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Linoshi Croft 21-05-12 17:45


Originally Posted by tampi (Post 6180656)
:smk: That's not appropriate! Why so much blood? You are a sadist.:p

Because it makes sense? :p

Rai 21-05-12 17:45

The blotches on the screen do look out of place. I'm not fond of gore, but a bit of blood seems...normal for the situation. Nothing over the top, just enough. It is an M game after all.

Lukass 21-05-12 17:46

Who said the scene with the wolf is full of blood? Dark_Messiah, Gabi...? One of those people who have played it :) Yeah, there will be a lot of blood! :D

tampi 21-05-12 18:07


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6180669)
Because it makes sense? :p

It makes sense if makes sense, but it isn't enjoyable for everybody to see blood pouring out evrywhere. Particularly blood doesn't affect to me but I don't wish there were rivers of blood every time someone suffers a wound. That's out of place.

Well, if she bleeds a lot and blood clots, she can make a bridge to escape of the island. :cln:

Spong 21-05-12 18:18

I like that light refraction technique in games when liquid splashes on the lens :tmb:
But each blood spot should slightly blur the background beyond it (as liquids do), it's not doing that in the wolf pic.

_Awestruck_ 21-05-12 18:19

They should just get rid of that all together. It's annoying.

tomblover 21-05-12 18:39


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6180418)
That is a bad ass screenshot though, and it seems wild to me that she apparently stabs it seven times.

Reminds me...

CD, take notes. I want to kill scavengers and I want to do it brutally. :mis: [note 01:22]

just*raidin*tomb 21-05-12 19:25

Ah man, that's awesome.

Weemanply109 21-05-12 20:31


I've reported too many posts in this thread recently, tbh. Too many oversized gifs from the newbies. God. Get with the program. I'm sure you've been told a ****load of times.


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6180671)
Who said the scene with the wolf is full of blood? Dark_Messiah, Gabi...? One of those people who have played it :)

Gabi played the demo?


Originally Posted by tomblover (Post 6180771)
Reminds me...

CD, take notes. I want to kill scavengers and I want to do it brutally. :mis: [note 01:22]

That game. *bows*

Shame my PC kept having graphics glitches with her hair disappearing and her eye balls floating (which I have a phobia of) so I have to stop playing. ;_;

Lukass 21-05-12 20:36


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6181038)
Gabi played the demo?

Yes :)

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