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Phlip 27-04-12 22:49


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6135538)


I know, I'm just breathing deeply, letting it go and calmly moving on.

Mikky 27-04-12 22:51

Stop trolling, Philip.

Pietras 27-04-12 22:51

There's nothing wrong in liking a particular developer's style and anticipating that you will like their next game based on past experience

larafan25 27-04-12 22:52


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6135554)
Stop trolling, Philip.


As if it wasn't something Philip would say himself about Core. :p

Spong 27-04-12 22:53

So, what have I missed in the few hours I've been gone? Some trailers? A wealth of new screenshots? A free download of TR9's complete soundtrack as composed by Nicki Minaj (I'm assuming she composes all her own songs)?

Phlip 27-04-12 22:54


Originally Posted by Pietras (Post 6135559)
There's nothing wrong in liking a particular developer's style and anticipating that you will like their next game based on past experience

Which is cool, but to say you WILL love it is ridiculous.

Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6135562)
As if it wasn't something Philip would say himself about Core. :p

I wouldn't, actually. I know I'd probably love it, though, but I wouldn't say I guaranteed 100% WILL.

Pietras 27-04-12 22:55


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6135568)
Some trailers? A wealth of new screenshots?

:vlol: :vlol: :vlol: :vlol: :vlol: :vlol: :vlol: :vlol:

larafan25 27-04-12 22:55


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6135575)
Which is cool, but to say you WILL love it is ridiculous.

I wouldn't, actually. I know I'd probably like it, though.

Shame on you.:smk:

You can only think you might like it, no probably.

Phlip 27-04-12 22:57


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6135582)
Shame on you.:smk:

You can only think you might like it, no probably.

Probably would mean think./

just*raidin*tomb 27-04-12 22:57


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6135568)
So, what have I missed in the few hours I've been gone? Some trailers? A wealth of new screenshots? A free download of TR9's complete soundtrack as composed by Nicki Minaj (I'm assuming she composes all her own songs)?

The answer of course is: yes.

Lukass 27-04-12 23:10

Oh gosh, it's all so far away :/

larafan25 27-04-12 23:11


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6135631)
Oh gosh, it's all so far away :/

30-something days.

JsotoTRSaga 27-04-12 23:13


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6135568)
So, what have I missed in the few hours I've been gone? Some trailers? A wealth of new screenshots? A free download of TR9's complete soundtrack as composed by Nicki Minaj (I'm assuming she composes all her own songs)?

Such a pity that nothing of this have been released.

larafan25 27-04-12 23:15

TBH I'm fine without the soundtrack by Nicki Minaj, I'm chill wit dat. o.o

Lukass 27-04-12 23:15


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6135636)

May is going to be unbelievably long!

Spong 27-04-12 23:15

^I think you'll find it'll be thirty-one days long, the same as any other year ;)


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 6135644)
Such a pity that nothing of this have been released.

Or has it?


larafan25 27-04-12 23:16


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6135655)
May is going to be unbelievably long!









A month can pass so quickly. Somehow.

JsotoTRSaga 27-04-12 23:17

If it released I assume everybody here would be making 100's of Threads about it so that's a umm.. NO. :p

xLara_Nathanx 27-04-12 23:19

I really miss the E3 time where almost every TRF member posted in 1 thread. We all shared our excitements and there were 10000000+ posts of ''OMG I SAW LARA'' :vlol:

Phlip 27-04-12 23:19


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6135631)
Oh gosh, it's all so far away :/


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6135660)








A month can pass so quickly. Somehow.

By being on jobseekers allowance, doing ****ty charity work and looking for jobs.

Lukass 27-04-12 23:20

God, I hope they are going to reveal it when I'm at home :/

larafan25 27-04-12 23:22

I will be at home when they reveal it, regardless of whether I have school or not. :mis:

Lukass 27-04-12 23:24

I wish it's in the middle of the night UK time.

just*raidin*tomb 27-04-12 23:24

I think I might get a couple games to make the time pass by quicker. What should I get? Mass Effect 3? Batman:AC? etc? many options.

And I'll be out of school and less than two weeks. YAY COLLEGE.

