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xavecroft 15-02-23 01:43

Im playing it so much fun and addicted
I have a question where are the golden duals? I can't find them

tlr online 15-02-23 01:52

Check your mail in game, they should be there. Once you claim them you'll be able to equip them.

Xenomrph 15-02-23 02:08

I’ve only cleared level 1 so I’m sure I haven’t gotten to The Grind yet, but the game is pretty entertaining so far and I REALLY like the menu music.

LateRaider 15-02-23 03:24

so far they seem to have addressed nearly all of my issues with grindiness from the softlaunch. but i've just made it to vilcabamba so we'll see if that holds true. i thought it was interesting that as of yet you cannot directly buy gems from the store but you have to play other games or sign up for services. nothing i want to use tbh but interesting tactic nonetheless. i wonder if they're other embracer holdings

VictorXD 15-02-23 04:44

So I've just played and I have to say, I'm pleasantly surprised! It's quite fun and the art direction is AMAZING.

And I have to say... It feels SO GOOD to play a TR game that doesn't shy away from nostalgia/keeps it at a minimum.

And playing it really feels like a LC game! It doesn't feel like I'm playing a completely different franchise, just TR with a different approach to gameplay.

I also wouldn't mind at all if this Lara model was an unlockable in the next game.

malferink 15-02-23 10:44

I still can't find this game on the App Store in the Netherlands. the ****?

jajay119 15-02-23 12:19

Have you noticed how in the opening Keely uses the TR1 script, not the TRA script?


Eh, I've played up to level 14 on Vilcabamba and tbh I don't think it's for me. Too much shooting and not enough puzzle elements. (Two in 30 levels and one of those I missed because they threw too many enemies at me to get to it in time)

There is also too much happening on screen for me to keep track of it in some levels which comes across as a bit overloading and unfair.

Lior_K 15-02-23 13:07

How does the Netflix version works without micro transactions?

And is there a way to get the score?

Chamayoo 15-02-23 13:20

There are 10 times more bonus to gain than the soft launch, it's pleasant to see.
I don't really get the purpose of the "tombs", they're regular levels with special monsters and... that's all ?
Missed oportunity to make relax levels with puzzles in contrast to all those flashy and visually messy combats. I like the events that gives you more to gain.

charmedangelin 15-02-23 15:11


Originally Posted by Chamayoo (Post 8390719)
There are 10 times more bonus to gain than the soft launch, it's pleasant to see.
I don't really get the purpose of the "tombs", they're regular levels with special monsters and... that's all ?
Missed oportunity to make relax levels with puzzles in contrast to all those flashy and visually messy combats. I like the events that gives you more to gain.

In the beta plenty of people gave feedback on the tombs needing to be more special, but it seems they didn't adopt any of that feedback into the final product.

UroshUchiha 15-02-23 16:01


Originally Posted by Chamayoo (Post 8390719)
There are 10 times more bonus to gain than the soft launch, it's pleasant to see.
I don't really get the purpose of the "tombs", they're regular levels with special monsters and... that's all ?
Missed oportunity to make relax levels with puzzles in contrast to all those flashy and visually messy combats. I like the events that gives you more to gain.

I think those tombs were added to avoid the monotonous grind somewhat. Prior to them we had to do the exact same level ten thousand times in order to progress. With the addition of those tombs the player at least feels that they are making some kind of progress.

KurtisLonely 15-02-23 16:46


Originally Posted by malferink (Post 8390712)
I still can't find this game on the App Store in the Netherlands. the ****?

Me neither... Started playing the netflix version because of that:hea:

malferink 15-02-23 17:46


Originally Posted by KurtisLonely (Post 8390743)
Me neither... Started playing the netflix version because of that:hea:

This was supposed to be the worldwide launch right? I've been waiting for this forever and it still not being available is ridiculous. I don't have netflix either :(

tlr online 15-02-23 18:11

Some thoughts from me after a couple hours.

What I like:
  • I'm using the Netflix version. I didn't play prior to release and I have no experience with monetisation of the iOS and Google Play version. The Netflix version has no ads and no monetisation (other than requiring a Netflix sub) and that is why I'm playing this version.
  • Gameplay so far is fun and entertaining and the first time running through Andean Mountain Caves I was wrecked by the end boss and I immediately understood the importance of upgrading gear and weapons. I've just reached City of Vilcabamba.
  • The music is amazing because of course it is, the art style is also amazing.
  • I like the outfit and upgrade system and so far I haven't encountered any bottlenecks. Worth noting I'm only a couple hours in.

