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indigo1993 23-11-20 18:58

I'm looking forward to it! I like cute fun little games, and that's how I see classic TRs, so for me, it seems like a step in the right direction. What low-key concerns me is that SE/Eidos seems to have this idea of "let's feed the fanbase some cheap little games with classic Lara so we get a free pass to make the mainline release another game where Lara will look even less like anything she's been before". I mean, just looks at the Lara croft games, LC go etc. They always use "classic" Lara in these games. I hope this game won't be another one of these, but rather, an indication of the direction SE is going for

Tombraider95 23-11-20 18:58


Originally Posted by Amunet (Post 8254934)
So what do you think we can expect from a "action-arcade game"?

I immediately think, you kill enemies to collect coins, to spend in game currency on more items/cosmetics to help you kill more enemies to earn more coins.

PinkyPromise 23-11-20 18:59

I have looked at the Emerald City Games website and they has few games ... I think it could be something like their last game:

rewak 23-11-20 19:00

A mobile game! Thaaaaanks :rolleyes:

Tombraider95 23-11-20 19:01


Originally Posted by PinkyPromise (Post 8254937)
I have looked at the Emerald City Games website and they has few games ... I think it could be something like their last game:


god no

Zebra 23-11-20 19:01


Originally Posted by tlr online (Post 8254922)
This is the FAQ from Crystal Dynamics.

Thanks for posting! Action-arcade, huh? That could mean any number of things. "Arcade" as a genre isn't very clearly defined. The only thing people seem to be able to agree on is that it's fast-paced xD. But yeah, that "action-arcade" doesn't sound like it'd be a slow, methodic puzzle game. I could maybe see it being a challenging, fast-paced 2D platformer along the lines of Celeste or sth (just probably not as good as Celeste)?

Mikky 23-11-20 19:02


Originally Posted by Tombraider95 (Post 8254921)


Originally Posted by tlr online (Post 8254922)
This is the FAQ from Crystal Dynamics.


They imply a soft-launch this year. So for Android users, it should be easy enough for us to get the APK and play regardless of our country :cln: This brings back Relic Run memories


Originally Posted by Amunet (Post 8254934)
So what do you think we can expect from a "action-arcade game"?

A leaderboard and Facebook integration.

Zebra 23-11-20 19:03


Originally Posted by PinkyPromise (Post 8254937)
I have looked at the Emerald City Games website and they has few games ... I think it could be something like their last game:

Oh boy... yeah, my expectations for this just got even lower.

RAID 23-11-20 19:06


Originally Posted by Yuna´s Wish (Post 8254919)
They've defined it as "Action Arcade".

Perhaps it's a 2D sidescroller.


Or a shooter with a point scoring system

Vaskito 23-11-20 19:08


Originally Posted by tlr online (Post 8254851)
Uploading some assets here courtesy of CD.

Added to the OP

lance6439 23-11-20 19:09


Originally Posted by SnatchingEdges (Post 8254931)
Just looking for cheap excuses to cry lol

Why would they release games for PC if I don't a PC? I mean the stupidity here :vlol:

@Tombraider95 It doesn't matter what we use, the important thing is what SE understands.

Considering that you openly stan Annibomination, you'll accept anything cloaked in what resembles classic Lara. Like this cheap mobile game :vlol:

Athukraz 23-11-20 19:10

This sucks I'm sorry moving on. Also yet again a side game with Lara iconography to not put it in the main games. Just Teasing and teasing and teasing. I know TR12 and maybe ports or remasters are happening but... so far.. this is not it. And this game being in the way means the better announcements are delayed

isanvel 23-11-20 19:12

so this is the future of the franchise
where they put classic elements in a mobile game
but not on the main games, cool

Tomb Raidering 23-11-20 19:13


Originally Posted by lance6439 (Post 8254949)
Considering that you openly stan Anniverpiece, you'll accept anything cloaked in what resembles classic Lara. Like this cheap mobile game :vlol:

We already know Anniversary’s superior. This is just a cute free gift to fans.

Originally Posted by redfox45 (Post 8254932)
Smartphones are trash.


ANoDE 23-11-20 19:14

I really like the cute artstyle and very comic-y take on the series. I'm not really happy about the game beeing F2P though. I have yet to play a F2P game that doesn't get brutally annoying after a short time unless you put down some serious money. Call me old fashioned but I still prefer to buy the whole experience up-front instead of piecemeal transactions that I have to keep track of.

