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Weemanply109 23-05-12 21:44


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6185172)
OMG I just checked my email! :eek: DDDDDDD:

It says:


Sorry, but they'd choose me over you. I'm a forum relevancy.

Alexander990 23-05-12 21:59


Originally Posted by Dark_Messiah (Post 6185202)
At first I was like :confused:
And then I was like: :mis:

Lol you got me there for a minute :P

it would be far too expensive for CD to do that haha

hahhhahhah and they would have never said "We hope that you will participate and enjoy seeing you in a few weeks."

just*raidin*tomb 23-05-12 22:04


Killercowz 23-05-12 22:05


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6184932)


skylark1121 23-05-12 22:16

OMG if only they'd be sending PM's like that. :vlol:

I would die. D:

Alexander990 24-05-12 12:16

When will they release those screens in HD?

spyrostr 24-05-12 12:18


Originally Posted by Alexander990 (Post 6186035)
When will they release those screens in HD?

soon :ton:

Hairhelmet12 24-05-12 12:21


Originally Posted by Alexander990 (Post 6186035)
When will they release those screens in HD?

I'm pretty sure Meagan said during or after E3.

Alexander990 24-05-12 12:23


Originally Posted by Hairhelmet12 (Post 6186041)
I'm pretty sure Meagan said during or after E3.

Spong 24-05-12 12:26


Originally Posted by Alexander990 (Post 6186043)

That's a strangely indifferent smiley. The url suggests it represents taking umbrage. What's wrong with Crystal releasing those pics in during/after E3? :confused:

Hairhelmet12 24-05-12 12:27

It's probably just the wait. :p

LNSNHGTDS 24-05-12 12:29

New pics in E3? Awesome! It was about time something was out :) !

Spong 24-05-12 12:29


Originally Posted by Hairhelmet12 (Post 6186046)
It's probably just the wait. :p

Probably :vlol:

Alexander990 24-05-12 12:33


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6186050)
Probably :vlol:

Do you ever eat or drink? I see some of the members are online 24 hours a week.
Do you get payed for it guys? :p

Yes, It's waiting.

Hairhelmet12 24-05-12 12:34


Originally Posted by Alexander990 (Post 6186058)
Do you get payed for it guys? :p

HAHAHHA. I wish.

Spong 24-05-12 12:36


Originally Posted by Alexander990 (Post 6186058)
Do you ever eat or drink?

Sometimes. I eat babies and drink the blood of Crystal fans.

Hairhelmet12 24-05-12 12:37


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6186061)
Sometimes. I eat babies and drink the blood of Crystal fans.

So that's what happened to Lance...

Lukass 24-05-12 12:38


Originally Posted by Hairhelmet12 (Post 6186063)
So that's what happened to Lance...



Spong's online 24/7 because he's scared he could miss anything TR related! :p

Spong 24-05-12 12:43


Originally Posted by Hairhelmet12 (Post 6186063)
So that's what happened to Lance...

Quality :vlol:


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6186065)
Spong's online 24/7 because he's scared he could miss anything TR related! :p

I'm online all the time to provide a balance to all the overexcited children that populate this board :ohn:

Alexander990 24-05-12 12:43


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6186061)
Sometimes. I eat babies and drink the blood of Crystal fans.

lcroft_lc 24-05-12 13:30


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6186061)
Sometimes. I eat babies and drink the blood of Crystal fans.

And guys from UBISOFT. :p

Spong 24-05-12 13:31


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6186152)
And guys from UBISOFT. :p

I have those for breakfast :p

spyrostr 24-05-12 13:49

the place would feel empty without Spong :D

lcroft_lc 24-05-12 13:51


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6186159)
I have those for breakfast :p

Ah some tasty meal to kick-off the day! :D

Spong 24-05-12 13:51

^Ubi staff are just a light snack :p


Originally Posted by spyrostr (Post 6186202)
the place would feel empty without Spong :D

I don't know about it being empty. The place would probably be a lot less cynical though :tea:

Lukass 24-05-12 14:58

I can't imagine TRF without Spong. It would

Dark_Messiah 24-05-12 15:20

So much Ubisoft hate. Lol :D

lcroft_lc 24-05-12 15:25


Originally Posted by Dark_Messiah (Post 6186343)
So much Ubisoft hate. Lol :D

But still Spong can't reduce AC sales. :D

Spong 24-05-12 15:27


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6186357)
But still Spong can't reduce AC sales. :D

I don't need to...


Phlip 24-05-12 16:11

This conversation is full of cringe. =/

Alexander990 24-05-12 17:01


Sir Croft 24-05-12 19:50


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6186361)
I don't need to...



Wraith 24-05-12 21:34

With the second reboot,and another completely different Lara,does anyone else feel that it's not actually "Lara Croft,Tomb Raider" anymore? That Lara's last game was AOD,maybe she retired after that,settled down - she was getting on in years in her original timeline :D

And that it's been easier for CD to drum up interest and sell off of the established name of Lara rather than creating a character with a completely new name?

I just can't think of it as Lara at all anymore :(

Lukass 24-05-12 21:36

Please, not this again :( How is she not Lara anymore? Can you tell?

leglion 24-05-12 21:36


Originally Posted by Wraith (Post 6187469)
With the second reboot,and another completely different Lara,does anyone else feel that it's not actually "Lara Croft,Tomb Raider" anymore? That Lara's last game was AOD,maybe she retired after that,settled down - she was getting on in years in her original timeline :D

And that it's been easier for CD to drum up interest and sell off of the established name of Lara rather than creating a character with a completely new name?

I just can't think of it as Lara at all anymore :(

I think it's still Lara. A more fleshed out and better Lara, in fact.

Phlip 24-05-12 21:37


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6187472)
Please, not this again :(

Well it is kinda true. Lara and Tomb Raider need to be somewhat similar (how much is dependant on each individual) to the previous games to give it a point to have called Lara Lara and Tomb Raider Tomb Raider.

leglion 24-05-12 21:39


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6187480)
Well it is kinda true. Lara and Tomb Raider need to be somewhat similar (how much is dependant on each individual) to the previous games to give it a point to have called Lara Lara and Tomb Raider Tomb Raider.

It is very similar, though.

Phlip 24-05-12 21:40


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6187486)
It is very similar, though.

I'll have to wait to play it to judge, but I hope.

Wraith 24-05-12 21:41


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6187472)
Please, not this again :( How is she not Lara anymore? Can you tell?

Well it's probably been discussed to death,but not by me,coz I wasn't here,and following that reasoning every topic in the world has been discussed to death,so :p

For me it's not Lara because they changed her entire history and backstory. I'd be quite willing to accept a different character,it could still be "Tomb Raider",but with a new protagonist :)

I can overlook immortality in characters,if they keep their history :D

I heard something similar is going on with the new DMC.

leglion 24-05-12 21:41


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6187487)
I'll have to wait to play it to judge, but I hope.

Well from the looks of it and the description, it sounds like TR on steroids. But you're right, we have to play it to judge.

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