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Mikky 03-02-12 17:48


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5953448)
^ Well, I think we haven't seen all renders yet, so....I wouldn't mind this. I like it. It's simple and her face will attract people.

I agree it would attract people, but it just reminds me too much of the TRL cover. I mean, we already had a cover with Lara's face, so why not something different and new that would also stand out? And no, nothing to do with her boobs. >_>

Lukass 03-02-12 17:51

And as it may sound stupid, I wouldn't mind if Lara wasn't on the cover at all. What about just this? I just want something simple. I hate the covers that looks like circus poster.

Mikky 03-02-12 17:59

That would be unique, but I can't imagine it ever actually happening, tbh. :o

Spong 03-02-12 18:01


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5953471)

LOL, that could be anything. The game has, at the very least, got to have the title on the cover. Even having Lara on the cover isn't enough any more, she's not famous like she once was, plus she looks totally different now.

Mikky 03-02-12 18:06


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 5953496)
LOL, that could be anything. The game has, at the very least, got to have the title on the cover. Even having Lara on the cover isn't enough any more, she's not famous like she once was, plus she looks totally different now.

I really don't think he meant just the picture. Of course the title would be on it.

Spong 03-02-12 18:10


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 5953507)
I really don't think he meant just the picture. Of course the title would be on it.

Even so, the pick axe is too random. May as well have a picture of the bow & arrow, or anything else that no one outside of TR fan circles is going to have a clue about.

Mikky 03-02-12 18:14


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 5953516)
Even so, the pick axe is too random. May as well have a picture of the bow & arrow, or anything else that no one outside of TR fan circles is going to have a clue about.

Well, the name TOMB RAIDER would be on it, so whatever pic is used, they will at least know that it's a Tomb Raider game and I guess that's the most important thing, right? But yeah, I agree with you that using an item or a weapon is not very practical. Lara at least has to be on it. :p

lcroft_lc 03-02-12 18:16


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 5953436)
I just hope that the cover art isn't any of these two pictures:

I mean, how boring would it be if they announced the cover art and it was one of those pics on the cover? T_T

Lara's look changed a lot since that first image shown on GI cover. 2nd one should be the cover as it is probably the most iconic picture of Lara Croft. :)

Spong 03-02-12 18:17


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 5953522)
Well, the name TOMB RAIDER would be on it, so whatever pic is used, they will at least know that it's a Tomb Raider game and I guess that's the most important thing, right? But yeah, I agree with you that using an item or a weapon is not very practical. Lara at least has to be on it. :p

I can't disagree with that really. I'm just grateful they've finally dropped the "Lara Croft" pre/suffix. Although I totally expect Crystal to sneak that back in.

Mikky 03-02-12 18:26


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 5953528)
Lara's look changed a lot since that first image shown on GI cover. 2nd one should be the cover as it is probably the most iconic picture of Lara Croft. :)

They should just use a new one and promote it like crazy and then THAT picture would become "iconic" eventually. I mean, there's possibly over 7/8 months left for the release, so that gives people plenty of time to see and digest new stuff.

Btw, the render used on the TRU box art, was that ever seen before the cover art was revealed or not?


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 5953529)
I can't disagree with that really. I'm just grateful they've finally dropped the "Lara Croft" pre/suffix. Although I totally expect Crystal to sneak that back in.

I actually liked the Lara Croft prefix used in Aod/TRL/TRA. :pi: But since they've used it in GoL, I don't think it's likely it will return on a main game.

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