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Mikky 18-06-12 19:41

Nice interview. Karl really explained himself well. :tmb:

Ooooh, and he promised they won't screw up with this game. I'll hold him to that. :mis:

leglion 18-06-12 20:11


Originally Posted by Dustie (Post 6263480)
I'm very pessimistic. I don't even understand how is this still a Tomb Raider game. They evidently flushed out the guts of the title. All that there seems to be left is the name. Lara isn't even Lara anymore - she has doubts regarding her situation in the trailer, which in the light of her original bio would not make sense (as she was of younger age than pictured in the new game, when she survived in Himalayas), so they mean to have a new one for her. Crystal openly admit back during Legend developement they disliked how they original game played. Now they're making her say 'I hate tombs' in the new trailer. If they really consider the original Tomb Raider to be so terrible, why not put your actions where your mouth is and make it an original game without using the Tomb Raider and Lara Croft names, huh? Obviously they won't do that, sure, but why pretend it's a Tomb Raider game when they don't want it to be one to begin with... Seriously, I fail to understand what are they trying to do with the franchise, there was soooo much potential in the original gameplay, that for them to just turn sideways with everything is hard to accept.

Um obviously she has doubts about her situation since she's never experienced it before and obviously it isn't going by the first bio since this is a REBOOT.

Mikky 18-06-12 20:18

Reboot - In serial fiction, to reboot means to discard much or even all previous continuity in the series and start anew with fresh ideas. Effectively, the writer(s) declare all established fictive history to be irrelevant to the new storyline, and start the series over as if brand-new.

For all you nitwits out there, make sure to bookmark this post. :D

Rai 18-06-12 20:18

^ Will do :p

Nice interview with Karl there. but gawd he likes the sound of his own voice doesn't he? :p

Interviewer: Yes or no answer, does TR have dual pistols?
Karl: Well we like to show how Lara....[30 minutes later]'ll have to wait and see ;)

Alexander990 18-06-12 20:22


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6264128)

Karl on Up At Noon with Greg Miller. Expect a lot of talking.

Starts around the 6 or 7 minute mark.

Thank you.


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6264315)
^ Will do :p

Nice interview with Karl there. but gawd he likes the sound of his own voice doesn't he? :p

Interviewer: Yes or no answer, does TR have dual pistols?
Karl: Well we like to show how Lara....[30 minutes later]'ll have to wait and see ;)


Mikky 18-06-12 20:22


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6264315)
^ Will do :p

Hey, you're not a nitwit. :smk: Far from it. :D


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6264315)
Nice interview with Karl there. but gawd he likes the sound of his own voice doesn't he? :p

Interviewer: Yes or no answer, does TR have dual pistols?
Karl: Well we like to show how Lara....[30 minutes later]'ll have to wait and see ;)

That's pretty much Karl in a nutshell. :vlol:

klona 18-06-12 21:27


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6264315)
Interviewer: Yes or no answer, does TR have dual pistols?
Karl: Well we like to show how Lara....[30 minutes later]'ll have to wait and see ;)

LaraDuh 18-06-12 21:34

I couldnt even watch after he said. "Im going to try a hot new drug called crack". Idiots.

BinRaider 18-06-12 21:49


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6264328)
Hey, you're not a nitwit. :smk: Far from it. :D

That's pretty much Karl in a nutshell. :vlol:

That's probably because he can make the interview last longer without answering so many questions. You probably get the knack of it in that kind of job after a while. Probably why Brian answers quicker and better because he's an artist.

Adrenaline 18-06-12 22:00


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6264213)
Nice interview. Karl really explained himself well. :tmb:

Ooooh, and he promised they won't screw up with this game. I'll hold him to that. :mis:

Yeah,. LOL.

So they promise they wont screw up? I believe them... :)

just*raidin*tomb 18-06-12 22:06

Decent interview. :)

Alexander990 18-06-12 23:33

I see Karl could't sleep nights because of rape talk. :tea:

Denis 18-06-12 23:48


Originally Posted by Alexander990 (Post 6264722)
I see Karl could't sleep nights because of rape talk. :tea:

loool i think he can sleep..
even when he thinks that we believe in his crup

larafan25 19-06-12 02:14

Guise wut duz this symbol mean?

I think it means cut his organs out and harvest them.

