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Jonnipants 19-12-23 11:02

A developer has finally broken the silence:

Hi @saint fan apologies for the delayed responses! The game will continue being fixed and maintained, we are just in the process of transferring the game to a new developer and they need a bit of time to ramp up! But rest assured, there is no plan to shut down the game and the game will continue to be updated and bugs fixed. (edited)

On behalf of the team I do apologise for the silence on our side, our team has been very busy with the transfer. However, I assure you the new developer is passionate about the game and once they have ramped up they will do a great job on maintaining and updating Tomb Raider Reloaded as well as answering all your queries.

Source: WarriorPig, TRR Discord

Mikky 19-12-23 16:42

Gosh, 2 publishers and now 2 developers for this game? Is it really that worth it?

charmedangelin 19-12-23 19:16

Good luck to them, I don't play mobile games anymore because of Reloaded. Reloaded destroyed what little interest I had in mobile games. Endless grinding for little to nothing to show for it. I have sworn off mobile games completely ever since I stopped playing earlier this year. I like my games to have a beginning, middle, and end.

Chamayoo 19-12-23 19:17

It seems Deca Games are the new devs ! I'm really surprised about this change, hope we will see the new levels sooner when they're ready. For now let them the time to adapt !

CheshireBitch 20-12-23 20:17


Originally Posted by UroshUchiha (Post 8424399)
Those outfits were in the game files for a very long time. Same thing for the Egypt level. Data miners have had them dug out more than a half a year ago.

So what took them so long to actually release them? Not to mention that most of the new level is just recycled content.

They haven't added anything new to the dev branch in a very long time.

Also, those two new outfits are not even obtainable in the game anyway so they might as well not be there in the first place.

Well you can have the level file in the game but still need to work on it. Nothing says it was ready to play at that time. And about the outfits the same happened to the sport outfit. It was there weeks before release and it took some more time for player to be able to buy it with gems. Not to mention the croft manor setting that is also new.
The recycled content is obvious because we waited very long for this one but every level has recycled stuff from previous levels so it's not too off brand for the game.

No matter what was the roll out it's still a big update with lot of content, so it might be a little bit too soon to say the game is done. Also they have no obligation in telling us what's going on or to keep us updated, as annoying as it can be.

Also apparently there was a message on the discord server of the game saying that they are changing devs. Does anyone here saw that too ?

Tomb Raider France found out it might be Deca Games, a german company that is specialized in picking up games like this to continue the updates. It appears it's a company owned by embracer

UroshUchiha 20-12-23 20:32

I would again disagree that the update was big. It was a minor one, especially for how long it's been between this update and the previous one. You don't need half a year or however long it has been (more perhaps?) to deliver a single level that's mostly recycled lmao.

As for the outfits, they have been in the game for a long time and have been fully functional. People who know how to hack the APK have had the outfits unlocked and recorded videos of them a long time ago. Same thing with the cutscene that you get when you go to Egypt and even the level assets.

I mean I am glad that you are easily impressed by TRR and consider this a big update and will praise Emerald City etc etc. More power to you. But from my pov (which is shared by enough people), Emerald City was trash and good riddance to them. Things can only go up from here cause TRR touched rock bottom.

And yeah, people knew it was DECA when they joined the Discord server yesterday.

CheshireBitch 20-12-23 20:50

I never said that I was impressed by the game or by emerald haha It's just a phone app lol
I was as mad as everyone with how bad the global release went and all the bugs it had. And I agree we waited far too long for the update but sometimes it feels a bit unfair as they clearly are trying to get the game going no matter what instead of just dropping it very fast.

I agree updates are a problem since the beggining. It's too little too late each time but it's still going and that's something.

But clearly whatever happens it's not a big deal. It's a mobile game. In 5 years it won't be playable on new phones or mega glitchy like relic run and it will eventually disappear and no one will ever care again just like every 2000 TR mobile game (as good as some of them has been) it will be part of the franchise history but that's it

charmedangelin 20-12-23 23:36

The update was minor because the developers have been in maintenance mode since global launch.

UroshUchiha 21-12-23 09:11

I wonder if DECA's job is just to keep the game in maintenance mode or will they actually work on the content.

Heartache 21-12-23 22:25

the mod left cause she was sick of it. she got as much info as the rest of us.

i think fox was laid off since embracer is thinning out as much as they can, cause they bought too many studios, without having the money to back it up. a lot of community managers were let go including in the circle of crystal dynamics.

i think deca will also add new things judging by their other games. one of the devs mentioned that updates will continue, so im hopeful

Moon-Safari 22-12-23 05:46

People are never going to stop searching Lara Croft or Tomb Raider on the app stores, so if this pops up when big TR titles come out like shows, movies, and console games, I think this has enough mass appeal to cast a wide net and capture the mobile market. They already invested so much into it.

