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larafan25 07-04-12 22:02

^That's what I thought, I bet it is.

edit: Oh my God the necklace is going to change during Lara's evolution.

Stevo505 07-04-12 22:06


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6090176)
^That's what I thought, I bet it is.

edit: Oh my God the necklace is going to change during Lara's evolution.

Hopefully that's the box art, because her eyes are very striking... I think that would draw buyers in.

How do you think her necklace is going to change? Why do you think that?

larafan25 07-04-12 22:07


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6090182)
Hopefully that's the box art, because her eyes are very striking... I think that would draw buyers in.

How do you think her necklace is going to change? Why do you think that?

It just seems like in some games there is something which changes, to represent something, maybe ...IDK...who knows.


Stevo505 07-04-12 22:09


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6090185)
It just seems like in some games there is something which changes, to represent something, maybe ...IDK...who knows.


Well, in the non-black and white version of the teaser image, her necklace appears black... but I don't know if that's just because we can't see it properly or what. I would prefer for it to stay green :p

Do you think she'll wear that necklace in future games?

larafan25 07-04-12 22:16


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6090191)
Well, in the non-black and white version of the teaser image, her necklace appears black... but I don't know if that's just because we can't see it properly or what. I would prefer for it to stay green :p

Do you think she'll wear that necklace in future games?

I hope she's cool. :cool:

Lukass 07-04-12 22:27

I love her earrings. I know they're barely visible, but they are there.

larafan25 07-04-12 23:28

The moment I saw she has errings I felt so weird, but it's cool.

just*raidin*tomb 08-04-12 00:16

I immediately love the earrings.

They're not really overly feminine and they look bad ass.

larafan25 08-04-12 00:18

They add personality IMO.

TRexbait 08-04-12 01:17

I wonder if she ends up having to take them off at some point. Or if they get ripped off by somebody.

They seem like an obvious target to me. =/

leglion 08-04-12 01:24

They're so tiny though. I highly doubt it.

Lukass 08-04-12 01:32


Originally Posted by TRexbait (Post 6090412)
I wonder if she ends up having to take them off at some point. Or if they get ripped off by somebody.

They seem like an obvious target to me. =/

That sounds strange :p

NRO. 08-04-12 07:44


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6090416)
They're so tiny though. I highly doubt it.

I had earrings like hers, and they are very easy to rip off accidentally. Especially if you're running trough bushes and whatnot.

But then again, I need five grown men just to help me balance on one foot. I'm no one to talk about how accidents happen to normal people.

Tonyrobinson 08-04-12 09:49

I really wanna find out more about the food and water collecting. I know they say that they aren't making it like The Sims but I hope they don't have a hunger bar and you can bring it back up with just health packs. :p

Lukass 08-04-12 09:52


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 6090723)
I really wanna find out more about the food and water collecting. I know they say that they aren't making it like The Sims but I hope they don't have a hunger bar and you can bring it back up with just health packs. :p

Yes, and I also want to find out if she's gonna heal herself by the leeches as it's been stated once.

Stevo505 08-04-12 10:46


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6090725)
Yes, and I also want to find out if she's gonna heal herself by the leeches as it's been stated once.

Wasn't that like a made up concept thing?

Lukass 08-04-12 10:58


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6090785)
Wasn't that like a made up concept thing?

I think it's been mentioned in some magazine. Not sure though.

aussie500 08-04-12 12:51


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6090725)
Yes, and I also want to find out if she's gonna heal herself by the leeches as it's been stated once.

That was a fan made thing, based on the MGS3 health system. Nothing to do with Crystal Dynamics or the game they are making. None of them have mentioned anything about leeches. And if Lara is collecting any it is getting rid of them that would prevent her losing more health. I doubt Lara wants to be losing blood to the little suckers. Not even in MGS did you heal using leeches, you stopped losing stamina by burning them off.


Perhaps then, it depends on the degree of “hurt.” Lara nursing a broken leg definitely wouldn’t lend to a functional survival-adventure game where you’re supposed to jump around and reach places. But stamina-draining, run button-impairing leeches (as mocked-up in MGS-inspired screens above) still would — one that will even add variety to the gameplay, levelling up how you manage Lara’s life bar.

The Gameplay mention of leeches seemed of dubious reliability as well. Since the thread discussing the fan made mock-up was deleted, I would avoid it.

Lukass 08-04-12 13:34

^Ah, okay.

