobile game. We want an actual game that has had more time and care put it into than "how many microtransactions can we fit in to maximise profit".

The fandom AND the general public alike have been asking for classic Lara for years. All we've got is an outsourced cash-grab.

Tombraider95 25-11-20 20:40


Originally Posted by Avalon SARL (Post 8255800)
To be clear, Classic Lara has never existed in a major title when video games began to become more cinematic and characters started to have such depth.

So judging classic Lara as such is not accurate.
Drake from Uncharted is written in much depth, although he seems to be the one who knows it all, but because he was well written, the writers were able to show different sides to his character.

When did Classic Lara get such a treatment?

So it is unfair to judge it this way.
Classic Lara can be written with much depth and complexity and it will need a sophisticated, very talented writer to do so because her character is not the ordinary kind of person you meet anywhere around.

And since SE/CD failed to write Lara's character in the reboot which is so simple as they made her, I doubt they can ever be able to understand the reality and true depth and characterization to the classic Lara.

All they could come up with is a smart, yet still dumb and stupid at the same time Science girl who might very soon be called the Nerdy one among her classmates.

I agree with this. Lara Croft is a power fantasy and that's how she should have stayed. That doesn't mean you can't dive into her character more, it just means you can't strip her back to her bare basics to where she's pretty much unrecognisable. Just like other characters like Crash, Spyro, Mario, Sonic etc... she should stay more on the lines of how she was designed originally because that's what everyone recognises the most. RLara unfortunately blends into the crowd, whereas classic Lara will forever stand out from the crowd because of how powerful she is.


Originally Posted by DVDSpike (Post 8255808)
I don't get the "you should be happy that a new classic Lara game is coming out. The fandom is so toxic wah wah".

No, we should not be forced to be happy about something that is as half-arsed as a F2P mobile game. We want an actual game that has had more time and care put it into than "how many microtransactions can we fit in to maximise profit".

The fandom AND the general public alike have been asking for classic Lara for years. All we've got is an outsourced cash-grab.

Exactly, spot on.

Emerald City Games did a tweet earlier the game. I am really praying this is actually miles better than we think it will be. I wanna be pleasantly surprised.

jajay119 25-11-20 20:41


Originally Posted by DVDSpike (Post 8255808)
I don't get the "you should be happy that a new classic Lara game is coming out. The fandom is so toxic wah wah".

No, we should not be forced to be happy about something that is as half-arsed as a F2P mobile game. We want an actual game that has had more time and care put it into than "how many microtransactions can we fit in to maximise profit".

The fandom AND the general public alike have been asking for classic Lara for years. All we've got is an outsourced cash-grab.

A fanbase of a series that is as long going as TR is and with as many different iterations will have different expectations. That is just a given. One group of people having certain expectations that differ from others across many different products and situations is not toxic. It is logical and reasonable. That's the whole point of mediums like this forum - for people from all backgrounds and experiences to discuss their opinions.

People who come here and do the whole 'this fandom is so toxic' honestly need to take a step back and just involve themselves in the conversations that appeal to them. You dont need to be involved in everything- especially if it is going to somehow offend you.

At the end of the day a lot of what people say here comes from love and there isnt really any malice a lot of the time. People will still try the game. People will still buy games they dont think are 100% for them. It's not like the Silent hill fanbase who actively boycotted their own franchise's release and tried to get it to bomb because an HD remaster wasnt to their taste. I've only ever seen people get that pent up in the TR fan base over the Rise Exclusivity and I feel that was somehow more justified (I bought it twice in the end btw before anyone comes for me :p) some Silent Hill forums are so hostile to different opinions that they were infamous for bullying people out. Whilst discussions here can get heated, normally for petty personal drama, I wouldnt say anyone would be ganged up on and forced out for not liking the reboot/classics for example.

There are far worse fanbases out there.

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