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skylark1121 06-02-12 03:38


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5959088)
I remember Karl said, that when they announce the VA it is going to be in a big style. How stupid would it be if they just made some short VA announcement podcast and said "Eeeeek, guys, we are proud to introduce Lara's new voice Tamzilla Shatla Janice Whoever" you know...that just won't happen. I want something visual from the game.

It has to be a visual. HAS TO BE.

I wonder if they will actually do something on Feb 14?
It's old Lara's bday, and since they're rebooting, they might not.... :(

Lukass 06-02-12 03:39


Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 5959098)
It has to be a visual. HAS TO BE.

I wonder if they will actually do something on Feb 14?
It's old Lara's bday, and since they're rebooting, they might not.... :(

I think they said Lara's birthday is still 14th Feb. Oh my God, why would they change it? She is still Lara Croft. Not the old one indeed, but still...

skylark1121 06-02-12 03:41


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5959102)
I think they said Lara's birthday is still 14th Feb. Oh my God, why would they change it? She is still Lara Croft. Not the old one indeed, but still...

To be honest, she never was much of an Aquarius anyway.... :/

larafan25 06-02-12 03:44

I can't believe there's only ten days until the biggest disappointment since last year's Games Con.

Lukass 06-02-12 03:45


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5959106)
I can't believe there's only ten days until the biggest disappointment since last year's Games Con.

:smk: No way, bitch.

larafan25 06-02-12 03:48


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5959107)
:smk: No way, bitch.

We need chocolate calendars each year a TR is announced.

Something to keep us going when all seems lost.

It's moments like these, when all I'm worried about is when I'm going to see some TR - that make me realize how nice and easy life can be. <3

I still can't comprehend the idea of actually getting any sort of information in ten days, whether it be the VA announcement or a countdown to the VA announcement.

skylark1121 06-02-12 03:51


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5959106)
I can't believe there's only ten days until the biggest disappointment since last year's Games Con.

Don't speak those words!!! :eek:

Lukass 06-02-12 03:52

I dun want it to be some ****ing countdown :-/

I always eat the chocolate calendar in one sitting. That wouldn't work for me.

larafan25 06-02-12 03:53


Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 5959109)
Don't speak those words!!! :eek:

Positive attitudes will get you nothing! :mad:


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5959110)
I dun want it to be some ****ing countdown :-/

I always eat the chocolate calendar in one sitting. That wouldn't work for me.

I go through multiple calendars and then loose count.

skylark1121 06-02-12 03:55


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5959112)
Positive attitudes will get you nothing! :mad:

Negative attitudes won't either. :whi:

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