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Spong 16-03-12 23:06


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6042174)
No, the symbols are for people too dumb to figure out what to do.

People like that shouldn't even own a console.

Rai 16-03-12 23:09


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6042174)
Then why ask? :p

Well I thought that LF was asking which button to use, he said it's telling him to push the cage.

larafan25 16-03-12 23:11


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6042181)
Well I thought that LF was asking which button to use, he said it's telling him to push the cage.


One would assume you'd use the action button I guess, but maybe CD are trying for some fluid control scheme in which you just have to run at the cage to push it?

Linoshi Croft 16-03-12 23:12


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6042176)
^^I've been level editing all day and you promised me a podcast today, so I need an outlet.

Are they?

I heard they were intuitive.

They go as you progress.

Where was that said..?

I remember in a thread everyone had a bitch fit about them..then it all calmed down as they were optional.


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6042177)
People like that shouldn't even own a console.


Lukass 16-03-12 23:15


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6042150)
Anyone know what this symbol means?

It's this button, honey :)

Let's try to reveal all Lara's controls :eek:


Rai 16-03-12 23:15


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6042184)

One would assume you'd use the action button I guess, but maybe CD are trying for some fluid control scheme in which you just have to run at the cage to push it?

In one of the demos, the player stopped in front of the cage then lara heaved against the cage, so I don't think she ran at it first.


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6042189)
Where was that said..?

I remember in a thread everyone had a bitch fit about them..then it all calmed down as they were optional.


I think it was the survival Instinct which is supposed to be intuitive and it wont work once you've used it a few times. Or something.

@Lukass, You could be right.

larafan25 16-03-12 23:18


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6042189)
Where was that said..?

I remember in a thread everyone had a bitch fit about them..then it all calmed down as they were optional.

It was said by Karl. It's probably in the Eidos forum Q&A.


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6042195)
It's this button, honey :)

Let's try to reveal all Lara's controls :eek:


Hm, Maybe it is that button.


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6042196)
In one of the demos, the player stopped in front of the cage then lara heaved against the cage, so I don't think she ran at it first.

I think it was the survival Instinct which is supposed to be intuitive and it wont work once you've used it a few times. Or something.

@Lukass, You could be right.

Right, that was the demo I watched, so there must be a button you have to push. :/

Mikky 16-03-12 23:20


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6042195)
It's this button, honey :)

Let's try to reveal all Lara's controls :eek:


That would be really awkward. :p I doubt the controls were finalized by the time they showed that demo anyway.

Spong 16-03-12 23:22


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6042195)
It's this button, honey :)

Having to press right on the D-pad to push something? Err, no.

Lukass 16-03-12 23:26


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6042213)
Having to press right on the D-pad to push something? Err, no.

But it is that button.

Linoshi Croft 16-03-12 23:27


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6042226)
But it is that button.

doesn't look like it to me...

Spong 16-03-12 23:28


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6042226)
But it is that button.

That symbol, to me, is just the game telling you it's an object you can push.

Diablo_Rosso 16-03-12 23:29


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6042231)
That symbol, to me, is just the game telling you it's an object you can push.

It is. I can't see it being anything else.

larafan25 16-03-12 23:30


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6042231)
That symbol, to me, is just the game telling you it's an object you can push.


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6042227)
doesn't look like it to me...


Originally Posted by Diablo_Rosso (Post 6042233)
It is. I can't see it being anything else.

This is what I think.

Especially when all the other button icons are pretty accurate.

Linoshi Croft 16-03-12 23:34

Watched the demo again. It's really not that button...It's just an arrow putting right into a slab of grey. How you get from that, it's that button I dunno.



Lukass 16-03-12 23:36

Well, I was wrong then. For some reason I thought it's that button.

That means it's just next hint ://

Rai 16-03-12 23:43

So have we established which button to use? The action button with the direction key?

[/pretending to not know these things] :pi:

Mikky 16-03-12 23:47

I wonder if CD really think people would get stuck if that icon wasn't there to tell everyone that you can push a giant block...

Reminds me of this pic:

TOP: Tomb Raider in the 90s. Had real challenge.

BOTTOM: Tomb Raider now. A game of Snake and Ladders had more challenge that these.

But it's okay because everything is optional, right? :D

As much as I love CD's games, no-one can deny that they're incredibly easy and lack any real challenge and these stupid help icons and things like Survival Instinct are so needless, imo.

Adrenaline 16-03-12 23:49

Oh god now we're discussing buttons? god crystal release something, for the sake of god, RELEASE SOMETHING DAMNIT!!!.:hea:

Anywhoo, About the color of Lara's boots, are they khaki brown, dark brown, light bro-OH GOD WHAT AM I SAYING!?!!?

Linoshi Croft 16-03-12 23:50

Maybe Lara has a set of interaction she can use on objects... and you can choose in which way you wish to use an object.

Spong 16-03-12 23:50


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6042287)
As much as I love CD's games, no-one can deny that they're incredibly easy and lack any real challenge and these stupid help icons and things like Survival Instinct are so needless, imo.

