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Wooxman 02-02-15 15:43

Looks like Ashton Kutcher to me. :pi:

sackboy123 06-02-15 16:00

I've finished this game on Hard :jmp:

It took a while but I made it

TSUSMC9 16-03-15 18:13

So I have a question I want to ask about some TR merchandise but I'm afraid to link a picture of it due to the content. I'll try my best to describe it, since I'm sure one of you know what I'm talking about. I was browsing through peoples picture of their Tomb Raider collections, and I cam across a rather decently sized statue/figure of classic Lara. Thing is, she was nude. Now, it's not a big deal, I'm just a bit surprised to see that there is an official statue/figure of Lara nude.
My question is, where did it from? Like who made this and when was it introduced?

Sorry to ask, I'm just really curious.
And I apologize that this isn't exactly the right place to ask but I couldn't find the thread that I was wanting to post this too and assume this is just as good as any for someone to know..

VictorXD 16-03-15 18:33

^ OMG, what the hell lol

Are you sure it is official?

Linoshi Croft 16-03-15 18:53

Larafan25 made it, did they not?

TSUSMC9 16-03-15 19:16

I've seen a few different versions of the statue/figure.

One for example,
I'd post the unedited version if I didn't think it'd cause issue.

I've seen others that have her with bottom undergarments on just like the one above and just one nipple being exposed. This one though, you can see the nipple and her kitty.

This is the image I came across.

VictorXD 16-03-15 19:41

Oooooooh, I remember that long one. Hadn't seen it in so many years.... well I still hate it:p

I'm kinda surprised if these are indeed "official" in some way... I mean I know Lara used to be a sex symbol and 85% of people only loved her for her tits, but this is too much IMO:o I mean just blatand boobs and underwear action on a statue of that would be considered offcial merchandise by Eidos is over the top.

TSUSMC9 16-03-15 20:26

That's why it surprised me. I may not be official but it sure enough looks that way. Which it could just be a really well done to look like it is. Either way, I'm not necessarily offended by it but it's bit much even for the sexual attention Lara got back in the day.

The one in the 2nd picture is tame to the one I blacked out. I could over-look a nipple. But a detail puddycat is stepping it far. To each their own I guess. I'm not judging. Surprised it exist though.

Vintage Croft 19-03-15 15:08

Foud a recent video chat interview with Earl Baylon (Jonah) talking about his role in Tomb Raider if anyone is interested.

Rai 19-03-15 15:31


Originally Posted by Vintage Croft (Post 7307859)
Foud a recent video chat interview with Earl Baylon (Jonah) talking about his role in Tomb Raider if anyone is interested.

That's pretty cool. Thanks for posting :tmb:. It was pretty awkward in the first few minutes though.

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