Spong 27-04-12 23:24


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6135701)
I will be at home when they reveal it, regardless of whether I have school or not. :mis:

Wouldn't it be funny if Canadaland was hit by an electromagnetic pulse on the day TR9 appears at the E3 :vlol:

Stevo505 27-04-12 23:24


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6135701)
I will be at home when they reveal it, regardless of whether I have school or not. :mis:

Me too. May 30 is when I graduate so I can be home all day for Tomb Raider goodness in June :cln:

Lukass 27-04-12 23:27


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6135709)
Wouldn't it be funny if Canadaland was hit by an electromagnetic pulse on the day TR9 appears at the E3 :vlol:

:vlol:! Yes, this and I want this to happen in Bangladesh too. lcroft_lc would get serious heart attack! :vlol:

Spong 27-04-12 23:29


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6135719)
:vlol:! Yes, this and I want this to happen in Bangladesh too. lcroft_lc would get serious heart attack! :vlol:

He'd probably rage quit and destroy the planet in the process :p

larafan25 27-04-12 23:30


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6135709)
Wouldn't it be funny if Canadaland was hit by an electromagnetic pulse on the day TR9 appears at the E3 :vlol:

Yes, every time the power goes out I'm pleasantly reminded of the fact that my laptop has a full battery all the time as I always use it plugged in. So it always has a good 2 hours of power. :cool:


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6135711)
Me too. May 30 is when I graduate so I can be home all day for Tomb Raider goodness in June :cln:

Dang, in June I have exams all around E3. ._.

Spong 27-04-12 23:31


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6135733)
Yes, every time the power goes out I'm pleasantly reminded of the fact that my laptop has a full battery all the time as I always use it plugged in. So it always has a good 2 hours of power. :cool:

Haven't quite grasped what an electromagnetic pulse does then? You could have all the batteries in the world, it still wouldn't matter :p

larafan25 27-04-12 23:32


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6135739)
Haven't quite grasped what an electromagnetic pulse does then? You could have all the batteries in the world, it still wouldn't matter :p

Nope, not sure what it is.

But it just seemed like batteries would work through it.

Lukass 27-04-12 23:34

I can't wait for Spong's immediate opinion about the trailer :p I'm so ****ing positive he's gonna be online at the exact time of its revelation :vlol:

Spong 27-04-12 23:34


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6135742)
Nope, not sure what it is.

But it just seemed like batteries would work through it.

They wouldn't ;)
Better hope your Government isn't working on some top secret experiment. Come the morning of the E3 you could be waking up to a world without electric currents.


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6135753)
I can't wait for Spong's immediate opinion about the trailer :p I'm so ****ing positive he's gonna be online at the exact time of its revelation :vlol:

I'm sure I'll absolutely love it.


Lukass 27-04-12 23:37


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6135755)
I'm sure I'll absolutely love it.


Did you like the Turning Point?

JsotoTRSaga 27-04-12 23:39

oh Calm now, The entire planet will not necessarily run out of electric supplies they have already stated (the NASA) that it may affect communications such as the TV Signals, Phone, Internet etc. but it doesn't mean ALL of the things in this world will run out of power there might be some that will work remember and keep in mind that it happened years ago and yet we have electricity up & Running again Paranoia is running loose in 2012 it seems. My signature goes well with the rumors of Electricity going out of this world forever.

Spong 27-04-12 23:41


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6135767)
Did you like the Turning Point?

As a trailer that essentially passes on the message "TR9 is coming", it does its job quite well. But that's Visual Works for you, it has nothing to do with Crystal or the game.

just*raidin*tomb 27-04-12 23:42

Wait. What is NASA doing? What about the electric grid? What about power?

Did I miss something...

larafan25 27-04-12 23:43

^It's hoobla.


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6135779)
As a trailer that essentially passes on the message "TR9 is coming", it does its job quite well. But that's Visual Works for you, it has nothing to do with Crystal or the game.

Crystal's concept.

JsotoTRSaga 27-04-12 23:45


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6135789)
Wait. What is NASA doing? What about the electric grid? What about power?

Did I miss something...

It may not happen it's nothing to be worried about. Remember not everything you hear or read is necessarily going to happen :) But in case it happens then it may be time to be concerned.

Alexander990 27-04-12 23:45


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6135792)
^It's hoobla.

Crystal's concept.

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