When the Remasters come out that's probably when they'll release the options for the 3 voice actresses to do a cross promo. It'll be an option to grab the people who can't master the PlayStation controls but still like the character and theme.

Frjttr 10-01-24 13:25


Originally Posted by charmedangelin (Post 8424468)
Good luck to them, I don't play mobile games anymore because of Reloaded. Reloaded destroyed what little interest I had in mobile games. Endless grinding for little to nothing to show for it. I have sworn off mobile games completely ever since I stopped playing earlier this year. I like my games to have a beginning, middle, and end.

IDK when and why it happened to me, but I feel you. Never played Reloaded, not my thing really. Waiting for next month's release, ironically the TR release I'm most hyped about since Tomb Raider Ascension. :jmp:

Avalon SARL 10-01-24 14:20

For a mobil app, Reloaded is really fun.

The team behind it really put lotsof effort into it.

BUT, yes... still, those who designed it are soooooooooo crazy in my opinion some levels will take you many many many trials to understand how to pass them.

The amount of enemies in the levels is super dumb also.

I am at Midas Palace now and the developers are really out of their minds.

Darkon 15-01-24 00:30

Hope the developer switch happens soon. I know most people stopped caring about this game due to the lack of substantial updates but I still find it fun as a side little game to play for a few minutes, so I'm looking forward to seeing what the new developers will bring to the game (as well as fixing the glaring issues it has of course).

andre_costa 25-01-24 14:01

Hey everyone! I decided to give this game ago for the first time in a couple of months. However I can't seem to be able to activate the ultimate power up. It used to be by tapping twice on the screen but it doesn't work anymore. Has it changed or my game is just bugged?

CheshireBitch 30-01-24 19:11


Originally Posted by andre_costa (Post 8429914)
Hey everyone! I decided to give this game ago for the first time in a couple of months. However I can't seem to be able to activate the ultimate power up. It used to be by tapping twice on the screen but it doesn't work anymore. Has it changed or my game is just bugged?

must be a bug, it's still double tap for me !

tlr online 06-02-24 20:48

The new developers behind Tomb Raider Reloaded have confirmed the handover from Emerald City Games is still in progress and more time and work will be needed before they outline their vision for the future of the game.

bitterwinter 07-02-24 11:09

What I don’t understand - and I wish more people spoke about it - is how they still haven’t released the voice toggle between the three actresses. I remember when Ed posted photos of them in the booth and it was super exciting, yet the feature, after all this time, still isn’t in the game

Just bizarre. It really bugs me.

Darkon 11-02-24 03:48

Well as it stands Lara currently only speaks in 2 cutscenes (which you can't replay), she only grunts during gameplay when taking damage so there's not much to hear anyway.
I guess they originally planned for voice lines to be more prominent in the game but didn't happen in the end for some reason

Xenomrph 13-02-24 20:13

I’m still desperately hoping they release this game’s soundtrack on iTunes, I’m in love with the main menu theme.

griffabee 13-02-24 20:32

I got an few evenings out of playing this when it came out.

Would be interesting to see the furthest-progress non-whale player's stats!!

blue_box 11-03-24 15:05

The game is not loading for me and freezes at 44% :( I wonder if anyone has the same problem.

And do we have any news from new developers?

UroshUchiha 11-03-24 16:03


Originally Posted by blue_box (Post 8449758)
The game is not loading for me and freezes at 44% :( I wonder if anyone has the same problem.

And do we have any news from new developers?

Usually when that happens you have to clear the game data/cache and it should work.

Darkon 13-03-24 14:47


Originally Posted by blue_box (Post 8449758)
And do we have any news from new developers?

Everything's been crickets ever since lol so much for reassuring us that the game wouldn't die, I actually stopped playing a while back because there's a bug in my game where the Lions' growl attack doesn't actually damage Lara in Greece :p

charmedangelin 14-03-24 02:34

They should pull the game from the app store and refund people's purchases tbh.

blue_box 18-03-24 08:44


Originally Posted by UroshUchiha (Post 8449772)
Usually when that happens you have to clear the game data/cache and it should work.

It first it didn't work, but I've checked the game a few days after and it launched :rolleyes: Thank you!

Turns out some assets from next two egyptian levels were posted on artstation long time ago:

Darkon 18-03-24 22:17


Originally Posted by blue_box (Post 8451949)
It first it didn't work, but I've checked the game a few days after and it launched :rolleyes: Thank you!

