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xMiSsCrOfTx 19-06-08 22:02

themanthelegend - I love its veiny head :vlol: but that drawing is just... :yik: :tmb:

nomedo :vlol: :vlol: you've done it again. :D I hope we'll be seeing many more installments of the chronicles of the WLPO.

themanthelegend 20-06-08 01:06

thanks again miss croft!

kryptonite23 20-06-08 01:31

themanthelegend and nomedo ~ Nice work :cln: :D

Your_Envy* 20-06-08 07:46

nomedo that awesome! Love the white ledge pus! :D

Alex Fly 20-06-08 09:18

Excellent, nomedo ! :D :tmb:

Stel4eto 20-06-08 09:36


Originally Posted by nomedo (Post 2793783)
Now i have a continuation in Underworld:the White-Ledge-Paint-Opus Chronicles

1. Introducing WLPO

2. The mind of an Underpus


ha-ha-ha XD

skaterkid 20-06-08 10:51

Can everyone just stop trying to be precious and tell me where this image is from, what it's supposed to be and what's it got to do with TRU?

xXhayleyroxXx 20-06-08 13:27

^^^ im not sure which piccy you mean, but the 'underpuss' picture most people are using is from an official screenshot from the new game (it could be game artwork, i get mixed up) , its from the first level of tomb raider underworld.
hope this helps :)

Rexie 20-06-08 13:30


Originally Posted by skaterkid (Post 2794939)
Can everyone just stop trying to be precious and tell me where this image is from, what it's supposed to be and what's it got to do with TRU?

Zebra 20-06-08 13:42


Originally Posted by skaterkid (Post 2794939)
Can everyone just stop trying to be precious and tell me where this image is from, what it's supposed to be and what's it got to do with TRU?

It's a screenshot from TRU.

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