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Lukass 16-05-12 21:33

Wake me up May 31st please. And...thank you :hug:

Spong 16-05-12 21:33


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6171605)
Wake me up May 31st please. And...thank you :hug:

I'll wake you up just to laugh at you ;)

Lukass 16-05-12 21:34


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6171606)
I'll wake you up just to laugh at you ;)


Mikky 16-05-12 21:37


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6171605)
Wake me up May 31st please. And...thank you :hug:

Are you sure? You're just gonna wake up to disappointment. But if you insist...

Alexander990 16-05-12 21:37


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6171606)
I'll wake you up just to laugh at you ;)

uuuu don't say that he'll report you ;)

larafan25 16-05-12 21:39

Ever since the delay I can't help but feel like there's something wrong with the game, so whenever I see the game I'm going to wonder "what's wrong?".

I'm sure there will be a trailer on the 31st...

Spong 16-05-12 21:39


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6171607)

Because you think that something is going to be released on May 31st :p

What are people basing this 'May 31st' theory on anyway?

Mikky 16-05-12 21:41

Personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with the game. They just pushed it back so they wouldn't have to compete with the big games. IMO.

And there won't be any trailer on the 31st.

Lukass 16-05-12 21:42


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6171612)
Because you think that something is going to be released on May 31st :p

What are people basing this 'May 31st' theory on anyway?

I'm not saying they will reveal the trailer May 31st, I'm just guessing like the others. There was a video on GTTV about the All stars PS3 game or something and there was a commercial that they will reveal new trailers May 31st ad they showed Lara as well. I think it would make sense to reveal the trailer that way. I dunno, just guessing...


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6171611)
Ever since the delay I can't help but feel like there's something wrong with the game, so whenever I see the game I'm going to wonder "what's wrong?".

Ditto. Although I'm surprisingly calm, I feel like there's something wrong with the game and it doesn't have anything to do with additional development time or polishing.

Spong 16-05-12 21:47


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6171617)
There was a video on GTTV about the All stars PS3 game or something and there was a commercial that they will reveal new trailers May 31st ad they showed Lara as well.

That's a better base for speculation than the normal standard around here, where people usually just make stuff up off the top of their heads. I still say don't hold your breath though.

Alexander990 16-05-12 21:50

They clearly said E3. I wouldn't expect something sooner.

slavo120 16-05-12 21:50


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6171622)
That's a better base for speculation than the normal standard around here, where people usually just make stuff up off the top of their heads. I still say don't hold your breath though.

still is here little chance for release trailer before E3 like last year with would be logical step

Alexander990 16-05-12 21:53

They didn't even release clear version of the screen we asked. The bow/arrow one. Hence, I keep my expectations low before e3.

larafan25 16-05-12 21:58


Originally Posted by Alexander990 (Post 6171637)
They didn't even release clear version of the screen we asked. The bow/arrow one. Hence, I keep my expectations low before e3.

Many trailers are often released at the pre-E3 show on May 31st, so it's always possible.

Plus the trailer for the pre-E3 show had the TR trailer clips from last year, possibly hinting that TR would again be featured at the pre-E3 show.

Who knows. I hope so.

Mikky 16-05-12 21:59

January or February? I hope it's not March.

Lukass 16-05-12 22:00


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6171643)
January or February? I hope it's not March.

What do you mean? The game release? Well, you seem to be very optimistic. I think it's gonna be late March or early April. If we are lucky.

larafan25 16-05-12 22:03

I remember back when the date was being discussed I wanted a spring or summer release, that's when I like games to release for some odd reason. I hope it's in the late spring.

Alexander990 16-05-12 22:07

"we have decided to move the game’s release date by a few months, from Fall 2012 to the first quarter of 2013." from the beginning of January to the end of March pfffff

i think Christmas;p

just*raidin*tomb 16-05-12 22:08

I'm thinking March or early April as well. Definitely not January.

As for the trailer. There was essentially a "trailer" for the GTTV Pre-E3 show and when they talked new trailer that they were going to unveil, it showed a clip of last years Tomb Raider trailer hinting towards Tomb Raider unveiling a new trailer. It would be weird to just throw in there randomly I think.

I'm not counting on there being a trailer, but I think it's likely. However after the delay announcement I'm not entirely sure. We'll see.

Mikky 16-05-12 22:09

Unless they need to put in "more finishing touches", I don't see why they would release it in April. March at the latest.

IMO, releasing a game in the beginning of the year makes no sense. Who would spend money on a game right after Christmas, when you've possibly already spend money on other games? That doesn't mean no-one would, but still. Damn, imagine if it was delayed again until Summer... The horror. D:

Lukass 16-05-12 22:09


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6171649)
I remember back when the date was being discussed I wanted a spring or summer release, that's when I like games to release for some odd reason. I hope it's in the late spring.

They are maybe going to tell us the exact date at E3?

larafan25 16-05-12 22:13


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6171658)
Unless they need to put in "more finishing touches", I don't see why they would release it in April. March at the latest.

IMO, releasing a game in the beginning of the year makes no sense. Who would spend money on a game right after Christmas, when you've possibly already spend money on other games? That doesn't mean no-one would, but still. Damn, imagine if it was delayed again until Summer... The horror. D:

Boxing Day.


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6171659)
They are maybe going to tell us the exact date at E3?