What I don't like:
  • 30 rooms on Andean Mountain Caves is too many so early on.
  • The amount of currencies is annoying, the amount of diff. screens to turn in quests and claim items is annoying, why isn't there a claim-all button somewhere? (This is a rhetorical question, I know why.)
  • I feel like I'm spending far too much time fighting the menu boss. The UI is convoluted and in need of attention.
  • I have found no exit option to close the app, I have to force close it every time.

Chamayoo 15-02-23 18:54

The first tomb is as hard as Lost Valley, if not worse :cry:

malferink 15-02-23 19:25

Justin, do you have any idea why this isn't available in the Netherlands? I thought this was supposed to be a global release...

tlr online 15-02-23 19:27


Originally Posted by malferink (Post 8390753)
Justin, do you have any idea why this isn't available in the Netherlands? I thought this was supposed to be a global release...

I don't know why, I do know Netherlands has strict laws on app monetisation and wonder if this might be the reason.

malferink 15-02-23 20:38

Thank you for your answer Justin.

So I actually got a Netflix subscription just so I could play this game lol, not really feeling it to be honest. Love the music and artstyle, but you hardly get any of that during gameplay.

Can anyone tell me how to change Lara's voice? I NEED more Judith Gibbins in my life

tlr online 15-02-23 20:39


Originally Posted by malferink (Post 8390758)
Can anyone tell me how to change Lara's voice? I NEED more Judith Gibbins in my life

This will come in a later update.

HarleyCroft 15-02-23 20:44


Originally Posted by malferink (Post 8390758)
i NEED more Judith Gibbins in my life

Indeed, I concur very also much agree please yes :tmb:

charmedangelin 15-02-23 23:37

Google play installs set at 100k+ with reviews averaging a 3.3 out of 5.

The distribution of those reviews is polarizing with a heavy amount of reviews sitting at both 5 stars and 1 stars.

Seems reviews across the board are very mixed. People love the nostalgia from the classic TR games, but people are struggling with the heavy amount of micro transactions and the multiple currencies that the core mechanics of the game are built around.

Tombraider95 15-02-23 23:55

It's 2.8 on the UK Play Store lol A lot of 1 star reviews.

charmedangelin 16-02-23 00:51


Originally Posted by Tombraider95 (Post 8390768)
It's 2.8 on the UK Play Store lol A lot of 1 star reviews.

I actually understand the opposition to this. Having played the game for 2 years already barely anything has changed since the beginning of the beta being launched.

What's frustrating is the fact that beta testers posted so much feedback with so many ideas to make the game more dynamic and interesting, but none of that feedback was considered.

Ed has posted tweets saying Square Enix was very concerned with making a profit when Reloaded was being developed.

LateRaider 16-02-23 06:45

i think i'm remembering that my issues started in the lost valley, so we'll see if that still holds true. not feeling up to grinding forever but i've enjoyed the diversion so far.

CheshireBitch 16-02-23 07:51

I played it and managed to get to Lost Valley (which I haven't started yet) and I like it so far. It's fun ! But the city of vilcabamba took me some time to complete because I wasn't powerfull or strong enough when I first got there.
I like the idea of the side tombs even if it's exactly the same gameplay.

I think that I'll get bored it faster than Relic Run tho and it doesn't top Lara Croft GO at all. (not same type of game I know but still)

It's kind of bitter sweet to think we've waited like 2 years for this honestly. If it was released on time I would have prob been blown away by it but today not so much...

Also I managed to get a lot of purple gems, but where do I spend them ? Can't found the shop for game item lol

Chamayoo 16-02-23 10:00


Originally Posted by UroshUchiha (Post 8390734)
I think those tombs were added to avoid the monotonous grind somewhat. Prior to them we had to do the exact same level ten thousand times in order to progress. With the addition of those tombs the player at least feels that they are making some kind of progress.

While the randomly generated rooms makes things a little less monotonous, it totally failed to make us some progress. Always failing at stage 8/10 of the first tomb and crumbs as a reward.
Compared to Lost Valley, when I made progress to boss 2 and always gave me nice bonus.

UroshUchiha 16-02-23 10:14


Originally Posted by Chamayoo (Post 8390795)
While the randomly generated rooms makes things a little less monotonous, it totally failed to make us some progress. Always failing at stage 8/10 of the first tomb and crumbs as a reward.
Compared to Lost Valley, when I made progress to boss 2 and always gave me nice bonus.

As I said, I'm a level 94 currently in the game so I don't know how the balance is nowadays in later stages for progressing. But back when I did progress, those crumbs you are talking about now were a full meal in comparison to what you get the more and more you progress.

Chamayoo 16-02-23 10:20


Originally Posted by UroshUchiha (Post 8390797)
As I said, I'm a level 94 currently in the game so I don't know how the balance is nowadays in later stages for progressing. But back when I did progress, those crumbs you are talking about now were a full meal in comparison to what you get the more and more you progress.