Turns out some assets from next two egyptian levels were posted on artstation long time ago:

I was so excited about playing the TR2 levels and story in Reloaded but at this pace we'll be lucky if we get Atlantis before this game dies :vlol:

UroshUchiha 18-03-24 22:21


Originally Posted by Darkon (Post 8452110)
I was so excited about playing the TR2 levels and story in Reloaded but at this pace we'll be lucky if we get Atlantis before this game dies :vlol:

Can something that was never alive actually die?

Darkon 18-03-24 23:38


Originally Posted by UroshUchiha (Post 8452112)
Can something that was never alive actually die?

Good point, this game was cursed from the beginning :o.

blue_box 20-03-24 15:05


Originally Posted by Darkon (Post 8452110)
I was so excited about playing the TR2 levels and story in Reloaded but at this pace we'll be lucky if we get Atlantis before this game dies :vlol:

Wait, what? When was the info about playing TR2 levels in Reloaded?
I have a feeling they actually never got to make Atlantis levels for the game.

Darkon 21-03-24 23:05


Originally Posted by blue_box (Post 8452396)
Wait, what? When was the info about playing TR2 levels in Reloaded?
I have a feeling they actually never got to make Atlantis levels for the game.

Oh sorry this was never confirmed, I just figured that since we are playing through the TR1 story currently they would continue with the TR2 story next, unless they would've continued with Legend next? Even though they removed all the family subplot from the story :ponder: maybe they would've never continued the story after that and just keep the game focusing on events :vlol:.

Either way the fact that everything I typed there makes it seem like the game is already discontinued when it isn't says a lot about the state of it :o

tlr online 27-03-24 15:52

From Tomb Raider Chronicles:


The new developers behind Tomb Raider Reloaded have issued an advisory addressing connection issues with the Lara Croft-helmed mobile video-game and are working to resolve. The announcement was made on the official Tomb Raider Reloaded Discord channel.

charmedangelin 28-03-24 06:04

There is some tea coming out about the previous developers Emerald City Games of Reloaded and it ain't good at all.

Ellioft 28-03-24 17:14


Originally Posted by charmedangelin (Post 8453593)
There is some tea coming out about the previous developers Emerald City Games of Reloaded and it ain't good at all.

You know what they said : Don't speak if you don' show it :D

charmedangelin 28-03-24 21:22

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Ellioft (Post 8453655)
You know what they said : Don't speak if you don' show it :D

This was posted in there. A lot of this definitely applies to Reloaded because it was a buggy mess with a lot of promised content that they never delivered on.

Ellioft 29-03-24 03:09

Those critisism are valid for a lot of mobiles games honestly but it's not really the tea since it's not a dev talking but just a player like you and me.

Darkon 09-05-24 01:27

New updates just dropped yesterday for both this game and Relic Run but couldn't be bothered to check :p.

Patch notes were just copy-pasted from the last update (new Egypt level, new dress and doppelganger outfits, etc.) so probably just another air-filled update. Wonder when they'll pull the plug on this game finally (leave Relic Run alone though!).

UroshUchiha 09-05-24 08:30


Originally Posted by Darkon (Post 8462881)
New updates just dropped yesterday for both this game and Relic Run but couldn't be bothered to check :p.

Patch notes were just copy-pasted from the last update (new Egypt level, new dress and doppelganger outfits, etc.) so probably just another air-filled update. Wonder when they'll pull the plug on this game finally (leave Relic Run alone though!).

I glanced at Relic Run and haven't seen anything new. The music still goes away once you start the run. Reloaded I haven't played since last year so I'll only boot that one up once new levels drop. Which will never happen.

charmedangelin 09-05-24 18:04

I glanced at the server and the new CM is saying it's still a long road before any meaningful updates are made.

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if this game just got cancelled because nobody seems to know what they are doing.

Darkon 20-05-24 19:08


Originally Posted by UroshUchiha (Post 8462903)
I glanced at Relic Run and haven't seen anything new. The music still goes away once you start the run. Reloaded I haven't played since last year so I'll only boot that one up once new levels drop. Which will never happen.

Yeah they've been updating Relic Run so much lately but nothing's really changed, it's so weird :confused:
I did check Reloaded but I didn't really find anything new, it seems they fixed a few bugs though from what little I've played.


Originally Posted by charmedangelin (Post 8463026)
I glanced at the server and the new CM is saying it's still a long road before any meaningful updates are made.

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if this game just got cancelled because nobody seems to know what they are doing.

Yeah I can totally see this game suddenly disappearing from stores one day, probably most of the players already left a while ago anyway since there's nothing to do in the game anymore other than replaying the same events over and over hoping to get one outfit piece for a week worth of grind.

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