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lance6439 18-04-12 23:53


Our IT dept are walking around the studio with a crazy laptop testing radio frequencies for Wifi signal disturbances..the red marks are the microwaves!!! How techy is that!!

amiro1989 18-04-12 23:54

I think they have their stuff completely ready.... They're just waiting for the green light/a particular date to release everything

Lukass 18-04-12 23:55

@lance What?

lance6439 18-04-12 23:56


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6116530)
@lance What?


Our IT dept are walking around the studio with a crazy laptop testing radio frequencies for Wifi signal disturbances..the red marks are the microwaves!!! How techy is that!!

from Karls blog.

Lukass 18-04-12 23:58


_Awestruck_ 18-04-12 23:58

That isn't TR related.

Stevo505 18-04-12 23:58

God who cares. Post some news already Karl...

lance6439 18-04-12 23:59


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6116536)
That isn't TR related.

Its from his blog so I assume its TR RELATED (from his TR Blog)

Lukass 18-04-12 23:59

Are those the big waves SpyroMonster were talking about a few minutes back? :rolleyes:

lance6439 19-04-12 00:00


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6116539)
Are those the big waves SpyroMonster were talking about a few minutes back? :rolleyes:

Probably? :x

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