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spyrostr 05-04-13 19:24


Originally Posted by :}hello friend (Post 6739044)
Gave it a 1/10, just to make people mad.

good for you :tmb:

TippingWater 05-04-13 21:21

I feel like the series has gotten more and more action filled with each new entry, especially after CD took over. It would be really lovely if the games from now on will have more open slow-paced spaces like the deer hub in the reboot.


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6738959)

Cool! :D

Mikky 05-04-13 21:57


Originally Posted by :}hello friend (Post 6739044)
Gave it a 1/10, just to make people mad.

Hey, me too. Making people mad FTW. :D

Love you all. <3

:}hello friend 05-04-13 23:42


Originally Posted by spyrostr (Post 6739058)
good for you :tmb:

I love helping this community and this game achieve what it truly deserves :tea:

RoxasKennedy 06-04-13 00:01


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6737805)
If anyone is interested on hearing TR in Japanese, I just came across this video.

トゥームレイダー 日本語吹き替え版プレイ動画:寺院からの脱出 (The title is some totally deep **** btw)

And as usual, Japanese dubbing makes everything sound better. :tmb:

spyrostr 06-04-13 00:27

is it me or the music is louder in the japanese version? even the ambient sounds are somewhat different? i think i felt really lonely in some parts... lol i dont know what makes it better but i love the japanese version :D

mizuno_suisei 06-04-13 01:20


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6737805)
If anyone is interested on hearing TR in Japanese, I just came across this video.

トゥームレイダー 日本語吹き替え版プレイ動画:寺院からの脱出 (The title is some totally deep **** btw)

Huh? The title says 'Tomb Raider - Japanese spoken language play through: Escape from the Temple'. How is that deep ****? haha.

Game opening in Japanese - released the other day.

I love how 'anime' it sounds. 'Jona, Reiyasu, TASUKETEE!!! :vlol:

SE Japan TR Playlist

Scheduled for release on the 25th of April :D

spyrostr 06-04-13 02:28

haha this article is so funny :vlol:

also in eidos forums there is a thread called : A Gallery of Tomb Raider's Textures
it has some amazing stuff there

Spong 06-04-13 02:46


Originally Posted by spyrostr (Post 6739453)

That thread reminds me just how grateful I am that images in sigs aren't allowed here. That thread is a mess to look at.

spyrostr 06-04-13 02:56


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6739460)
That thread reminds me just how grateful I am that images in sigs aren't allowed here. That thread is a mess to look at.

maybe it's a mess but look at that cool information it provides :P

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