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Love2Raid 19-08-12 23:59


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6389681)
I agree and it looks so high budget. :cln:

It sure does. :)

Heartache 20-08-12 00:09


Originally Posted by Mr GaGa (Post 6389666)
I gotta say the turning point trailer has got to be one of the best trailers ever made. I still get chills when watching it. Once again great job cd :)

cd didnt make the trailer :D

Gamd1011 20-08-12 00:17

But they directed it.

Peep Show 20-08-12 00:24

I hope next gen's in game graphics will look as good as the trailer.

Love2Raid 20-08-12 00:31

Lol, not a chance. :P

Peep Show 20-08-12 00:32

Don't crush my dreams like that. :p

Stevo505 20-08-12 00:37


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6389751)
Lol, not a chance. :P

How? The demo of Square Enix's next-gen engine looks very realistic.

Heartache 20-08-12 01:40

yeah but first of all. the trailler looked 100times better than the video for the next gen graphics. and second i dont think the first games of the next gen will look that good. its always like this the first games of new consoles look like crap compared to games released at the end of the console era

larafan25 20-08-12 01:48

IMO The lighting in the 2011 demo was more atmospheric...

Love2Raid 20-08-12 01:54


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6389773)
How? The demo of Square Enix's next-gen engine looks very realistic.

Yeah, but in no way does it look like the Turning Point trailer. It's just a whole different level of detail that simply cannot be achieved in a game, I don't see it happening anytime soon. I don't know exactly how they create such trailers, but I bet they use something really powerful to render it and it won't go super fast. A gaming system could never display that level of detail while still having the game running at 60 frames/second. That demo probably ran on some powerful system and it's still just a demo, to show off the visuals. The final product that would be released (if it were a game) wouldn't look as good.

Rai 20-08-12 01:58

(Larafan)^I disagree. The 1st pic, it all looks a bit blurred and dark. The darkness could be creepier, yet in the second pic, the light brings out the details more. You can see the shrine is so much more detailed and visible and you can see Lara better. I prefer seeing the detail. The area still looks creepy, I wouldn't want to stay in there too long :p. The depth of the place is more evident too.

JsotoTRSaga 20-08-12 02:19


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6389854)
(Larafan)^I disagree. The 1st pic, it all looks a bit blurred and dark. The darkness could be creepier, yet in the second pic, the light brings out the details more. You can see the shrine is so much more detailed and visible and you can see Lara better. I prefer seeing the detail. The area still looks creepy, I wouldn't want to stay in there too long :p. The depth of the place is more evident too.

This. I agree you took the words off my mouth (I was thinking the same) :tmb:

lcroft_lc 20-08-12 05:09


Originally Posted by Mr GaGa (Post 6389666)
I gotta say the turning point trailer has got to be one of the best trailers ever made. I still get chills when watching it. Once again great job cd :)

Its made by Visual Works. All of their works are fantastic, Turning Point trailer, All Saints trailer, Human Revolution's CGI trailer was absolutely stunning. Their Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within is still the best animation film I have ever seen. :)

NRO. 20-08-12 05:44


Originally Posted by Mr GaGa (Post 6389666)
I gotta say the turning point trailer has got to be one of the best trailers ever made. I still get chills when watching it. Once again great job cd :)

The only flaw was the horrible script. Her lines just sounded cheesy.

italibabee 20-08-12 06:21

The Turning Point trailer looked brilliant<3

I loved it :D

ItIsOkBro 20-08-12 07:56

Did anyone ever figure out the place Lara tells Sam? We got Brighton but the other one.

Tortega? Tirtecko Terra Tego?

Stevo505 20-08-12 15:18


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6389991)
Did anyone ever figure out the place Lara tells Sam? We got Brighton but the other one.

Tortega? Tirtecko Terra Tego?

At first I thought she said Tortuga from pirates of the Caribbean :vlol:

ItIsOkBro 20-08-12 16:39


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6390431)
At first I thought she said Tortuga from pirates of the Caribbean :vlol:

I was totally watching that on TV yesterday and that's what reminded me about it :vlol:

TippingWater 22-08-12 08:37


She was so hungry she forgot to take the deer.

Ha ha.

tomee 22-08-12 08:44


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6389991)
Did anyone ever figure out the place Lara tells Sam? We got Brighton but the other one.

Tortega? Tirtecko Terra Tego?


TippingWater 22-08-12 08:47


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6389991)
Did anyone ever figure out the place Lara tells Sam? We got Brighton but the other one.

Tortega? Tirtecko Terra Tego?

I guess Tortuga :p..

ItIsOkBro 22-08-12 09:14


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6393734)

Lara: Safety in numbers, like that night in Brighton, Sam, remember?

Sam: Brighton?

