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larafan25 17-04-12 19:24


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6113674)
Me too. The only reason I ever used sprint in TRU was to get through the game quicker.

I may have used it to escape the tigers and Naga, but that's about it.

I'm sure we'll have a sprint jump though, which would make sprint useful.

Imagine having to back up and sprint to the edge and leap to make a jump way up high in the hubs. Would be nice.

Also having to sprint away from large things rolling or falling, etc...

Lukass 17-04-12 19:28


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6113677)
So I say... Be prepeared!! end of April or the first days of May... We'll have a BIG wave of news... It's just matter of days guys..! :)

I've been prepared for 10 months now and still nothing, so you better be right.

SpyrosMonster 17-04-12 19:35


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6113700)
I've been prepared for 10 months now and still nothing, so you better be right.

believe me I'm as frustrated as you are... maybe more!
But just take all those things that happened during those 10 months in mind (AND THEY ARE NOT MANY)
It just makes sense...We MUST have news and we WILL have news...

Lukass 17-04-12 19:40


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6113730)
believe me I'm as frustrated as you are... maybe more!
But just take all those things that happened during those 10 months in mind (AND THEY ARE NOT TOO MANY TO THINK ABOUT)
It just makes sense...We MUST have news and we WILL have news...

Well, I was checking magazines for a teasers, I even opened the sealed ones to find out if there is anything. I hate to say that I have found absolute ****. If there was at least bunch of magazines in May (June issues) I'd find a teaser. And if not a teaser than at least a mention, because most of the magazines always has a little article about what's going to be in the next issue and guess what...? No Tomb Raider! So yeah...I hope for a miracle.

larafan25 17-04-12 19:40




a gameplay trailer right now? :(

Lukass 17-04-12 19:41


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6113745)



a gameplay trailer right now? :(

They're not ready yet, honey :(

lcroft_lc 17-04-12 19:44


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6113749)
They're not ready yet, honey :(

But they s**n will be. :pi:

larafan25 17-04-12 19:46


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6113749)
They're not ready yet, honey :('re ready when I say they're ready...


SpyrosMonster 17-04-12 19:46


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6113744)
I hope for a miracle.

That's what we all do... I mean just think it this way... The Hard part is almost over... we've been waiting 10 months and we got NOTHING. and Karl said in a few weeks we will have news... so i say May! May! is the month that CEE DEE will make us feel that it worthed waitting those 10 months HOPEFULLY :o

Lukass 17-04-12 19:46


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6113762)
But they s**n will be. :pi:

Put the knife down, bro'...there's no soon anymore.

lcroft_lc 17-04-12 19:48
Looks cool.

SpyrosMonster 17-04-12 19:49


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6113771)
Put the knife down, bro'...there's no soon anymore.

There is ... In my avatar :tea:

Adamaru 17-04-12 20:24


Originally Posted by me
I have a small question. On April 10th has been updated. And when I'm really looking closer on graphics on site then I can see logo and words "Advanced Imaging Corporation". And, some of fans discovered this graphic, when we can see "SP", "MP" and "DLC" there... I guess this words mean "singleplayer", "multiplayer" and "Downloadable Content" :) I'm not waiting for bright answer from you, because I know you can't tell much before next wave of stuff (which I hope will blow our minds). But what's going on with teasing us with this? This trollface on Karl's laptop? And a dual-pistols icon... awww, Meagan, please stop it, you... :)

I know my english isn't good, but well :pi:
And Meagan answered this:


Originally Posted by Meagan Marie
Hey Adam!

You’d be right in assuming that we’re not going to spoil anything prior to our next wave of info. So you’ll just have to sit and ponder your questions! :P

I’m sorry if you think we’re teasing you too much!



Meagan I hope you're not angry that I'm publishing it here. :hug:

Wonder when this wave will see the light. :hea:

Weemanply109 17-04-12 21:19

I think it's safe to say that there is definitely multiplayer in this game.

Another note: We're getting more news soon, about time. I can't wait!

pekirock 17-04-12 21:29


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6113947)
I think it's safe to say that there is definitely multiplayer in this game.

Another note: We're getting more news soon, about time. I can't wait!

