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Jami393 24-03-13 22:02

Does anyone have any clue who Trinity are?

Soul 24-03-13 22:17

[img]http://www.**********/img/horrible2ky1h.jpg[/img] :p

Mikky 24-03-13 22:18

PETA will be out to get you. :pi:

tomekkobialka 24-03-13 22:18

Oh dear god.

Lara, you crazy bitch. :vlol:

BinRaider 24-03-13 22:46

Poor Debra(s)


italibabee 24-03-13 23:51

PETA's coming after you, Soul.


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6721006)
I just read TR: The Beginning. It really does give more insight on the characters :) I didn't expect it to be that short though. The ending left me with a weird feeling :|

How did it end?

TheRCroft 24-03-13 23:54


Originally Posted by Soul (Post 6721085)

I did the same today :vlol:

NYCL@R@ 25-03-13 00:20

I'm really happy how many people I know are turning into Tomb Raider fans, they actually bought the game and are really enjoying it. Yay!

trfanX34 25-03-13 00:50


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6721236)
How did it end?[/COLOR][/CENTER]

Lara and Sam looking at the sunset from the deck of the Endurance and saying that this trip would change their lives. It just felt so weird knowing that that was the same girl in the game that ends up rescuing her friend from a crazy cult and killing a goddess :I

italibabee 25-03-13 01:57

^Oh, je vois.

So my mom's watching The Walking Dead, and this guy, I swear, is wearing Lara's necklace! Like it looks like the exact necklace from the concept art!
It's not a super good version I'm watching though (like HD).

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