I'll try to stay open minded, though. Maybe we'll be lucky this time :)

Yeauxleaux 23-11-20 19:14

I love that it's cartoony and harkens back to the classics but I'm not here for it being a mobile game. I hope it gets a console port.

Not exactly what I want in a 25th anniversary game but beggars can't be choosers at this point I guess. It's more than I was expecting at least.

Wait is it free to play? That IS cool actually, then by all means yes this is a lot better than I thought at first.

Amunet 23-11-20 19:16

This looks really cool:

SnatchingEdges 23-11-20 19:18


Originally Posted by lance6439 (Post 8254949)
Considering that you openly stan Annibomination, you'll accept anything cloaked in what resembles classic Lara. Like this cheap mobile game :vlol:

One thing for sure: It'll be better than Angel of Crapness. :(

JsotoTRSaga 23-11-20 19:21

I feel more optimistic now that I allowed my disappointment to cool down. Hopefully this isn't the only classic oriented Tomb Raider announcement they've got to make. I'll keep a close eye on this either way, still better than the reboots.

Evan C. 23-11-20 19:26

I guess next year we will have the first information regarding the next main Tomb Raider game, because then it's gonna be 3 years since SOTR was released. So, we'll have the mobile -judging by the teaser, it's a mix of at least the first 2 classic games-, movie filming perhaps and probably the first information about the next step on Lara's not being a fully developed Tomb Raider :p

jajay119 23-11-20 19:28


Originally Posted by Amunet (Post 8254958)
This looks really cool:

Why have the shrunk her boobs and blown up her head and legs? It's like Sid from Toy Story built a Lara doll out of different bits of doll bodies. I'm underwhelmed with this really. If it's only one of things to come then fine but the classic era deserves more love than this. At least give us another GOL style game if they really arent going to remaster the classics.

Tombraider95 23-11-20 19:29


Yeah I thought some of the proportions were off. Lara Croft has big boobs. Who cares. Stop trying to shrink them as if it's a bad thing. Just don't make them crazy massive.


Originally Posted by Amunet (Post 8254958)
This looks really cool:

Ah nice been looking for the full version. It's a shame amazing artwork like this is being wasted on what could be a poor mobile game. A full trilogy remake in this style could have been amazing, just like Crash.

Yeah Crash has a mobile game coming too, but that's AFTER the original trilogy remake and a 4th game.


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 8254962)
I feel more optimistic now that I allowed my disappointment to cool down. Hopefully this isn't the only classic oriented Tomb Raider announcement they've got to make. I'll keep a close eye on this either way, still better than te reboots.

I've been the opposite lol The more I think about the more I'm disappointed because of what it could have been. Gameplay/Screenshots cannot come soon enough.

Mikky 23-11-20 19:29

Oh, they also just announced Tomb Raider: Unloaded, a dating sim exclusive to Steam. This one is with reboot Lara instead. Here's the Q&A from CD

Q. Who is the developer of Tomb Raider: Unloaded?
A. Ubisoft Japan. They're very passionate about dating.

Q. Were you involved?
A. We watched a few clips

Q. Can you tell us more about how the game plays?
A. Yes but not right now

Q. When can we expect to play it?
A. We love this iteration of Lara Croft. We can't wait for players to see her again soon.
Well, at least they're giving something to both sides of the fanbase

SnatchingEdges 23-11-20 19:30

No one moved.

charmedangelin 23-11-20 19:30

Can y'all chill, y'all acting like CD made this to spit in our faces. Come on, it's obviously a side project that's just to celebrate TR.

Why wouldn't they also make an announcement about remaster or remakes?

We need to wait and see folks, you maybe surprised. Remember when weta workshop said it would be a Monumental year for TR?

Let's just wait and see, let's be happy that they are finally acknowledging TR and she has the Tomb Raider title back.

Evan C. 23-11-20 19:30


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 8254970)
Oh, they also just announced Tomb Raider: Unloaded, a dating sim exclusive to Steam. This one is with reboot Lara instead. Here's the Q&A from CD

Well, at least they're giving something to both sides of the fanbase


I dieded.

jajay119 23-11-20 19:33


Originally Posted by charmedangelin (Post 8254972)
Can y'all chill, y'all acting like CD made this to spit in our faces. Come on, it's obviously a side project that's just to celebrate TR.

Why wouldn't they also make an announcement about remaster or remakes?

