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just*raidin*tomb 22-05-12 20:40

Actually its Tomb Raider General Discussion implying that we can casually talk about the franchise, but we mostly use it for Tomb Raider but it doesn't matter. :p

The discussion about swimming is getting repetitive anyway.

Lukass 22-05-12 20:41

I don't know what else we could be debating about? There's really nothing to discuss atm. :(

skylark1121 22-05-12 20:45


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6182830)
Actually its Tomb Raider General Discussion implying that we can casually talk about the franchise, but we mostly use it for Tomb Raider but it doesn't matter. :p

The discussion about swimming is getting repetitive anyway.

I'm pretty sure that that "Tomb Raider Genereal Discussion" refers to "Tomb Raider General Discussion" since it's the name of the new game. :p If the OP is being honest.


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6182834)
I don't know what else we could be debating about? There's really nothing to discuss atm. :(

I know, it's so sad. Won't be long, though, until we do! :jmp:

Lukass 22-05-12 20:49

^ I think I have a better idea...Let's play :vlol:

skylark1121 22-05-12 20:52

Press Start, Lukass. :mis:

Omg, imagine when we'll actually be able to do that. D:

Lukass 22-05-12 20:54


Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 6182864)
Press Start, Lukass. :mis:

Omg, imagine when we'll actually be able to do that. D:

We will finally see the main menu at E3! :eek:

Spong 22-05-12 20:59


Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 6182817)
Ugh, I won't even replay TRU because you have to play through the whole game to get to replay the later levels.

Not on the 360 you don't. So long as you've completed it once, you can load up any chapter you feel like :p

Not that I ever replay it, the game sucks. The only level worth playing is Beneath the Ashes.

tampi 22-05-12 21:03

You did me feel jealousy for a moment Lukass.

There are a interesting point on new pictures that has not very talked. It,s about hunter.
What on this? Do we have to hunt all the time to survive? Will it be a lot of deers everywhere?
Only deers? Maybe can be another's especies to hunt them.
I wonder if you hunt a wolf, f.e., if you can eat it too.
Maybe you have later stomachache. Lol

Lukass 22-05-12 21:11


Originally Posted by tampi (Post 6182883)
You did me feel jealousy for a moment Lukass.

There are a interesting point on new pictures that has not very talked. It,s about hunter.
What on this? Do we have to hunt all the time to survive? Will it be a lot of deers everywhere?
Only deers? Maybe can be another's especies to hunt them.
I wonder if you hunt a wolf, f.e., if you can eat it too.
Maybe you have later stomachache. Lol

I think wolf's meat is inedible? I don't know. I think there will be a lot of deers in the woods. Also, we don't know how often we'll have to hunt. I think there will be some meter that will let us know when she's getting hungry.

Mikky 22-05-12 21:15


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6182855)
^ I think I have a better idea...Let's play :vlol:

Where did you get this pic from?

Lukass 22-05-12 21:16


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6182906)
Where did you get this pic from?

Just took a shot of my living room. :p

Spong 22-05-12 21:18


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6182908)
Just took a shot of my living room. :p

In that case...

LOL @ you and your crappy pre-alpha version of TR9 :vlol:

Lukass 22-05-12 21:19


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6182912)
In that case...

LOL @ you and your crappy pre-alpha version of TR9 :vlol:

:vlol:! You seriously are a killjoy!

It's from the community event in Germany.

Dark_Messiah 22-05-12 21:39


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6182917)
:vlol:! You seriously are a killjoy!

It's from the community event in Germany.

nope that was UK. we cool ppl in germany had.... this:

(You cant see anything but ohohooo when the lights were out :cln:)

Lukass 22-05-12 21:42

^I'd bloody grab those two monster posters!

King.Louie 22-05-12 21:45

y"all are killing me with these pictures D: I just want to snatch one of those remotes and press that ****ing start button :p

b.gluch 22-05-12 21:46


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6182855)
^ I think I have a better idea...Let's play :vlol:

two Xbox360s?

Tonyrobinson 22-05-12 22:02

Who else would love a movie from Visual Works? The Turning Point trailer still amazes me! :)

trlestew 22-05-12 22:05

Although not made exactly by Visual Works, many people who do CGI at Square-Enix did make a movie back in 2007 (or 2005?); Final Fantasy VII Advent Children.