Tombraiderx08 19-06-12 02:16

like a cheap graverobbah /aod

larafan25 19-06-12 02:17

Also, I noticed this guy on fire, falling off the edge, he smashes through the little fence, which is cool.

LaraDuh 19-06-12 02:18


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6264867)
Guise wut duz this symbol mean?

I think it means cut his organs out and harvest them.

Arrow retrieval. ;)

just*raidin*tomb 19-06-12 02:19

Probably loot the body and retrieve arrows.

And I just made a compilation of Lara narrowly escaping death and Windows won't ****ing publish it I'm really sad about it. At 82% it basically crashes my computer. :(

larafan25 19-06-12 02:19


Originally Posted by LaraDuh (Post 6264872)
Arrow retrieval. ;)

Organ retrieval. ;)

But really, that's what I thought at first but the arrow retrieval skill icon is different.

Maybe it's to kill the guy, and he's not dead or something?

edit: NVM this is the kill icon

Stevo505 19-06-12 02:33


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6264867)
Guise wut duz this symbol mean?

I think it means cut his organs out and harvest them.

lawl "I will harvest your organs"

larafan25 19-06-12 02:35

BTW am I the only one reminded of RAGE when looking at TR's graphics?

Specifically that Microsoft demo?

For some reason it just reminds me of RAGE.

Also, In that first combat encounter, I'm going to keep hiding, then run past them and jump and swing down the zipline. :cool:

just*raidin*tomb 19-06-12 02:37


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6264883)
lawl "I will harvest your organs"

furr fewd

Stevo505 19-06-12 02:55


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6264890)
furr fewd

Organ Raider ;)

just*raidin*tomb 19-06-12 02:59


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6264896)
Organ Raider ;)

Organ Raper

LaraDuh 19-06-12 03:02


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6264897)
Organ Raper


Larua croft 19-06-12 03:04


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6264897)
Organ Raper

you rape organs in this game gross

larafan25 19-06-12 03:08

Organ Rapper

leglion 19-06-12 03:12


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6264889)
BTW am I the only one reminded of RAGE when looking at TR's graphics?

Specifically that Microsoft demo?

For some reason it just reminds me of RAGE.

Also, In that first combat encounter, I'm going to keep hiding, then run past them and jump and swing down the zipline. :cool:

They'll shoot you off.

larafan25 19-06-12 03:13


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6264907)
They'll shoot you off.

I'll come back and murder them with me ziplinning axe.

Tombraiderx08 19-06-12 03:14


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6264904)

:vlol: :vlol: :vlol:!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just*raidin*tomb 19-06-12 03:24


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6264904)

Lawlz, dats my image.

larafan25 19-06-12 03:25


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6264912)
Lawlz, dats my image.

I put ma organz un it.

just*raidin*tomb 19-06-12 03:27


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6264913)
I put ma organz un it.


But really that symbol has a knife and an arrow, so maybe you can pick up a knife temporarily and retrieve arrows or something.

leglion 19-06-12 03:30

Maybe it's to cut the arrow out of him or something.

larafan25 19-06-12 03:34


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6264914)

But really that symbol has a knife and an arrow, so maybe you can pick up a knife temporarily and retrieve arrows or something.


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6264915)
Maybe it's to cut the arrow out of him or something.

Oh lawd.

So Lara must have a knife then.

This seems likely.

leglion 19-06-12 03:51


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6264916)
Oh lawd.

So Lara must have a knife then.

This seems likely.

I see the arrow head that she uses to stab the guy in the throat upgrading to a machete. Wasn't there one in one of the concept arts? But the arrow head is acting as a makeshift knife for now.

Hairhelmet12 19-06-12 04:03

Lol, has anyone seen this?
At 0:40
got forbid embedding works.

_Awestruck_ 19-06-12 04:09

I've seen that a few times on TV. I've always wondered if that's what that really was. :vlol:

lcroft_lc 19-06-12 04:17


Originally Posted by Larua croft (Post 6264901)
you rape organs in this game gross

:eek: You're back!!

Tear 19-06-12 04:17


Originally Posted by Hairhelmet12 (Post 6264931)
Lol, has anyone seen this?
At 0:40
got forbid embedding works.

Legend Lara, you're so hot.;)

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