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Soul 12-03-13 17:42

^Nope - you mean the explosive arrows. Indeed the fire arrows ARE the napalm-arrows :)

LCFan123 12-03-13 17:42


Originally Posted by Gamd1011 (Post 6700304)
But I'd rather not have a new TR every year, the quality would drop DRAMATICALLY. I can already see it. Every 2 years (3 at the most) is fine with me.

I totally agree. I see what they're doing with the Assassin's Creed series. I'm a big fan of the games but releasing two games (Assassin's Creed 3 and the upcoming 4) in almost the same year? I think that's a bit too much.
I really hope they're not doing that with Tomb Raider. I hope they're going to do it like Naughty Dog, they know how and when to make and publish a new game.

Carbonek_0051 12-03-13 17:43


Originally Posted by Soul (Post 6700498)
^Nope - you mean the explosive arrows. Indeed the fire arrows ARE the napalm-arrows :)

I'm pretty sure the napalm arrows are the explosive arrow upgrade. :confused:

LCFan123 12-03-13 17:51


Originally Posted by Carbonek_0051 (Post 6700503)
I'm pretty sure the napalm arrows are the explosive arrow upgrade. :confused:

Nope, the napalm arrows are an upgraded version of the fire arrows. The explosive arrows are unlocked as soon as you find the grenade launcher because you need the same ammo for both I guess?

Phlip 12-03-13 20:24

What is up with the menu randomly having "DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT" shoved in your face? You have to look at that text for no reason for no reason for like 10 seconds. :confused:

murderinparadi 12-03-13 22:00

omg I've managed to get 2 of my friends who weren't hardcore Tomb Raider fans to get it!

I feel so accomplished! but yeah, they both reaaaly like the game. Only comlaint so far is it's shorter than expected from one, but the other doesn't seem to have any complaint and that he loved the parachute sequence! :jmp::jmp::jmp:

murderinparadi 12-03-13 22:05


Originally Posted by Supernova (Post 6700300)
I want them to take as much time as they need.
I don't want another yearly TR game with little to no improvements.

Yeah, like 1 and a half to 2 years minimum for me, but maybe they could release more GoL type games during the wait akin to how the Assassins Creed franchise did Brotherhood and Revelations to fill in AC2 and AC3. Maybe even just one filler game incorporating some of the TR mechanics but also experimental mechanics that may or may not be on the seuqel! And it'd be more than DLC material!But if it's only being released for the sake of releasing things and it isn't good enough to contribute to the legacy then I don't think any filler game should be released.

I want interactive environments like knocking down trees and firing at the ground to create dust clouds for cover for the next game and a plethora of new features; new badass cast of characters and one hell of an interesting story. I hope the story steps up too since it won't be as much of an origins story to attract a new general audience and reboot the franchise anymore.


WolfBoy1985 12-03-13 22:37


Originally Posted by LCFan123 (Post 6700501)
I totally agree. I see what they're doing with the Assassin's Creed series. I'm a big fan of the games but releasing two games (Assassin's Creed 3 and the upcoming 4) in almost the same year? I think that's a bit too much.
I really hope they're not doing that with Tomb Raider. I hope they're going to do it like Naughty Dog, they know how and when to make and publish a new game.

I don't play Assassin's Creed, but from what i have seen fans say, they think the games are literally just rolled out with new make overs and that's all. I don't want to see TR do that either.

NCFirebolt21 13-03-13 00:24

Just finished Tomb Raider; easily one of the best games I've ever played.

I don't know if anyone experienced a glitch during the final cutscene; I could only here the audio before "A Survivor Is Born" flashed up. Gonna youtube that part...

Supernova 13-03-13 08:29

Finished it last last night for the second time getting 100%. I actually think my second playthrough took me even longer trying to complete all the challenges. Most of these are very well hidden.

I took a look at the achievement list and saw there's one where you have to get someone to drop dynamite that kills two people. Are there any battles where that would be easy to achieve?

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