Maybe, or another window which we already know.

just*raidin*tomb 16-05-12 22:15

I'm thinking they'll announce it at PAX or whatever gaming events occur after E3. I hope they announce it at E3 but even if they did I'm not getting my hopes up for it may change once again. D:

Lukass 16-05-12 22:17


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6171670)
I'm thinking they'll announce it at PAX or whatever gaming events occur after E3. I hope they announce it at E3 but even if they did I'm not getting my hopes up for it may change once again. D:

God no!

leglion 16-05-12 22:18


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6171658)
Unless they need to put in "more finishing touches", I don't see why they would release it in April. March at the latest.

IMO, releasing a game in the beginning of the year makes no sense. Who would spend money on a game right after Christmas, when you've possibly already spend money on other games? That doesn't mean no-one would, but still. Damn, imagine if it was delayed again until Summer... The horror. D:

Um, well, People buy the games for them sooo... That logic only applies to little children who ask their parents to buy them games for Christmas in my head.

Mikky 16-05-12 22:20

^ I don't think so.


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6171659)
They are maybe going to tell us the exact date at E3?

They have to. I mean, we've waited long enough. Even if they told us just the month, I'd be satisfied.


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6171666)
Boxing Day.

Ha! :p


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6171670)
I'm thinking they'll announce it at PAX or whatever gaming events occur after E3. I hope they announce it at E3 but even if they did I'm not getting my hopes up for it may change once again. D:

For God's sake, don't jinx it! ;_;

Alexander990 16-05-12 22:20


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6171677)
Um, well, People buy the games for them sooo... That logic only applies to little children who ask their parents to buy them games for Christmas in my head.

People also buy presents for each other at Christmas.

Lukass 16-05-12 22:21


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6171680)
They have to. I mean, we've waited long enough. Even if they told us just the month, I'd be satisfied.

Why do I feel like even CD themselves don't know the exact month? :/

Mikky 16-05-12 22:25


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6171683)
Why do I feel like even CD themselves don't know the exact month? :/

Oh, they do. I'm sure they know everything by now. Except how to promote their games. :pi:

Lukass 16-05-12 22:28


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6171696)
Oh, they do. I'm sure they know everything by now. Except how to promote their games. :pi:

:vlol: True!

God, I hope they are going to show everything they have planned at E3. I don't want them to show us less just because of the delay :/

larafan25 16-05-12 22:29


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6171704)
:vlol: True!

God, I hope they are going to show everything they have planned at E3. I don't want them to show us less just because of the delay :/

Same, maybe the magazines were pulled back for this reason?

Because obviously a delay affects the campaign schedule. ._.

Mikky 16-05-12 22:32

No, they should show us more than they planned to to make up for delaying the game! :ohn:

larafan25 16-05-12 22:33

I hope they don't spoil the game.

But at the same time I feel like the island might be large and provide lots of tiny activities to do like Arkham City does, in which case there is a lot which will not be spoiled.

Plus multiplayer could be totally non-story-related so they might want to let that out of the bag.

Lukass 16-05-12 22:36


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6171707)
Same, maybe the magazines were pulled back for this reason?

Because obviously a delay affects the campaign schedule. ._.

I don't like how they stated the screenshot they gave us is a hint of what we will be seeing at E3. Um, and...that's all? I was hoping for combat and traveling, they take the tree climbing (if it's not just in the cutscene of course) as a traversal system that's supposed to be shown as well? If they said bla bla bla, this is a hint and you'll see more I would be calmer than I'm now. It looks like they will show some certain part of the game (or even just a cutscene) just to show how they improved it, but...that's all ;___;

Mikky 16-05-12 22:38

TR really needs multiplayer and I hope they announce it at E3. I just think it would appeal to so many more people if it did. And just as long as it doesn't interfere with the story, I'd be happy with it.

I wonder when they'll announce how many DLC packs TR will have... :pi:

just*raidin*tomb 16-05-12 22:38

You have no idea why the screen is a "hint". It just is. I assume it would be because its just a bit that we're going to see in gameplay. Not because we're only going to watch Lara climb trees. >_>

larafan25 16-05-12 22:39


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6171723)
I don't like how they stated the screenshot they gave us is a hint of what we will be seeing at E3. Um, and...that's all? I was hoping for combat and traveling, they take the tree climbing (if it's not just in the cutscene of course) as a traversal system that's supposed to be shown as well? If they said bla bla bla, this is a hint and you'll see more I would be calmer than I'm now. It looks like they will show some certain part of the game (or even cutscene only) just to show how they improved it, but...that's all ;___;

The E3 demo is Lara getting the bow and getting food.

This demo is definitely before she finds Roth, she's got no holster or axe, this must be just after she escapes the scavenger den, maybe the night of day 2 on the island or something.

We're definitely seeing her stealth hunt and aim at a deer I'm sure, and some climbing probably.

Mikky 16-05-12 22:39

It's a hint because we're going to see Lara using the bow in combat. Simple as that.

Linoshi Croft 16-05-12 22:39

Well how long before release have they announced multiplayer for other games, like Assassins Creed: Brotherhood and Mass Effect 3 that had integrated it for the first time.

Lukass 16-05-12 22:40


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6171731)
The E3 demo is Lara getting the bow and getting food.

This demo is definitely before she finds Roth, she's got no holster or axe, this must be just after she escapes the scavenger den, maybe the night of day 2 on the island or something.

We're definitely seeing her stealth hunt and aim at a deer I'm sure, and some climbing probably.

That sounds exciting. I'm still hoping to see at least a slice of the promised combat.

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