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jhs270694 06-02-12 00:30


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 5958863)
And how a trailer plays has nothing to do with the game itself and how its made and works.

Square probably have to finalise it because well..whatever crystal do now will effect their "image" so to speak.

Well if you think behind the lines, a good trailer indicates the mindset of the producers, from a good trailer you can tell whether they really are trying or not so it gives you alteast an idea of how well a game is going to be. Agreed a trailer really doesn't represent the game play it self, but it gives an idea of how hard the devs are trying to get the game popular. Have you seen all the trailers of AC, one of the best IMO and it always got me excited. Most games dont live up to the expectations of the trailer but then again do they ever? to expect a game to live up to the trailer is pretty foolish because its obvious by now they don't, but that's not the point.

CD hired people renowned at making good trailers already for example deus ex was pretty good, and final fantasy trailers are awesome =]

leglion 06-02-12 00:33


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 5958882)
Karl has always seemed pretty involved to me :confused:

They're involved, just not directly.

larafan25 06-02-12 00:34


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 5958878)
Brand managers aren't directly involved int he making of the game so they wouldn't know everything about it. But to end this argument quickly, somebody tweet Karl and ask him if he knows everything there is to know about the game.

Then why exactly can't they have control if they're paying for the game? BTW, square enix didn't make the trailer, Visual works did.

Didn't I say that? I remember saying that. I said that.

I think that the reason Visual Works (who are a part of Square Enix if I can recall correctly) had so much control is because they were putting the sweat into it. Whereas with Crystal, they have that sort of creative and time-management control over the game itself.

leglion 06-02-12 00:35


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5958892)
Didn't I say that? I remember saying that. I said that.

I think that the reason Visual Works (who are a part of Square Enix if I can recall correctly) had so much control is because they were putting the sweat into it. Whereas with Crystal, they have that sort of creative and time-management control over the game itself.

CD is also part of square enix so i don't see where this logic is coming from... And Karl; said Square Enix denied the idea, not visual works.

Linoshi Croft 06-02-12 00:36


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 5958886)
They're involved, just not directly.

Not directly? So sitting in the office play testing the game and sitting in on the developers is not making himself very aware of the game and its mechanics...Plus, his research directly effected the game.

larafan25 06-02-12 00:37


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 5958893)
CD is also part of square enix so i don't see where this logic is coming from... And Karl; said Square Enix denied the idea, not visual works.

Visual Works is part of it not? More so than CD?

leglion 06-02-12 00:37


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 5958895)
Not directly? So sitting in the office play testing the game and sitting in on the developers is not making himself very aware of the game and its mechanics...Plus, his research directly effected the game.

So that means that he knows everything and everything that happens has to go through him, right? No. Even if he has the priveliges to see these things, Karl isn't the boss so things will slip through his fingers and they'll need to be classified.


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5958898)
Visual Works is part of it not? More so than CD?

They're both part of square enix because square enix owns them both.

Lukass 06-02-12 00:38


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 5958752)
...I hope that's true :/


You can expect a gameplay trailer and the voice actor announcement at the beginning of 2012.

Stevo505 06-02-12 00:38


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5958900)

It's still rather early in the year.

Linoshi Croft 06-02-12 00:39

^Exactly, after March you can LOL all you like xD


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 5958899)
So that means that he knows everything and everything that happens has to go through him, right? No. Karl isn't the boss so things will slip through his fingers and they'll need to be classified.

When did I say he was the boss ? :p


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5958900)


larafan25 06-02-12 00:40


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 5958902)
It's still rather early in the year.

Are you crazy? It's already been a full month since 2012 started! The year's practically gone.


So guys, if Karl didn't say no to multiplayer in TR9...and all the evidence to support the idea that it will be included is ...well evident and linkable...that must mean TR9 is going to have multiplayer.

Lukass 06-02-12 00:40

It must come the middle of February bitches! I mean the gameplay trailer.

leglion 06-02-12 00:41


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 5958904)
^Exactly, after March you can LOL all you like xD

When did I say he was the boss ? :p


The only way he can know everything is if everything had to be run by him before being included in the game. Him having the privileged to see all these things does not mean he saw all the things there is to see.

larafan25 06-02-12 00:41


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5958910)
It must come the middle of February bitches! I mean the gameplay trailer.

I've always associated the VA with February and the GT with March. IDK why. ;/

Stevo505 06-02-12 00:41


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5958910)
It must come the middle of February bitches! I mean the gameplay trailer.

Well if you think about it, a gameplay trailer could be "fun information." It's fun to watch new trailers :D

Lukass 06-02-12 00:45


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 5958914)
Well if you think about it, a gameplay trailer could be "fun information." It's fun to watch new trailers :D

Oh **** I wish! :o

jhs270694 06-02-12 00:45

I hope in mid feb we get alteast some new screenshots of the new alpha stage of the game. a gameplay trailer would be awesome but knowing CD they gonna keep things closely knitted to themselves. the "fun information" is probably the announcement of the new VA or the new Composer or both.