This. Oh so much this.

larafan25 16-03-12 23:51

There's not really much more you can do with that cage. :/

edit: TR's platforming should be like Alice Madness Returns, she is fun to control, the game world is made for platforming, there is real challenge.

I want to cry watching Uncharted 3's chase scenes, silly no turning in mid air and sticky ledges. I hope to God the platforming is not sticky in TRO.

Spong 16-03-12 23:52


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6042295)
There's not really much more you can do with that cage. :/

You could fashion it into a rather fetching chandelier :ohn:

Adrenaline 16-03-12 23:53


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6042287)
I wonder if CD really think people would get stuck if that icon wasn't there to tell everyone that you can push a giant block...

Reminds me of this pic:

TOP: Tomb Raider in the 90s. Had real challenge.

BOTTOM: Tomb Raider now. A game of Snake and Ladders had more challenge that these.

But it's okay because everything is optional, right? :D

As much as I love CD's games, no-one can deny that they're incredibly easy and lack any real challenge and these stupid help icons and things like Survival Instinct are so needless, imo.

Too true. I miss the isolation and 'all alone' aspect of Tomb Raider. Like TR1 in the dark caves at the start, the beautiful ambiance and slightly creepy airy feeling. No hints, No tutorials, NO FECKIN ICONS. :/ It was all up to you to know what to do, to think about your situation, to learn about your environment. :/

larafan25 16-03-12 23:53


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6042297)
You could fashion it into a rather fetching chandelier :ohn:

Unless the scavengers get to Lara first, and fashion her into a chandelier.

Rai 16-03-12 23:53


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6042287)
I wonder if CD really think people would get stuck if that icon wasn't there to tell everyone that you can push a giant block...

Reminds me of this pic:

TOP: Tomb Raider in the 90s. Had real challenge.

BOTTOM: Tomb Raider now. A game of Snake and Ladders had more challenge that these.

But it's okay because everything is optional, right? :D

As much as I love CD's games, no-one can deny that they're incredibly easy and lack any real challenge and these stupid help icons and things like Survival Instinct are so needless, imo.

This post so true. Let's hope TR ('12) will break the mould (after the first level :pi:). Meh, the icons are optional. CD have to cater for that one player who hasn't played TR or any game before. Maybe. :pi: :p

larafan25 16-03-12 23:57

I say we wait for the game to come out, and then bitch like there is no tomorrow about things which aren't optional and hamper exploration, then we win. :pi:

Spong 16-03-12 23:57


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6042301)
Unless the scavengers get to Lara first, and fashion her into a chandelier.

You'll have to make sure you play the game like a boss so they don't get you :ohn:

Stevo505 16-03-12 23:57


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6042297)
You could fashion it into a rather fetching chandelier :ohn:

What does fetching mean?

Spong 16-03-12 23:59


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6042309)
What does fetching mean?


Stevo505 17-03-12 00:00


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6042312)

Like Mean Girls? "That is so fetch."

Spong 17-03-12 00:01

Mean Girls? I've no idea what you're talking about :p

larafan25 17-03-12 00:01



Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6042315)
Like Mean Girls? "That is so fetch."

Fetching is actually a word though, I think.

Lukass 17-03-12 00:02


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6042287)
I wonder if CD really think people would get stuck if that icon wasn't there to tell everyone that you can push a giant block...

Reminds me of this pic:

TOP: Tomb Raider in the 90s. Had real challenge.

BOTTOM: Tomb Raider now. A game of Snake and Ladders had more challenge that these.

But it's okay because everything is optional, right? :D

As much as I love CD's games, no-one can deny that they're incredibly easy and lack any real challenge and these stupid help icons and things like Survival Instinct are so needless, imo.

This is so true! I hope for:

1) Icons ("torch" in the demo)

2) No camera hints (Wolf's Den leaked bit)

3) No visible leading (red wood on the floor showing you where to go and leading to red cage, in the E3 demo)

4) Survival Instinct (Thank God it's optional)

5) Lanterns showing us the right way.

Spong 17-03-12 00:02


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6042317)
Fetching is actually a word though, I think.

It is.


fetching [ˈfɛtʃɪŋ]
adj Informal
1. attractively befitting a fetching hat
2. charming a fetching personality

Stevo505 17-03-12 00:03


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6042316)
Mean Girls? I've no idea what you're talking about :p

Spong 17-03-12 00:04

LOL @ larafan & Steve posting the same vid. I've never seen that show before. Looks like a kids show.

Stevo505 17-03-12 00:05


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6042323)
LOL @ larafan & Steve posting the same vid. I've never seen that show before. Looks like a kids show.

It's a movie that was in theaters LOL. It's stupid funny. But I was reminded of that since you said fetching and you're from England, and the girl in the movie says it's like British slang lol.

Spong 17-03-12 00:05


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6042325)
It's a movie that was in theaters LOL. It's stupid funny.

A film? Oh right. I'll take your word for it that it's funny ;)

larafan25 17-03-12 00:07


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6042326)
A film? Oh right. I'll take your word for it that it's funny ;)

It was written by Tina Fey. :cool:

lol I'm not even a Tina Fey fan.

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