We need to wait and see folks, you maybe surprised. Remember when weta workshop said it would be a Monumental year for TR?

Let's just wait and see, let's be happy that they are finally acknowledging TR and she has the Tomb Raider title back.

CD didnt even make this.

I just think after so long clamouring for some classic content another mobile game wasnt the way to go. If its the first of many announcements this year then fine but I remain unmoved.

Tomb Raidering 23-11-20 19:33


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 8254970)
Oh, they also just announced Tomb Raider: UNloaded, a dating sim exclusive to Steam. This one is with reboot Lara instead. Here's the Q&A from CD

Getting Underworst vibes, it’s gonna tank hard no doubt.

tlr online 23-11-20 19:35

You know what this means? Finest frames are back.

Tombraider95 23-11-20 19:37


Originally Posted by jajay119 (Post 8254974)
CD didnt even make this.

I just think after so long clamouring for some classic content another mobile game wasnt the way to go. If its the first of many announcements this year then fine but I remain unmoved.

Maybe you're right. Maybe they're starting off with something small. To get us talking. Then following will be more/bigger announcements going into next year? Hmmm


Originally Posted by tlr online (Post 8254976)
You know what this means? Finest frames are back.

Nice! I did look for any hidden details but didn't find anything.

charmedangelin 23-11-20 19:37


Originally Posted by jajay119 (Post 8254974)
CD didnt even make this.

I just think after so long clamouring for some classic content another mobile game wasnt the way to go. If its the first of many announcements this year then fine but I remain unmoved.

Why wouldn't it be? You think they'd just blow their load in a single day? :vlol:

Damn y'all call me dramatic.

jajay119 23-11-20 19:37

No shade but the last picture/ banner legit looks like Unuratu doing classic Lara cosplay.


Originally Posted by charmedangelin (Post 8254978)
Why wouldn't it be? You think they'd just blow their load in a single day? :vlol:

Damn y'all call me dramatic.

I simply said I dont think this was the project to lead with for a 'big year'. Mobile game and free to play are not often synonymous with great gaming experiences.

I'm not dramatic. I'm underwhelmed.

Also, I've never called you dramatic.

Rai 23-11-20 19:37

I wonder if there will be cutscenes and who the VA is.

Chamayoo 23-11-20 19:38


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 8254970)
Oh, they also just announced Tomb Raider: Unloaded, a dating sim exclusive to Steam. This one is with reboot Lara instead. Here's the Q&A from CD

Well, at least they're giving something to both sides of the fanbase

Exiting !! :vlol:


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 8254981)
I wonder if there will be cutscenes and who the VA is.

That could be dope, but I don't think Lara will ever talk like Relic Run and Go. :ponder:

amiro1989 23-11-20 19:39

No shade but.... This does not look like Lara Croft. I certainly hope that they have more in store for Lara's 25th anniversary than a mobile game. Jeez.

Raxel 23-11-20 19:39

A Mobile Game? And even worse F2P? Yeah...

Sorry, but I've below zero interest in that. And while I'm all for more cartoony and/or stylised art designs this paticular one isn't doing it for me either. So, next please, I guess?

Tomb Raidering 23-11-20 19:39


Originally Posted by jajay119 (Post 8254980)
No shade but the last picture/ banner legit looks like Unuratu doing classic Lara cosplay.

I literally don’t see Unuratu in her? :confused:

Originally Posted by Rai (Post 8254981)
I wonder if there will be cutscenes and who the VA is.

Yeah, I wonder if it’s gonna have cutscenes too. Shelley Blond or Jonell Elliott’s return would be wonderful tbh, since Keeley’s done with TR.

lance6439 23-11-20 19:40


Originally Posted by SnatchingEdges (Post 8254960)
One thing for sure: It'll be better than Angel of Crapness. :(

Remembered and has it's own fanbase. Unlike this piece of crap

Okay let's skip in time to where Reboot Lara is in the TRII remake please

charmedangelin 23-11-20 19:41

Lmfao yup, this is all we getting off the 25th anniversary. Pack it up folks.

I'm just gonna sit on the sidelines and laugh as I watch people, the very same fine folks who whine about drama, post the most dramatic reactions to this. :vlol:

jajay119 23-11-20 19:42


Originally Posted by Tomb Raidering (Post 8254987)
I literally don’t see Unuratu in her? :confused:


It's the nose and the eyes for me. Like I said , no shade just an observation.

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