Spong 22-05-12 22:15


Originally Posted by trlestew (Post 6183026)
Although not made exactly by Visual Works, many people who do CGI at Square-Enix did make a movie back in 2007 (or 2005?); Final Fantasy VII Advent Children.

Are you sure about that? I just checked it out myself because I was going to say either Spirits Within or Advent Children, but it seems like Square Visual Works had nothing to do with either movie.

Not that I don't consider those two movies to be the best CGI movies available to date. Nothing has bettered them yet.

trlestew 22-05-12 22:16

I meant that Visual Works didn't make it, but some of the people who work at Visual Works probably helped in the making of it since they specialize in CGI.

Spong 22-05-12 22:18

Oh right :tmb:

Lukass 22-05-12 22:30

Who made the Turning Point if not Visual Works then? :confused:

Stevo505 22-05-12 22:32


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6183079)
Who made the Turning Point if not Visual Works then? :confused:

Visual Works made it.

Mikky 22-05-12 22:33


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6183079)
Who made the Turning Point if not Visual Works then? :confused:

You misunderstood. He was talking about the Final Fantasy movie.

Lukass 22-05-12 22:36

Aha aha aha....xoxo

Phlip 22-05-12 22:37

I will never understand the point of Press Start screens. What the hell purpose do they serve? :rolleyes:

trlestew 22-05-12 22:44

I guess that it was a way of detecting any input devices, such as a controller, joystick, or coin in the older generations of games, and that it simply carried over throughout all future games as some sort of retro callback. Perhaps it still has the same purpose now.

Phlip 22-05-12 22:45


Originally Posted by trlestew (Post 6183125)
I guess that it was a way of detecting any input devices, such as a controller, joystick, or coin in the older generations of games which have carried over throughout all games. Perhaps it still has the same purpose now.

I doubt it. The classic TRs never needed them, and surely any button on the controller (which would control the main menu) would be able to do that. Plus there's usually a skippable FMV or whatever before the Press Start, anyway.

trlestew 22-05-12 22:50

True, I forgot about those. Maybe they just want the player to be ready before the game actually begins.

Spong 22-05-12 22:50


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6183106)
I will never understand the point of Press Start screens. What the hell purpose do they serve? :rolleyes:

It's the point where games 'tick over', when they're ready to go but are waiting on the player to say so. It's a crossover from arcade games with their 'Insert Coin' screens.

Phlip 22-05-12 22:53


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6183146)
It's the point where games 'tick over', when they're ready to go but are waiting on the player to say so. It's a crossover from arcade games with their 'Insert Coin' screens.

99.9% of the time you're gonna be ready to immediately play. For those rare times you might go for a drink or something before the game starts, who cares if the main menu is already on? :confused:

If they get someone to sponsor the game, the "Insert Coin" might be replaced with "Please scan the bar code of your ice cold can of Coco-Cola ;) Sit back, relax, and remember, absolutely, no smoking ;)".

Stevo505 22-05-12 23:17

Maybe so retailers can play demos of the game when they leave it idle.

larafan25 23-05-12 01:27

I remember there was a thread a while back about songs for trailer, I would pick this song for a trailer of this game if it really had lots of creepy ritualistic stuff in it.

The begining would be the endurance sailing across the ocean, shots of it moving, and finally reaching shore of the island. Then Lara being introduced or entering the ship followed by a scene of her in her cabin in a scene like that in the Turning Point trailer, where she pins the map to her locker. Then a short video log of Lara's and long shots of above the island during the part without lyrics.

When the song picks up have shots of Lara apporaching a tomb or something dangerous, a stronger looking Lara.


edit: AHHH WLF? It keeps going to my survive the rapture video!

This is the video...

_Awestruck_ 23-05-12 01:29

Just put in "Intro" by M83 and call it a day, or anything my M83 :p

larafan25 23-05-12 01:32

Listening, this is creepy, is this sires? :pi:

_Awestruck_ 23-05-12 01:33

:vlol: Who knows, but whatever it is it's pretty great. Towards the end.

larafan25 23-05-12 01:35

Oh I see. I can sort of see this in a TR trailer. :cool:

_Awestruck_ 23-05-12 01:45

See? I'm brilliant.

Larua croft 23-05-12 01:50

this song would be great in a trailer.

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