Do you know when? :D

slavo120 17-04-12 21:34


Originally Posted by pekirock (Post 6113974)
Do you know when? :D

then when CD will be ready maybe never :whi:

I see it
Breaking news
Tomb Raider will not be on E3 because CD not ready yet

Lukass 17-04-12 21:40

The next breaking news is going to be about coming breaking news. Anyone remember what happened in February? :vlol:!

SpyrosMonster 17-04-12 21:43


Originally Posted by slavo120 (Post 6113989)
then when CD will be ready maybe never :whi:

I see it
Breaking news
Tomb Raider will not be on E3 because CD not ready yet

Killercowz 17-04-12 21:44


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6113745)



a gameplay trailer right now? :(

Calm your horses.

You'll be holding the whole game in the palm of your hands in 5-7 months.

scremanie 17-04-12 21:48


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6113777) 850114_n.jpg
Looks cool.

Looks like Emma Watson here.

SpyrosMonster 17-04-12 21:52

I have a question...
Is there going to be a Greek language in the new TR ?
Uncharted 3 had this option which was surprising because there's rearly a greek language option ... if there's nothing stated can someone please tell me meagan's twitter so i can ask her ??? :)

slavo120 17-04-12 21:54


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6114040)
I have a question...
Is there going to be a Greek language in the new TR ?
Uncharted 3 had this option which was surprising because there's rearly a greek language option ... if there's nothing stated can someone please tell me morgans' twitter so i can ask her ??? :)

Morgans´ ? :D
You mean Meagan ;)!/meaganmarie
You don´t expect answer ..we know nothing about edition game, box art, release date, so i don´t expect she tell you what languages will be including in game

SpyrosMonster 17-04-12 21:55


Originally Posted by slavo120 (Post 6114042)
Morgans´ ? :D
You mean Meagan ;)!/meaganmarie

haha yes sorry i was thinking a friend of mine :vlol:
THANK YOU! :hug:


Gamd1011 18-04-12 00:53


just*raidin*tomb 18-04-12 01:42

That was so cool.

It would cool if there was one that showed all Laras.

Gamd1011 18-04-12 01:46

^ I started making one, but it was taking too long...:p

If you want to do it google FotoMorph.

just*raidin*tomb 18-04-12 03:57

I don't really have time.

Wow...Tomb Raider section is literally dead.

lcroft_lc 18-04-12 05:23


Originally Posted by Gamd1011 (Post 6114478)
^ I started making one, but it was taking too long...:p

If you want to do it google FotoMorph.

Why you are so excited about DLC in your avatar? :confused:

MyRaider4Life 18-04-12 05:48


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6114576)
Why you are so excited about DLC in your avatar? :confused:

Furthermore, where did those images come from? ._.

lcroft_lc 18-04-12 07:30


Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 6114592)
Furthermore, where did those images come from? ._.

From new site. It was right side banner probably. Meagan removed it cause those images leaked some potential new stuff. :p

MyRaider4Life 18-04-12 07:40


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6114642)
From new site. It was right side banner probably. Meagan removed it cause those images leaked some potential new stuff. :p


So, what else did it leak besides the possibility of DLC and multiplayer? D:

lcroft_lc 18-04-12 07:50


Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 6114651)

So, what else did it leak besides the possibility of DLC and multiplayer? D:

Erm. Dual Pistol. :D

MyRaider4Life 18-04-12 08:09

That might not be dual pistols. :p

Lukass 18-04-12 08:12

Does anyone have an idea of what the other icons on the right side could mean? :D

Shark_Blade 18-04-12 09:22

Did they announce who the villain is yet? Maybe Roth is an enemy all along?

I don't care, as long the villain is a male. Too much lesbian enemies in LAU.

Lukass 18-04-12 09:25


Originally Posted by Shark_Blade (Post 6114738)
Did they announce who the villain is yet? Maybe Roth is an enemy all along?

I don't care, as long the villain is a male. Too much lesbian enemies in LAU.

I don't think there will be any bosses or main villain. The island itself and its inhabitants are going to be our enemies.

Shark_Blade 18-04-12 09:31

But surely they would have a leader of their pack, maybe like a witch doctor or something?

Lukass 18-04-12 09:34

Do you mean like tribal chief? D':

Rai 18-04-12 09:44

I don't want to know who the villain is or of there is one.

Lukass 18-04-12 09:47


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6114756)
I don't want to know who the villain is or of there is one.

Me neither.

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