Stevo505 06-02-12 00:47


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 5958924)
I hope in mid feb we get alteast some new screenshots of the new alpha stage of the game. a gameplay trailer would be awesome but knowing CD they gonna keep things closely knitted to themselves. the "fun information" is probably the announcement of the new VA or the new Composer or both.

You're probably right. I don't know what else it really could be. A trailer isn't really "information" :p But I am looking forward to finding out who the VA and the composer are so that's fine :D

NCFirebolt21 06-02-12 00:49

OK, since Karl was playing the game, work on it is officially complete. This is going to be like the LOTR where they shot everything in 6 years and released each movie each consecutive year.

My point, each month till the game's release we should get something. IMO, there might be a Roth trailer containing his bio and highlighting his relation to Lara, similar to the Mortal Kombat 2011 trailers.

jhs270694 06-02-12 00:53

As much as we all would like that to happen, CD is really good at playing Mime with us so we can only speculate what they do. Cant wait for june though :jmp:

Adrenaline 06-02-12 02:12

The year is flying by, actually....
February 6th... god xD

Lukass 06-02-12 02:16


Originally Posted by Adrenaline (Post 5959019)
The year is flying by, actually....
February 6th... god xD

IKR? Right before I read your post I was looking at calendar. We've survived over one year (:eek:) without any news. Now, we are just few months from the release! I still remember when the first concept arts leaked. It does feel like it was yesterday!

just*raidin*tomb 06-02-12 02:16


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 5958868)
Well according to Leglion he doesn't know everything... lol

Well naturally he doesn't know what's going frame-by-frame so to speak, but according the the podcast, the bulk of the game is finished. And I'm sure he has seen A LOT of it, if not all of it. And he definitely knows the story and everything like that.

Lukass 06-02-12 02:23

Lara's birthday is coming :yah: The news will come 14th Feb, I bet :o

Adrenaline 06-02-12 02:30


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5959020)
IKR? Right before I read your post I was looking at calendar. We've survived over one year (:eek:) without any news. Now, we are just few months from the release! I still remember when the first concept arts leaked. It does feel like it was yesterday!

I know! :O Incredibility. We deserve good stuff for being able to survive all this boring shiz. :/ Waiting day after day, Logging onto this forum hoping some news will be announced or leaked... Discussing the game... Theorizing.... It's just all kept me going... kept us going.... teehee

Originally Posted by Lara Croft
Something that keeps us going..

Lukass 06-02-12 02:34

When all seemed lost...we've found a truth! :vlol:

Adrenaline 06-02-12 02:46


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5959038)
When all seemed lost...we've found a truth! :vlol:


Originally Posted by Lara Croft
Something that pushes us..
KARL PUSHES US!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

skylark1121 06-02-12 03:06


Originally Posted by Adrenaline (Post 5959043)
KARL PUSHES US!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Maybe he thinks we're pushovers. D:

Lukass 06-02-12 03:07

^ :vlol:

Adrenaline 06-02-12 03:08


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5959057)
^ :vlol:

...Well We are only Cybernetic to him.. D:

skylark1121 06-02-12 03:09

Well... he should know he's playing with fire. :pi:


Lukass 06-02-12 03:11


Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 5959063)
Well... he should know he's playing with fire. :pi:


The worst thing is that we can do nothing about it. Our job is to shut up and wait lol.

skylark1121 06-02-12 03:12


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5959066)
The worst thing is that we can do nothing about it. Our job is to shut up and wait lol.

Here. Take a pitchfork. :pi:

Lukass 06-02-12 03:14


Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 5959069)
Here. Take a pitchfork. :pi:


I can wait 9 more days. Not even single minute more though. :pi:

Adrenaline 06-02-12 03:15


Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 5959063)
Well... he should know he's playing with fire. :pi:



Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 5959069)
Here. Take a pitchfork. :pi:

Lukass 06-02-12 03:16

bwhaha :vlol:

skylark1121 06-02-12 03:17

I gonna be super disappointed if it's just VA announcement or something, though. :(

Pray for something amazing. *-*

Lukass 06-02-12 03:19

I don't care who she is anymore, but I wouldn't mind if the news was the announcement but it must include a video of her acting + some unseen scene from the game. That would do it for me.

skylark1121 06-02-12 03:22


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5959080)
I don't care who she is anymore, but I wouldn't mind if the news was the announcement but it must include a video of her acting + some unseen scene from the game. That would do it for me.

Exactly. :tmb:

Lukass 06-02-12 03:26


Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 5959086)
Exactly. :tmb:

I remember Karl said, that when they announce the VA it is going to be in a big style. How stupid would it be if they just made some short VA announcement podcast and said "Eeeeek, guys, we are proud to introduce Lara's new voice Tamzilla Shatla Janice Whoever" you know...that just won't happen. I want something visual from the game.

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