NRO. 08-04-12 13:37

I think the hunger system is quite ridiculous, tbh. For obvious reasons. =/

_Awestruck_ 08-04-12 13:59

On paper, it's not my favorite idea. But I'm keeping an open mind until I see how ridiculous it truly is.

larafan25 08-04-12 14:00


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6090999)
I think the hunger system is quite ridiculous, tbh. For obvious reasons. =/


Take a hunger system and put it in a game like TRL or TRU and it would be stupid, IMO.

But if traveling the island happens to be something more of a journey with less cinematic interference, then maybe it would fit.

I think people assume that hunting will be some sort of forced mechanic, but really if we have to track and kill an enemy, or pick up a can in the den, then hunting is simply what we've been doing for the past 8 games.

But the hunger "bar" is a reality, is it not? I remember Karl saying they were still trying to figure out how long you could go before the player thinks "Okay I'd be starving by now".

However I don't think the hunger bar will be an energy bar...just some sort of something related to the health bar, as Jay said on the Eidos forums "this isn't AOD" :p

I just don't want this one game to be made of ideas which are only supported by the survival theme, because not every TR game can be surviving on an island.

However with that being said I wouldn't mind if each TR game was less of a globe trotting adventure and more about Lara traveling to one site to uncover a mystery, so we essentially drop into the game with a fixed amount of stuff and have to essentially survive (just not the same look and version of survival).

NRO. 08-04-12 14:09

Meh, I want to think about solutions to puzzles and story instead of filling Lara's pissitude, hungrytum and dapperness bars every two hours or so. Realistic games like that is pretty much why I don't play The Sims anymore as explained by lovely Yahztee here in about three minutes.

larafan25 08-04-12 14:12


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6091030)
Meh, I want to think about solutions to puzzles and story instead of filling Lara's pissitude, hungrytum and dapperness bars every two hours or so.


Hopefully the puzzles on the island (outdoors) don't look too secluded from each other and the rest of the world. Hopefully all the necessary items look like they're just part of the game world.

Though I have this very real feeling that the burning of crap is not going to be consistent.

TRexbait 08-04-12 22:15

As long as the hunger system isn't Minecraft esque, I'm fine.

Stevo505 08-04-12 22:17

Maybe we will be able to eat the scavengers :pi:

Lukass 08-04-12 22:17


CLF 08-04-12 22:18


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6091030)
Meh, I want to think about solutions to puzzles and story instead of filling Lara's pissitude, hungrytum and dapperness bars every two hours or so. Realistic games like that is pretty much why I don't play The Sims anymore as explained by lovely Yahztee here in about three minutes.

I do love me some Yahtzee. :D

larafan25 08-04-12 22:21


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6091826)
Maybe we will be able to eat the scavengers :pi:

Scavenger babies.

slavo120 08-04-12 23:23


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6091838)
Scavenger babies.


Lukass 09-04-12 12:13

Isn't Meagan going to reveal the picture today? :D

lcroft_lc 09-04-12 12:16


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6092776)
Isn't Meagan going to reveal the picture today? :D

Yes. It will be around midnight in my place. Got to see it tomorrow morning. I am thinking whether it will increase my Goosebumps or I have to give a Facepalm. :)

Tonyrobinson 09-04-12 13:59

Nothing yet then. :p

NRO. 09-04-12 14:05

Lara's nr. 5.

Lukass 09-04-12 14:09


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6092961)

When was that posted? :rolleyes:


Tomb Raider Launch Date: Having recently heard that the Tomb Raider reboot has now entered its alpha phase and that it probably won’t make a 2012 release, it would be great to finally hear an official word on the development cycle and where the team expects to see the return of Lara Croft to land. Speculation is that it will be pushed back into 2013 for a March-May release, which makes sense to avoid Halo 4, BioShock: Infinite, Call of Duty, and many other stalwarts of 2012 that are expected to sell millions of copies.
Bullcrap. Isn't it an old article?

NRO. 09-04-12 14:14

Two days ago.

Lukass 09-04-12 14:17


Rai 09-04-12 14:19

It's sheer speculation on their part. Plus TR went alpha in January wasn't it? So the article is a little late with that tidbit of news.

Lukass 09-04-12 14:31


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6092989)
It's sheer speculation on their part. Plus TR went alpha in January wasn't it? So the article is a little late with that tidbit of news.

Yep. It's definitely outdated.

Love2Raid 09-04-12 14:38


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6092961)

Forget Lara, look who's on 1! :p
I hope that there will be some news, I miss PoP. :(

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