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touchthesky 10-06-08 18:25

When the game comes out I will be getting excited before going round each corner in case he appears.

Lara-Ferguson 10-06-08 18:31

So Funny xD



jagged halo 10-06-08 18:32

Aww, poor Underpus :p

Rexie 10-06-08 18:40

Congratz everyone :OMFG :vlol:

Pipolinne 10-06-08 18:41

Lara Ferguson,you brilliantly combined the classic with the future :vlol:!

ClrMap 10-06-08 18:43

Dude... octopi are my favorite marine animals, too! So lame that I have to kill it!!! Did you know that Octopi are the most intelligent invertabrates in the world? Check it:

I did a presentation on them for the taxonomy unit in biology a few semesters ago!

Dia2blo 10-06-08 18:51


Originally Posted by Rexie (Post 2767521)

Wow, i guess mine aren't good enough to make the board. thanks

Rexie 10-06-08 18:56


Originally Posted by Dia2blo (Post 2767537)
Wow, i guess mine aren't good enough to make the board. thanks

sorry, I just took a few random, and the rest din't had place... and it sin't a fame board, yours was awesome too!

dannyb 10-06-08 19:10

Here's my contribution to this AMAZING thread :D

Larson_1988 10-06-08 19:16

My contribution! :whi:

Laughing Underpus! :D

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