Lara: Yea, ???Terrtigo??? remember that?

lcroft_lc 22-08-12 10:05


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6393728)



Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6393746)
Lara: Safety in numbers, like that night in Brighton, Sam, remember?

Sam: Brighton?

Lara: Yea, ???Terrtigo??? remember that?

Both of them are student of Archaeology. There's no way they spell Tortuga that way. :ton:

klona 22-08-12 10:09

One of these? :p

tomee 22-08-12 10:41


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6393746)
Lara: Safety in numbers, like that night in Brighton, Sam, remember?

Sam: Brighton?

Lara: Yea, ???Terrtigo??? remember that?

Wait wut? :confused:
What did I miss?

Tonyrobinson 22-08-12 14:20

I just hope they show something exciting soon maybe not this month but the next I'm getting so tired of waiting for this game they need to show more game play. :p

Are there any pod casts or Final Days coming out soon? :)

LENGuin 22-08-12 14:25


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6393746)
Lara: Safety in numbers, like that night in Brighton, Sam, remember?

Sam: Brighton?

Lara: Yea, ???Terrtigo??? remember that?

I reckon it is a club in Brighton that they went to and some creepy guy tried hitting on one of them and they had to get outta there

SpyrosMonster 22-08-12 16:25


Originally Posted by LENGuin (Post 6394192)
I reckon it is a club in Brighton that they went to and some creepy guy tried hitting on one of them and they had to get outta there

Good thinking and the Terttigo thing could've been the name of that guy! D:

WillG 22-08-12 17:29

Are people allowed to openly discuss the leaked footage now? I was wondering and if we can then I am so behind

larafan25 22-08-12 17:30


Originally Posted by WillG (Post 6394469)
Are people allowed to openly discuss the leaked footage now? I was wondering and if we can then I am so behind

I believe we could discuss it a long time ago. We just apparently can't post pics or videos. :/

Evan C. 22-08-12 17:32

Yes, you can. If you should, that's something different :p
Anyway, I think we won't get much more footage than that. Isn't enough with all we have seen so far? I mean, we have to play the game and feel it like something new, right? :p

larafan25 22-08-12 17:34


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6394480)
Yes, you can. If you should, that's something different :p
Anyway, I think we won't get much more footage than that. Isn't enough with all we have seen so far? I mean, we have to play the game and feel it like something new, right? :p

It's not enough, what we've seen so far if CD keep insisting "dynamic exploration" without showing these hubs which are apparently ripe with exploration.

If I had a little more will, it would be footage of the hubs deciding whether or not I buy the game.

WillG 22-08-12 17:36


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6394474)
I believe we could discuss it a long time ago. We just apparently can't post pics or videos. :/

Ugh I've never even seen it :/ is it uploaded anywhere?

Peep Show 22-08-12 17:46

Huh? Isn't the leaked footage "broll" and didn't they already show it officially?

WillG 22-08-12 17:50


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6394505)
Huh? Isn't the leaked footage "broll" and didn't they already show it officially?

I meant the leaked footage WAY back from last year lol, I just remembered about it this morning

Lukass 22-08-12 17:58


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6394480)
Yes, you can. If you should, that's something different :p
Anyway, I think we won't get much more footage than that. Isn't enough with all we have seen so far? I mean, we have to play the game and feel it like something new, right? :p

Definitely not enough, my love. We're yet to see the climbing. They HAVE TO show it. I'm excited for the game again, the forest is beautiful, but it's small. Need to see a big hub...don't want them show it entirely, just wanna see how huge it is.

Peep Show 22-08-12 17:59


Originally Posted by WillG (Post 6394514)
I meant the leaked footage WAY back from last year lol, I just remembered about it this morning

What's that about? :confused: someone pm asap

Evan C. 22-08-12 18:03


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6394527)
Definitely not enough, my love. We're yet to see the climbing. They HAVE TO show it. I'm excited for the game again, the forest is beautiful, but it's small. Need to see a big hub...don't want them show it entirely, just wanna see how huge it is.

Aww sadly, I am dating someone. That can be fixed, tough :ton:

Haha but yes, I would love to see those big areas too. Honestly, a BIG area is what I need to say, "OK, this is going to be purrfect"

Peep Show 22-08-12 18:04


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6394539)
Aww sadly, I am dating someone. That can be fixed, tough :ton:

Haha but yes, I would love to see those big areas too. Honestly, a BIG are is what I need to say, "OK, this is going to be purrfect"


Lukass 22-08-12 18:34


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6394539)
Aww sadly, I am dating someone. That can be fixed, tough :ton:

Haha but yes, I would love to see those big areas too. Honestly, a BIG area is what I need to say, "OK, this is going to be purrfect"

How dare you! :mad:


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