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Rai 26-06-15 10:00


Originally Posted by dantedmc (Post 7386373)
I don't underand! I cannot use fast travel? help please!

They haven't invented a way to use that in real life yet, you're ahead of yourself. :p

Um, sorry....*ahem*. Have you been able to up until now? Are you definitely at a fast travel camp and not an ordinary one? The fast travel sites have the tent symbol, iirc. Where are you?

peeves 26-06-15 14:14

I just beat TR9 last night and the most challenging part of the game IMO was in level 29 Chasm Ziggurat the oni boss fight because i had a hard time trying to dodge his attacks but even when i jumped or pressed circle i still couldn't dodge his attacks at times but overall that part wasn't too hard.

Enya Brennan 26-06-15 14:18

Well... your verdict? :jmp:

Trenton 26-06-15 14:19

Congrats on beating the game peeves :D
Did you enjoy playing it? :)

Patrick star 26-06-15 15:38

Congrats on bearing and fighting through the challenging path of feces and diseases till your arrival at "TR9" and beating it Peeves :whi:

peeves 26-06-15 15:40


Originally Posted by Trenton (Post 7386673)
Congrats on beating the game peeves :D
Did you enjoy playing it? :)

Yes i did enjoy playing it.

dantedmc 27-06-15 05:57


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 7386432)
They haven't invented a way to use that in real life yet, you're ahead of yourself. :p

Um, sorry....*ahem*. Have you been able to up until now? Are you definitely at a fast travel camp and not an ordinary one? The fast travel sites have the tent symbol, iirc. Where are you?


Coastal forest. 72% of them game. i just passed the lost adventurer tomb. Not able to fast travel darn it. EDIT: GOT IT! Thanks :)

peeves 27-06-15 14:05

I'm kinda confused on how to fast travel after beating the game.

Mikky 27-06-15 22:43


Originally Posted by peeves (Post 7387513)
I'm kinda confused on how to fast travel after beating the game.

Er, you do it the same way you did before?

Go to a Fast Travel campsite and select fast travel. Remember, though:


There are two kinds of campsites, Day Camps and Fast Travel Camps. Day Camps are signified by a campfire icon on the map while Fast Travel Camps are represented by a tent icon.
Obviously, you can only fast travel at a Fast Travel camp.

peeves 28-06-15 19:13

Yes i fast traveled and now I'm getting all the collectibles so far i did that in 6 of 13 levels that have collectibles. But the only problem is when trying to find them all even with the youtube video it can be a problem if you don't hurry up and find em all for a certain number of levels such as being timed because you gotta eat or your being timed because your PS3 won't avoid YLOD if you keep it on for too long especially when your PS3 is 8 years old.

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