Don't worry I'm aware, I said that earlier. :p


Originally Posted by Chamayoo (Post 8390719)
There are 10 times more bonus to gain than the soft launch, it's pleasant to see.

malferink 16-02-23 10:24

Man, this game is hard AF :/ Also a bit of a bummer that we have to wait for the other voice actresses, it was the one thing I was looking forward to the most honestly.
Also, that UI is a freakin mess lol, I'm so confused by all the different currencies and menus

Chamayoo 16-02-23 16:39

I finally managed to complete the first tomb, few !
For Lost Valley, I lost at stage 38.

Jonnipants 16-02-23 19:32

Ah the menu music is absolutely beautiful, and Lara's animations are exquisite. It feels so good to play a classic TR game again, even if it's just an arcade game. *floats in nostalgia*

What is everyones favourite weapons to use? I'm still trying them out, but the duals feel too slow at first.

UroshUchiha 16-02-23 20:54


Originally Posted by Jonnipants (Post 8390840)
What is everyones favourite weapons to use? I'm still trying them out, but the duals feel too slow at first.

I've been using a staff for 95% of my playtime over the last year or more. Mostly because the projectiles are homing on enemies. I upgraded that weapon so much and it's Legendary rarity so if I decided to switch to anything else, it'd be a downgrade until I can get it to the same level as my staff.

tlr online 16-02-23 21:26


Tomb Raider Reloaded update 1.0.1 is being rolled out to Android and iOS devices. Tomb Raider Reloaded is a free to play action arcade game made by Emerald City Games and published by CDE Entertainment Ltd.

New event added, Temple of the Moon. "Ready to raid the Temple of the Moon? Stay in the bannered templed to score Zone Points and watch out for the horde of enemy waves! Collect Milestone Rewards by gaining enough Zone Points."

Inspired by the original Tomb Raider games, Tomb Raider Reloaded features roguelike and procedurally generated stages for a new and varied experience with every run. As players progress through each level, they will be able to stack abilities and perks such as piercing shots, experience boosts, grenade throws and arch shots for more powerful attacks, quicker character leveling and a wider range of damage.

Shelley Blond (Tomb Raider), Judith Gibbins (Tomb Raider II, Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara Croft) and Jonell Elliott (Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation, Tomb Raider: Chronicles, Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness) have all recorded lines for Tomb Raider Reloaded and players will be able to select their favourite Lara Croft voice.

Lior_K 16-02-23 21:36

Any idea if they plan to release soundtrack from this game?

Chamayoo 16-02-23 22:04

Temple of Moon is a good addition, it's a totally different mode that change the pace for the good. Not my favourite mode, still prefer the regular level but it is appreciated.

charmedangelin 17-02-23 01:46

Temple of moon sucks. After a few rounds it gets tiring and they expect you to score a ridiculous amount of points in order to claim all the rewards.

CheshireBitch 17-02-23 05:09


Originally Posted by UroshUchiha (Post 8390851)
I've been using a staff for 95% of my playtime over the last year or more. Mostly because the projectiles are homing on enemies. I upgraded that weapon so much and it's Legendary rarity so if I decided to switch to anything else, it'd be a downgrade until I can get it to the same level as my staff.

That's a thing I dislike, I upgraded the shotgun to level 12, and now I have Uzis in my inventory, I want to use them but they're really low so I still use the shotgun and I upgrade the uzis in the mean time, but my shotgun is not getting stronger anymore so... It feels like you have to stuck to one weapon if you don't want to be downgraded and it kinda sucks... :(

I bet it's gonna be the same with outfits... You'll be extremly downgraded if you want to wear a new one that is not upgraded. :(

tomblover 17-02-23 07:46

So are Shelley, Judith and Jonell finally in the game? :p

Soma Holiday 17-02-23 08:10

I've only gotten a few hours into the game but I'm really not enjoying it. :( The menus are very confusing there's so many random money types, and the gameplay is just way too difficult and random. I really enjoyed relic run so I was looking forward to this but I dunno if I will play it much more. I love the art style though. Just really seems like a money pit casino game.

malferink 17-02-23 09:33


Originally Posted by tomblover (Post 8390895)
So are Shelley, Judith and Jonell finally in the game? :p

I've updated the game and I've been looking for the option but the menus are such an incredible mess that I might have missed something.

No wonder this game isn't available in the Netherlands, this game is literally just lootbox galore. what a mess of a game. it isn't even fun to play. sucks, bc the music and artstyle are really good. seeing classic TR stuff for once is really nice too.

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